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"Hello, Central!" German Public Is Shocked! Lightworkers Are Praying For America

Patrick H. Bellringer

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n public is shocked by the way the US "Government" handles the events in your southern states. We regard it as a crying shame that the supposed-to-be most technical advanced country in the world seems to be unable to help their fellow men in their painful situation and in their despair. The Busheveiks have failed to care for their people, they have failed to accept the help from foreign countries, they have failed to take the needed precautions, in deed they have failed in every way. Sorry to say that, but we have seen some "Banana Republics" which were able to handle these kind of situation a better way the US of A does. Imagine the situation that Katrina wouldn´t have turned away from New Orleans by a few degrees due to intervention of the Lighted Realms.... All those tenthousands of people searching for shelter at the sportsdome in New Orleans would be dead now when Katrina would have hit the city by full intense!!

Well, at least we have found the "Bush-Man" granting the area his presence after five days, what a God-gift that is *laugh*

There is one thing that I want to tell you and I would appreciate if you would communicate this message out to the awakened people of America:

Please know that there has been a large amount of old energy wiped out by Katrina. I received a message last night by Metatron and he told me that especially the southern states of the US of A were carrying a lot of old energy and historical bad karma as well. He says that a (I quote): "clearing wind" was necessary to clean up that very special part of the world. But he also told me that the people over there are not alone with that clearance. He told me that it is not over and down with Katrina, but is urgently needed for entire Earth Shan to do the clearing. Therefore all the people all over the world will take their parts in the clearance by spiritual means. And this is why so many people in these days feel with their fellow men in your southern states.

We discovered a kind of atmospherical density during the last days and Metatron told me that this is for clearance as well, because we also help to remove the old energy from Earth Shan which has established itself especially down in New Orleans, because that is not only a matter of the people living there but it is a matter for our whole world.

So, dear Patrick, be asured that we are at the side of those Americans being battled by the forces of nature, for as we support them in every way we are able to and we are destined to do so. We stand as one, cause we ARE one.

Please put this message out to your fellow Americans to let them know that they are not alone and that the Lights of Heaven do not know any 3D-boundaries.

In Love and Light

