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"Hello, Central!" Is This Waiting Game Ever Going To Be Over?(Updated Sept. 30, 2007

Patrick H. Bellringer

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in their sick little game?

First, let me say, I am a independent. Always have been.

However, It seems to me and many others in these programs that "they" are using "us" to bash Bush and the Republicans ever since they got into the white house.

Will the next President be blamed as well, but only if he is a Republican?

Will "he" be blamed for us not being paid if a Republican were to win the election?

Or is that the purpose of this sick little game, to keep the Republicans out of the white house???

Is this going to continue while Bush is in office, will we finally be paid when the dems take over?

Has that been their goal all along, to blame the Republicans for this whole mess, as well as for everything wrong on this planet?

Is the purpose of this sick little game for the past 6 years to make sure that the dems take the white house next time?

Is this why the money never seems to materialize? All the excuses, rumors, updates posted here and there..

Is this what we have to look forward to for the next 15 months??? If so, please tell us so that we can get on with our lives.

I have been watching this for years now and I have to say that I think "we the people" are being USED to bash Bush and the Republicans to benefit the Democrats. One only has to read the emails and postings to know that most people giving out updates HATE the Republicans and want the Democrats to be in the white house.

Is this money/the prosperity programs been the lure all along???

We the people out here in the real world don't know who to trust anymore, because the good guys and the bad guys are all wearing black hats now, they have all lied to us for political gain and power.

What say you? I'd like to hear some truth for a change...

thanks for listening,


* Please do not post my email address. I don't want hate mail.

Thank You.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 26, 2007


Dear WA:

Thank you for your letter. This game being played with the Prosperity Program and Farm Claim funding packets in the U.S. is only a very small part of the worldwide scene and the changes that are presently occurring. There is a Global plan for bringing goodness to our planet. On September 19, 2007 the Global gold-backed banking system was established, and the U.S. Treasury is now a part of that system.

In the U.S. we now have a dual banking system, but the Federal Reserve will continue to operate until the NESARA law is implemented by public announcement and abolishes the Fed. I expect that to happen prior to the beginning of the new U.S. fiscal year which begins October 1, 2007.

It is true that we have been fed rumors of delivery of these bank packets to their recipients for many years, and we have been told that the evil bankers, politicians, judges, military, etc. have tried to gain control by chasing these bank packets all over the planet. Essentially, this was a giant stalling tactic because there was no true value money available to back these accounts. The Fed money is fiat or fake money, worthless paper, created out of thin air by the stroke of a pen in a banker's ledger. By International Law to deliver these bank packets to the people without true value money to back them is fraud.

As you may know U.S. President Roosevelt took the U.S. off the gold standard in 1933, and U.S. President Nixon took the U.S. off the silver standard, leaving no value backing the currency. Therefore, we must now return to a hard asset base to pay out the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims.

The funding of these programs has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats per se. It is true that many politicians are in these programs and want their money, but they have no control over the true value money backing this funding. Many of them, and especially the Bush/Clinton Crime families, have worked very hard to steal the money for themselves, right up to this very day.

This is all a big joke on them, as they have chased these bank packets all over the U.S. thinking that by controlling the packets would give them access to the money. I have known for some time that there are two separate sets of packets, the Fed packets and the Treasury packets, held by the U.S. Treasury of the Republic.

These Treasury packets have been kept in safety, and now that true value money has been released under a Global banking system on September 19, 2007, the Treasury bank packets are now quietly being delivered to their recipients by the Chinese Ming Family under the security of the Chinese Secret Society.

These years of waiting have been difficult, and many of the investors/recipients have died or have given up hope. We ask, "Why all this delay?" I believe that this process is part of a much greater plan to bring change to our entire world, and that the sequence of events was not ready until now to have a Global banking system of true value that would back the funding of the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims.

Secondly, I believe this waiting has been a time of many lessons in soul growth and of sorting out those, who had evil intent in the use of this money. Creator God's Plan is for abundance to come to all people, not just to a few. Otherwise the cycle of greed and corruption only repeats itself.My friend, expect good things in these coming days.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

(Reply)----- Original Message -----

From: DB


Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2007 9:10 AM

Subject: Hope is as a Rope

Dear Bellringers,

Sometimes in the past, I have lost hope. The packages are not delivered, no announcements, the New World Order continues to create ways to hasten our demise. However, in times like these, I refer back to these words of HOPE!!

“Hope is as a Rope”

Sananda, Phoenix Journal 34, page 8-9 (selected verses)

Think not in poverty, dear ones, raise your humble heads for WE ARE MIGHTY MEN, MARCHING DOWN THE STAIRS CONNECTING THE VERY STARS. We have our ways set for us. There are none to transcend us. We go and come that our purposes be manifest…..

Thus the MIGHTY MEN go forward, they swing a very bright armor, and the morning sun dances that their stride is a story and their sequence a pre-announcement

.…Must I tell you providently that the battle rages hourly and the horse goes forward, that the legions and compatriots move up with a swiftness? Or will you have it that the earth is a pestilence and all men a stench, in that they move blindly without shepherds to guide them?...

…Know your LORD REIGNS AND HIS ERRANDS ARE MERIFUL UNTO THOSE WHO DO MERCY. For in the days that are upon you it shall be made manifest unto you that the “security of Hope is as a rope” giving handholds for lifting yourselves from all impoverishments. You shall be given to see the Great Light and it shall ennoble you; you shall make a vast confederation and it shall command ME. So be it.

For thus it is written, that you should survive and perish not, nor do obeisance unto Mammon and know his payment nor cast your bread on many waters without its returning in loaves that overwhelm you.


In Love and Light,