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"Hello, Central!" Could You Comment On The Latest Dove Letter? It Is Most Disconcerting!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ed to bring NESARA to announcement ASAP, today I am unveiling details of actions needed to fix NESARA and move NESARA to announcement.

First, let me explain the ONLY actions being taken to improve NESARA and bring NESARA to announcement are the actions being taken by the NESARA Law Task Force which I have organized. During my 18 month investigations into the true status of the NESARA Law, I discovered certain actions must be taken to improve NESARA and to announce NESARA. I formed the NESARA Law Task Force to accomplish these activities.

There were many things we were told by the White Knights supporting NESARA which were NOT CORRECT. I discovered the truth in my meetings and travels related to NESARA. I have found ALL the solutions needed to improve and fix NESARA. Today, for the first time in the Dove Report, I am telling you exactly what is needed to fix NESARA so it can be announced.

Over 14 months ago, I discovered that NESARA does NOT have the gold or precious metals to back the new US Treasury currency. However, I have FOUND very large quantities of gold which can be purchased to back the new US Treasury currency and will give America a lawful monetary system as required by Constitutional Law. To restore Constitutional Law, we MUST obtain the gold to back the new Treasury currency; otherwise we are not truly restoring Constitutional Law.

It is absolutely necessary that the gold be obtained to back the new US Treasury currency because the gold is what will enable NESARA to have a 100% exchange rate. The exchange rate means that for every dollar of Federal Reserve money you hold in a bank account or in cash, you will receive a dollar of US Treasury currency; this is a 100% exchange rate and means that NO ONE will LOSE money when NESARA is announced.

Over 14 months ago, I discovered that the NESARA Law passed in the year 2000 was passed with ONLY a 10% exchange rate! This means that if NESARA was announced tonight and you had $1,000 – One Thousand - dollars in your bank account, tomorrow you would have only $100 – One Hundred – dollars in your bank account! The exchange rate in the NESARA Law must be fixed and the only way to fix it is to obtain the gold NESARA needs.

The 10% exchange rate is one of the big problems the US Supreme Court Judges had built into the NESARA Law because the Judges controlled the drafting of the NESARA Law and they presented it to the US Congress as an all or nothing proposition. The Judges did not allow Congress to amend the NESARA Law because the Judges do NOT support NESARA and purposely put problems into NESARA so that if it were announced, there would be huge economic problems.

The US Supreme Court Judges who put Bush into the oval office are the same ones who have been controlling NESARA and who purposely put the 10% exchange rate into the NESARA Law. If NESARA was announced without the exchange rate being fixed, it would cause a WORLDWIDE ECONOMIC MELTDOWN of enormous proportions!

In the NESARA Video I show a report from the US Department of the Treasury which contains official government information regarding the amount of US Treasury financial securities which are held by foreign countries around the world. This report taken off the US Treasury website at is entitled “Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities” and shows that the following countries are holding significant amounts of Treasury Securities: Japan, Mainland China, United Kingdom, Caribbean Banking Centers, Taiwan, Germany, Korea, OPEC, Hong Kong, Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Mexico, Norway, Singapore, Brazil, France, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, India, Netherlands, Turkey, Poland, Thailand, Ireland, Israel, and others. The total of “Treasury Securities” held as of September 2005 is $ 2.065 Trillion USD - OVER TWO TRILLION US Dollars!

The issue of the NESARA Law EXCHANGE RATE is a GLOBAL concern and will effect people around the entire world, not just Americans. No country or person can survive having a 10% exchange rate in the NESARA Law – no one can afford to lose 90% of the wealth they have in Federal Reserve notes, Treasury bonds, cash, etc.

Therefore, the NESARA Law EXCHANGE RATE must be corrected to 100%.

The way to correct the exchange rate in alignment with Constitutional Law and to free Americans from the BOGUS national debt imposed by the Federal Reserve Bank, is to purchase hundreds of thousands of metric tons of gold which just became available for purchase THIS YEAR, after over 50 years of legal entanglements.

On November 10, 2005 a few weeks ago, the NESARA Law Task Force was close to initiating a $100M investment process for buying NESARA’s gold. Unfortunately, a key person became ill from a long-term health problem which caused a major deadline to be missed. However, if this process had been completed, we would have been able to announce NESARA before the end of this year!

Some of you reading the Dove Reports have the capability to help behind-the-scenes and confidentially in the process of obtaining the gold for NESARA. Please read the following information carefully:

1. The NESARA Law Task Force has gained the trust of people able to arrange extremely lucrative, elite investment processes which provide extraordinary returns on investment. These investments are not allowed to be advertised and can only be accessed through invitation by those allowed to issue the invitation. These investments are totally lawful.

It is not easy for a wealthy person to make the contacts necessary to access these elite investment opportunities. However, because of my years of supporting NESARA, these contacts have offered their special efforts in our actions to fix and announce NESARA.

2. If you are or know an investor or investors capable of investing $100 Million, $300 Million, $500 Million USD or up, you can help ensure NESARA is fixed and announced as soon as possible. The investor(s) will receive extraordinary returns PER WEEK in these elite investment opportunities. Anyone bringing investors is eligible for very lucrative facilitator fees.

High security factors for the investor include: a. All details are contained in the investment contract the investor receives including guaranteed percentage of return. b. The investor(s)’s funds stay in the investor(s)’s bank account and are never moved. c. The investor has sole signature rights on the bank account and therefore total control.

3. To obtain the funds to purchase NESARA’s gold, the investor will sign a joint-venture agreement that NESARA will receive 50% of the profits of the investment and the investor will receive 50% of the profits. Most investors have not had the opportunity to access the high levels of return in these investments; their rewards will be extremely high profits AND making their own lives and their loved ones’ lives much better by helping NESARA.

4. Within a few weeks of the investment process being initiated, the NESARA Law Task Force will enter negotiations for NESARA’s gold and soon after the gold contract is signed, the NESARA Law will be announced.

5. Due to the unique circumstances surrounding the gold to be purchased, it is NOT necessary to have the full amount of funds for purchasing the gold immediately as certain security measures must be put in place prior to the gold being purchased. However, the investment process generating NESARA’s funds to purchase the gold must be initiated before negotiations for the gold contract can begin.

6. If you are or you know someone who is capable of investing $100M USD, $300M USD or more, send an email to with the Subject of “NESARA Gold” and include your first name, telephone number, your time zone, and the best times to reach you. If you are the principle who has the investment funds, you may choose to have your representative send the email to begin communication. I will personally make the phone call to establish contact soon after receiving your email.

7. In addition to the high security built into these investments, anyone helping NESARA will be fully secure in every way.

I decided to explain exactly what NESARA needs because I’ve been informed that in the first half of 2006, the Bush government is planning to declare nationwide martial law! The Bush government ordered the 9-11 attacks on Americans (see proof below); the Bush government had hoped to declare martial law in September 2001. Bush is gearing up to institute martial law in just a few months from now. Through the so-called patriot acts, Bush already has all the power Hitler had. If Bush were successful, this would make America into Nazi Germany only much, much WORSE.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 28, 2005


Dear FM:

Thank you for writing. As you already know, the Dove went over the edge a year and a half ago in the spring of 2004. At that time she lost her "spiritual feathers" and decided to do NESARA her way. She decided that there was no such thing as an Ascended Master St. Germain with a World Trust some 250 years old, which held the wealth of Earth Shan and backed NESARA 100%.

The Dove decided that there was no such thing as the Forces of Light and Divine Intervention, who could stop the Forces of Darkness upon our request. The Dove believes that many of the NESARA White Knights are liars and have worked to delay and even stop NESARA from happening at all. She now claims that she has discovered the Truth and has found that the only thing stopping NESARA is the lack of gold needed as collateral for the new Gold Standard Banking System.

Of course, the Dove now has the answer to this supposed problem. She asks that you do your patriotic duty and send her money for a big return, so she can buy the gold she has discovered, which can then be used for the needed banking collateral. When this happens, the NESARA problem is fixed! Right?

Do you smell a skunk in the woodpile? I do! What happened to the original contract by which the Farm Claims provided the gold collateral for the new gold banking system? What happened to the gold stolen from us by Israel and stored under the sands in the Negev Desert, but which was brought back by loyal Delta Forces and Navy Seals in the 1990's and stored in the NORAD Complex in Colorado, USA? What happened to the gold stolen from us by the Rockefellers and stored under New York City or the gold stolen from us by the Rothschild's and other international bankers and stored in the caves at Basal, Switzerland and in the Philippine Islands---which was recovered by Delta Forces and Navy Seals in the 1990's and returned to the US of A and stored in the NORAD Complex in Colorado?

What happened to the gold that is the Corpus of the Family Dynasties of the world such as Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Japan, China and the Philippines? What happened to the gold brought to us of Earth Shan as a gift from the people of Venus? Did the Dove now suddenly find that the world's gold has disappeared and she has discovered a new magical source of gold?

I would think it a gross error in judgment to participate in this Dove scheme of "send me your money to purchase my magical pot of gold to get NESARA announced", for a big return on your money. The gold backing the coming gold banking system is in place and has been for several years, and it is heavily guarded not just by White Knights of the U.S. military but, also, by the Forces of Light. Sorry, Dove, they do exist, and they do have the gold collateral for the banks.

Secondly, there is a 100% exchange rate of dollar for dollar between the Federal Reserve notes and the new U.S. Treasury gold/silver certificates. That is part of the contract, and that has never been altered, except, of course, in the Dove Reports. One-thousand dollars in FRN's will be exchanged for one-thousand dollars in U.S. Treasury gold/silver certificates. The Dove's nonsense of 10% exchange rate is only more disinformation to confuse the people and create fear, the greatest tool of the Darkside.

Please understand that the U.S. Supreme Court Judges have no authority over NESARA. They are 3D corrupt judges, who have committed treason against the people, and will be judged accordingly. NESARA is no longer under 3D control.

NESARA is a Divine Plan that shall be implemented under Divine Law by the Forces of Light in cooperation with our 3D NESARA Team White Knights, when Creator God Christ Michael gives the order to do so. That, my friend, can still happen along with First Contact and The Second Coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda before Christmas, 2005. There is time!

Let us make that our greatest and most sincere heart wish for the people of our world this Christmas. Let us not focus our thoughts on the continuing world chaos and pain, but on the peace, health and happiness that is coming to our world, for we create that about which we think!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
