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"Hello, Central!" I'm Tired Of Chemtrails, And Because They Continue Means Nothing Is Happening. I Am So Tired Of Being A Pawn In This Game!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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I must admit that when I step outside in the mornings and see the chemtrails in the sky it raises quite an anger within especially realizing that the trails are done by apparently "Off World" crafts since they fly silent and the trail just appears without an aircraft in front of it. Weird! I thought for sure that the forces of the Galactic Fleet could easily prevent this from happening especially if it truly is Off World craft. The continued appearance of the trails indicates to me that nothing is happening at this time.

It is amazing that the forces of dark are allowed to continue doing what they have done for such a long time even though it seems to be against existing cosmic laws.

Sometimes I wish I would have never woken up to what is happening around us, the sleepers have an easier time since they don't know anything, and in their world things are tough but normal. I have given up talking to people since everybody gives me the certain look; I guess they pity the old fool.

How can one cancel the soul contract without having to jump of a bridge? I am so tired of being a pawn in this game.

I wish Creator God would blink and this nightmare was over, maybe he/she does, but a blink in the reality of God could be eons for us.

I am happy that at least you seem to have the conviction and faith in what is written about on fourwinds10.

Kind regards.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 5, 2005


Dear HD:

Thank you for your letter. Do not despair! More is happening for good than we realize.

I need to tell you about the chemtrails.. Very early this year the Forces of Light used their technology to neutralize all harmful effects of chemtrail spraying in our atmosphere and convert the chemtrails for our good. Any and all chemtrails that you now see in the sky are being used to clean up the pollution in the atmosphere and to improve the health of the people. Those doing the chemtrails do not realize that they are now working for our good. The joke is on them!

I know how you feel when people think you are being foolish to talk about things they do not believe or even understand. You are certainly not alone. Most people think I am "nuts", but they are the ones who will be in shock when NESARA happens, the Starships land and the Second Coming happens! Then they will turn to us for help.

My friend, very soon we will be very busy helping others to understand "what happened". Do not be angry with the chemtrails. Know in your heart that all is not as it seems. Send the Darkside Love and Light, for they really need it. Once we were on the Darkside and doing what they are now doing.

We are not pawns but only think we are. We have the power within to change our lives and our world. Thought-power is the greatest force on earth. Be happy and rejoice in the coming positive changes. We are here for our lessons in soul growth, and to cancel our contract means that we simply start over in another 3D lifestream in our lessons where we left off here. I do not wish that, and neither do you. This is our last 3D experience. We are all returned Masters, and we need to realize that and use our abilities to assist our planet and her people with Ascension, as we promised to do. Keep hope alive for victory is at hand!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
