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"Hello, Central! - Out From Under The Bushel

Patrick H. Bellringer

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dace, Bellringer

Today, April 27, I was emphatically called into action. I pass this information on to you to invite you, if you choose to, to assist me. I address you as Majestic, Master Lightworkers. To me that means you know and own who you are by applying to your life the divine qualities that are part of you. You have a divine knowingness from your heart and illumined mind.

** Insertion. I am guided to take my time and experience what I am called to do. Consequently I have not as yet stepped out completely from “under the bushel”. In addressing this to Master Lghtworkers I am attracted to this message from St Germain today.

“Because you are feeling and thinking beings, you can work with the energies both for yourself and for others. Healers and Lightworkers do this all of the time, and it is their personal choice to work in this way. They are not necessarily special or different to anyone else, but have applied themselves in a disciplined way that has raised their consciousness. They have also purified their body to make a clear channel for the energies, and so are successful in their work. With application and the Will to do such work anyone can achieve a degree of success, it is a question as to how dedicated you are.’

My message and the process given to me won’t make sense to you unless you have read the recent message from Hatonn, Sananda and Candace,

Message from Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Sananda Immanuel and Candace Freize: No Other Planet Has Walked Personally With Christ Michael, As You Shall Do. The reference for the message is on the front page.

I am Avondus. Very recently, April 24, I was given this part of my Star Borne name. I am presently living in a female mortal body as a Lightworker, asking that all the remainder of the veil be removed. I recognize that the removal of the veil is an incremental process that is happening to me all of the time. Sometimes it is very subtle and other times it is more like a lightening bolt. Consciously owning all of my Light Body. my Essence, my Spirit, my Mighty I AM Presence, my Golden Body (names for the same Being) and feeling Its Presence from my toes to the top of my head, was one of the lightening bolts experiences. This Golden being is so powerful and loving that I cannot ignore it.

I was, I am, deeply affected by all of the information from Hatonn, Sananda and Candance. I will focus on what sent me into one of the Lightening Bolt experiences. I contemplated this balance or imbalance of Light and Dark on our beautiful planet. Our friends in this message were telling us what they could and could not do to release the influence of those trained and programmed by the Dark agenda folks. What could I do, I wondered, in addition to what we were asked to do: send the violet flame, send love, remain neutral and non-judgmental, participate in peace prayers, etc. The following statement from the message leaped at me and landed firmly in my heart center.

Page 8 Sananda… So now, my brothers and sisters, let us all come together in his Second Coming event. You are, hereby, duly appointed messiahs. Come join with me in the adventure. Let us not be under bushels, but in the Light, shining as a bright star, together. Let us not be meek. The BBB&G’s put that one on us in the Bible. Meek will not work. We are strong and have great strength in numbers, “TWO OR MORE IN MY NAME”. Namaste from the god within me to the god within you. I AM SANANDA IMMANUELL

The Lightening Bolt landed in my heart center. I am now out from under the bushel! I knew that there was more that I could do, that we, the Lightworkers could do to help this situation. I am mighty rather than meek. We can help people be free of their programming by the Illuminatti. As I owned that knowingness I immediately knew the ones to focus on, the steps to take. I began to outline the process. I was flooded with so much loving confirmation energy that I wept tears of joy and gratitude. I call all of you forth to assist in this task, if you wish to do so. If you work with energy and have the intention to do so you can use this process. I was informed that by doing this process we will make a difference in the lives of people who do not know they are influenced by Illuminati programming. Most of them do not know anything about the agenda by the dark forces. Some may have suspicions. I asked for an estimate of how many people would be in this category – about one million. Now you know why we need your assistance. Some of you have already agreed and are doing this or a similar process. I can feel your presence. You can do this process during sleep time or in your quiet time. For me I am most effective in my quiet time.

I also asked for help from the Legions of Violet Angels. I have worked with them before and they are always loving, willing and helpful. I asked them to identify the people who needed our help and give us any assistance that was needed during the process. Archangel Amethyst has agreed to oversee this project and is always available to us also.


As Master Lightworkers we have different methods of validating our information, making sure that we are connected to Higher Self, rather than personality ego. Some use pendulums, others use various methods of muscle response testing, some are validated by what they see or sense. My knowingness is a mixture of what I sense, present and past knowing, and muscle response testing, if I sense that I need it. Our experiences as healers and of being healed are who we are. Consequently there is no “one way” of doing this. I offer the process as a potential roadmap guided by the uniqueness and purity of your Spirit. Imagine “angel guideposts” and the scent of flowers leading you on.


Clear yourself and ask for a shield of Light to protect you. Meditate or do whatever you do to get quiet and present. Check into your way of knowing so that you are connected and getting answers through your Higher Self. This is a fun, loving satisfying experience. The results guarantee that kind of experience.


The first time you do this program speak your intention out loud. Most of this work will be done in 4th or 5th dimensions. This is my intention statement. “My intention is to work with people who have been identified by the angels as ones programmed by the dark agenda folks to carry out specific programs. I understand that most of these people do not consciously know that they are programmed. I intend, with permission from their higher selves, to remove and nullify the program.”


After the process was given to me. I asked the angels to identify four people who need this help. I applied the process to determine how it worked and will use this information as examples of what is possible. It is imperative that we stay neutral and loving. We definitely do not want to feel their pain or get caught in anger toward those who applied the programs,


a. Ask for the violet angels who are working with this program, Identification and Removal of Dark Agenda Programming, to come forth and communicate with you. Request that the same angel(s) work with you all of the time. If you wish you can ask for the angel’s name. They are waiting for your call I and have been instructed by me. Your angel will also assist in any way you ask. In the examples of my experience I give several examples of how they assist me. The angels are present and already doing the process. They are surveying the planet and identifying people who are receptive to this service. They give me information telepathically.

b. The program can appear in the physical body in different ways, a chip, a lack of something, a rote behavior, etc. The chip, or item, containing the program can be anywhere in the body. I was instructed to look for its effects in the brain. When the program is triggered it activates a pattern of dendrites in the brain that initiate thoughts, feelings, behaviors, sounds and odors. Although it may be dormant it has an energy signature that can be identified if you call it forth. In my healing practice I learned to energetically remove dendrite patterns and replace them with new ones. You may see the dendrite pattern or sense where it is. To do the process of removal you do not need to know what the program is. In one of the cases I will describe, the dendrite pattern had not yet formed. Your “knowingness” and the angels help you identify the dendrite pattern.


a. Connect to the angel who is assisting you.

b. Connect to the Higher Self of that person and ask for a protective golden circle to be activated around that person. Ask for permission to remove an Illuminatti program that blocks their capacity to Love and be Loved. The Higher Self will know what is being asked. If they say no, send them all the Light they can tolerate and ask them to think about it. If they change their mind tell them to go to sleep thinking about it and you will return. Ask an angel to be alert to this person’s wishes. So far all that I have worked with gave permission.

As we continue I will weave in my experience of doing the process with four people who have received the removal and replacement program. I asked to test my procedures before I could complete this message.

c. If they say yes, ask your angel to assist you. Ask if this person needs only the dendrite removal of if the chip that did the programming needs to be removed first. Focus on the brain. The dendrites connected to the program appear as a web of various shades dark energy. Once located use your fingers of golden laser energy from your God/Goddess knowingness to snip the connections all around the web, disconnecting the dendrites responding to the program. Then reach in and remove the web, sending it back to the universe to be purified. With that same golden energy seal and heal all places where the attachments were in the brain. Now go to the opening of the third eye, the brow chakra, and send new information in the form of affirmations to the brain to form new dendrites. Examples, I am free. I am Love. I am Light. I live in the Light. I play in the Light, I laugh in the light. Using your fingers to direct the energy, speak the words as a command from the I AM Presence.

This is my experience. I received the information in my mind. Your experience may be different as you establish a way of communicating with your angel(s).

“Angels, have you identified someone with a dark agenda program?”

“Yes. This is an adult male, African American, 42 years old, who has lived with the program most of his life.”

“Beloved Higher Self of this man, are we connected?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Do we have permission to remove and replace this program?”

“Yes. Thank you. We have been waiting for help.”

First, I place a golden sphere of light around the man. The brightness of the Light pains him, but I assure him the pain will soon be gone. I am informed that he has lived much like a robot, knowing little pain and no joy or pleasure. When I began this process I placed golden light surrounding me protecting me from any interference.

“Angel, I am focused on the head of this man. Show me where the dendrite program is. “

I sensed it quite clearly. Some of you will see it. Some of you will sense it, but you will know it. It appeared as a splotch of gray webbing just above his right ear, inside the skull, about half way up to the top of his head. The area, the web, was about as big as the palm of my hand. The web had a connection to a chip in his body in the solar plexus area. This information was given to me. In some cases it may be necessary to remove the chip. It was not necessary in this case.

Using my fingers as a light laser I snipped the dendrite connections all the way around the patch and reached in and pulled it out, handing it to an angel who immediately delivered it to the universe for purification. Placing my palm energetically over the spot of removal I sent green healing energy into the removal area, then sealing it with loving energy.

Then I spoke to the man. “Beloved Being we are now going to enter some thoughts into you brain to build a new and different program. As I say them you will feel their energy coming in though your third eye, in the middle of your forehead, just above your nose. A light channel moves through your forehead. You decide if you want to keep that thought, that affirmation. These are powerful loving thoughts. If you approve of the thought accept it in your heart as well as your mind. Do you understand that you are in charge of this procedure?” I received a yes.

I was directed as to what to say for the new program, and it was different for each person. Speaking clearly, slowly and directing loving energy through his third eye I said the following. “I am free to be the powerful m that I am”. (pause) “I am Love”. (pause)” I love the Light.”. (pause) “I live in the Light”. (pause) “I am joy”. (pause) “I am peace”. (pause) “Do you accept these statements?” I received a yes.

With his permission, using the violet consuming flame we then swept his aura of all dark and discordant energies. Then he truly reflected the golden sphere of protection. We could not sweep his aura until the program was removed.

Then speaking again to his Higher Self, “Did he receive? Are we complete?” I received yes to both questions. “We leave you now with angels of love surrounding you. We bless you!”


Second example. I have not written this one out with all the details of the first example because the process is the same. I was shown an attractive 47 year-old Caucasian woman in great distress, calling for help and getting none. When talking with her Higher Self and asking for permission I got a definite yes. I was also asked if I would speak with her personality ego before we did the removal of the program. When I spoke to her she told me she was very aware that she was “ruled by something or someone” and that she had no choice but to obey. She refused the diagnosis given her by doctors that she was insane. She kept saying, “But it is not me. Something rules me.”

When asked her if she knew about programming, she said that was a good description of what was happens to her. Then she said her program was a program of prostitution, one that she lived over and over again. It was not just sexual prostitution but everywhere in her life. She said, “I am flat on my face or my back and cannot get up. I even tried killing myself but they would not let me die.”

As we went though the procedure we found the dendrite pattern just above her hairline straight up from her nose. It was twice as big as a silver dollar and went very deep in a spiral. I sniped and snipped and as I pulled it out I snipped some more to get it all clear. The angel was gathering it as I pulled it out. We healed and sealed the spot and the put in the new program. Remember to go slowly and pause appropriately “I AM, that I Am, by all God’s Love I know that I AM! (pause) I am the captain of my ship. (pause) I am Love, Light and Joy (pause) . I am all knowing. (Pause)” We went very slowly with this, allowing her time to feel it. Some of these we repeated. You will know what to do.

We cleared her very dark aura and left it shining brightly with rainbow colors. As we blessed her in preparation of leaving, through her tears she made a final request. “I need to be forgiven. Can you do that?” I said that she could do that and that I would lead her through a forgiveness process.

This is what we did. “Place your hand over your heart center and repeat after me. I call in the energy of the Law of Forgiveness, the energy of the law of Mercy, and the Christed love energy from deep within my heart center.” Now be with that energy for a moment, filling you. Now repeat the following< “I forgive myself and all those who developed and placed this program within me.” It was a beautiful loving moment. I felt the love energy all around us. It was a celebration.

“Are you complete?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

The third example is a very angry five- year old boy. He kept saying, “I am a bad boy. Nobody likes me. Nobody will play with me. I don’t like anybody. I hate me. I am so mad. My heart hurts very bad.” His hands and legs were very busy. With one hand he kept rubbing the center of his chest. I asked his Higher self if I could work with him and remove the program. I was given permission to do so.

It took a few minutes to get his attention. I hummed a lullaby to him and kept asking him to listen to me. Suddenly he heard me. I told him I wanted to tell him something. He said first he wanted me to listen to him. I did and told him I understood and that I was there with some angels to help him. He was paying attention, but was still rubbing his chest. I told him he had something in his chest that hurt him and that I and the angels were going to remove it. I asked for his permission. This conversation was telepathic. I asked him to lie perfectly still and it would not hurt. Then I called for a medical team from the Star Ship Phoenix to remove the program chip.

I told him that the chip and the pain that he felt made him feel like he was bad and that this anger came from the frustration of the pain. Then I told him were going to remove the bad thoughts from his mind and replace them with good ones. He wanted to know if we could really do that. I told him we certainly could and that he would not remember any of this.

I then described very simply what was I was going to do. I removed the dendrite map located across the front of his brain. Then we put in the following affirmations. I did this very slowly and asked him to repeat each one three times. “ I am a good boy” “I love myself.” “I love everybody.” “Everybody loves me.” “Mommy and Daddy love me.” “I play with others and we have a good time.” “My chest is healed, I feel good.” We left him sleeping soundly with his parents watching him, somewhat awed and pleased.


The fourth example was a two-month old baby girl. This baby was crying and whimpering constantly. The doctors could find nothing wrong with the infant. The pain was coming from her head but the source could not be identified. Nothing that they could do for the child stops the pain. Whimpering the child would clutch at her mothers breast but not eating enough. I was informed that a tiny microscopic chip had been placed though the right ear deep into her brain. It was so small that x-rays and scans did not see it. It was a tiny time bomb. In placing it in the brain it had been accidentally triggered.

I called for a very special surgical team to come from the Phoenix. They neutralized the chip and removed it. The baby immediately quieted and fell peacefully asleep tucked in her mother’s arms.

While the team was still there we had a conference. We were informed that 4000 people of different ages, but many infants had received the chip. It could be triggered by a frequency. It was designed to cause panic in the population when 4000 people began screaming with pain. The surgical team agreed to remove all the chips. It is done.

This completes the description of the process. I work the process everyday. Yesterday it was a nine-year old oriental princess who could not speak in a normal voice. She whispered or croaked. She had an implant deep in her fifth energy center. It is gone now. I am so grateful and in constant awe with this process and the opportunity to serve. I am available to answer questions and discuss options with you. E-mail address Please share this with other Master Lightworkers.

In Love and Light,

Avondus (M)
