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"Hello, Central!" Must We, As Poof Insists, Go To Europe To Access Our Prosperity Program Funds?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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travel that far, to old to understand, can not afford to travel over the pond and want to do good in this country and get things going here now, etc.. Can you, Casper, Unknown, Chris Story or someone out there please immediately tell them what to do or expect? After waiting this long, nobody out here wants to waste anything on the old system and be taken down by the dreaded darkside again. My opioion is that if ANYONE, ANYONE, no matter who tries to take advantage of these people they should immediately be shot by a fireing squad, no trial nothing just gotton rid of period. Enough is Enough,

Answers are needed immediately for when this does happen it will not be wasted ANSWERS and ideas PLEASE



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 9, 2007


Dear RW:

Thank you for your question, the same question that so many others are asking at this time. To my knowledge none of those persons, who are presently making public statements about the progress of the Prosperity Program and Farm Claim bank packet delivery process, believe in NESARA or in a safe Global Banking system to be established on September 19, 2007. The money stolen from the people by the bankers worldwide is being returned to the people to bring balance and abundance to all the people.

This restoration and distribution of the world's wealth is not simply a banking scheme to make the elite "filthy rich" and a few poor people wealthy, who then lose their new wealth to the evil bankers again. Those public statements are all about fear of losing your money, of hiding it somewhere and of going to a far away place to secretly access it, and then not being able to come home again with it.

This is both lies and nonsense that the enlightened people can clearly discern. Do you think that Creator God's Plan 2000 was flawed, so that all the work and years spent by the Lightworkers to bring this stolen wealth back to the people would be for naught? Is this Plan so corrupted, as to allow the evil bankers to continue with their fraud of stealing the people's money? Absolutely not!

To answer your question, "must you go to Europe to safely access your funds?"---absolutely not! The U.S. Federal Reserve System has already been abolished by written contract, and physically will be abolished on Septmeber 18, 2007. The new U.S. Treasury gold-backed banking system goes on line on September 19, 2007 along with the Global Banking System. All banks without a Gold Charter will be immediately closed, and their accounts moved to "gold chartered" banks.

I can not emphasize enough that those, who are investors in the various Prosperity Programs or have filed a Farm Claim against the U.S. Government for banking and tax fraud, when they receive their bank packet in these next few days, carefully read and follow the instructions in the packet. That should be your first priority. Do nothing until you have read and fully understand these instructions.

The financial system is changing, and the rules of that old system no longer apply. It is unwise to seek council of bankers, attorneys and financial advisors of that old system, who thrive on wealth and power and greed. Be wise in whom you choose to seek council, and read and carefully follow the instructions provided to you in your bank packet. These are exciting times. Be gentle as a dove and wary as a fox. Your Angels shall guide you, if you but ask!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer