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"Hello, Central!" If We Have Lots Of Money, Why Would Anyone Work?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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. Bellringer


DATE: August 14, 2006


Dear BL:

Thank you for your question.

With the coming changes of NESARA, First Contact and the Second Coming will come a great increase in positive energy and a raising of frequencies. This will cause great stress on those of lower frequencies of greed and selfishness. If those who received new wealth choose to be self-centered and spend it only on themselves and for their own selfish interests, this will serve to lower their frequencies even more.

The clashing of high with low vibrations in the physical body causes great stress and physical pain, which quickly leads to physical body deterioration and death. Those who choose to walk on the Darkside will not remain long on Earth Shan.

Secondly, when people see the fulfillment of their dreams by peace and hope being established again in their communities, ethics, morals and values will change greatly to the positive. People will want to help to build a "brave new world" of abundance, justice and freedom. They will realize that everyone must work in constructive ways to help create our Golden Age. They will want to help our Star Friends utilize the new technologies that will be provided to us. Also, people will be able to do the kind of work they enjoy doing, and will not have to worry about the salary or fringe benefits being adequate. Many will gladly volunteer their labor.

The extreme labor jobs can be easily handled by new technology using robots, levitation, etc. You will be amazed at the miraculous things we will have at our disposal. Besides, we won't be making antiquated "land buggies" anymore but space vehicles. If you were helping to make a starship to be used by you later to freely travel the universe, would you complain about the work? I think not! Life, my friend, is soon to become very exciting!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer