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"Hello, Central!" Where Do We Draw the Line? (Updated April 30, 2007

Patrick H. Bellringer

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But I would not object to others who do want K and the convenience of not having to seek out a special shop to buy such. New York City has a large Jewish population where specialty shops establish themselves in their neighborhoods to serve them. Here in Santa Fe we have many shops to serve both the Hispanic population and the larger mixture of tastes. It doesn’t occur to any of us to object to the placement of chorizo and kosher bratwurst in the same deli case. There are Catholic schools, there are Yeshivas, there are Christian schools, we do not object because we as Americans celebrate diversity. I suggest that the Muslims can build and pay for a school. But the public schools must be free of religion. In my opinion, public displays of religion are from pride and not spirituality. Foot washing? Where is that meaningful in a place where everyone wears shoes? Hiding a woman’s face? In a place where facial expression is an important part of communication, it is a liability. Some of us wear crosses, stars of David or ankhs, will we have to remove them in the presence of Muslims? What about the crosses on churches, will they offend Muslims? Will we be required to learn Arabic because English offends? Will signs be in every language? I know that driving along at 60 mph I have a split second to read a sign, will I have to sort through it to find the information that I seek to find my exit? How many concessions must a public make for individuals who have different ideas? Schools were established to give everyone a basic education, what one does on their own time rounds out that education. In my opinion, these students are challenging our Bill of Rights. Also, in my opinion, religions divide, therefore are not of God. Ideas can unite or divide, are all about free will. Free will, if aligned with God, does not impose. Choose another country, one that is entirely Muslim, so that one will not encounter diversity or ham sandwiches. I choose diversity and I enjoy living in a country with a Bill of Rights and ham sandwiches. Diane, Cerrillos, NM, a land of diversity.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 29, 2007


Dear D:

The Darkside is working hard to destroy the morals and values and rights of the people, especially in the United States of America. As the one nation in history to be founded on the precepts of Creator God of Light, this nation once stood for what "could be" world-wide in "freedom and justice for all". Because this nation stood against the Darksides' plans for world domination, it had to be brought to its knees in total submission.

Therefore, throughout these past 200 plus years we have witnessed the gradual and deliberate decline of this great nation by dividing and conquering every precept of goodness. The Muslim scenario is just another flurry in the battle to divide and conquer, while the people sleep.

These are the "end times", the Darkest hours before the Light declares victory. Mother Earth will "draw the line" for the end of Darkness very soon. Our task is to hold the positive energies and the Light of Truth to the end of this 3D Mission.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: D

To: 'Bellringer'

Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 9:43 AM

Subject: RE: Ham sandwich

Dear Patrick and Anne, Holding firm, my friends, you are so courageous in even presenting these concepts. I see the assault clearly, and I believe in the Light and its power. I also support anything and everything that Mother Earth needs to do in order to bring about her Ascension. Don’t let anything deter your mission, Love, Peace and Light to you, D. currently ‘A Land of Disenchantment’