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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: Dr. RS


Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 6:11 AM

Subject: Space Shuttle Program

Good Morning Mr. Bellringer,

I have a question or few concerning the Space Shuttle Program.

We, The Public, were told that the demise of the Shuttle Columbia over two years ago resulted from 'tiles' breaking loose damaging the wing causing it to fail resulting in the spacecraft breaking up, etc etc. However, photographs taken by an amateur photographer indicated 'lightning-like discharges' striking the craft, causing it to come apart. Because of the disaster, the shuttle fleet has been 'grounded' until present time.

Now the present shuttle launch is being delayed because of small 'problems', or so We, The Public, are being told.

Questions come to mind. The 'lightning-like discharges' appeared to have been "caused" as no such phenomena had been observed on previous shuttle missions nor with any other satellite launches. Also, the small 'problems' with the current shuttle launch attempt are questionable. In your estimation, do you think that the Columbia disaster of two years ago was a conscious 'attack' or a 'warning' of some sort? If so, are the present small 'problems' with the current launch a continuation of that 'warning'? A warning to 'stay out of space' until the political/social problems on this planet are resolved? Please note that these questions arise because of the extant 'cabal in power' in this country and their willingness to do anything to remain in power. None of us know the ACTUAL mission of those shuttles and what they might have been or are attempting to put into orbit around the planet.

Thank You for your consideration of these inquiries.

In LIGHT ~~~~~~~ RS, Ph.D.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Dr. RS

DATE: July 15, 2005

SUBJECT: July 15, 2005

Dear Dr. RS:

Again, thank you for your pertinent question. The media story of the Columbia disaster was a fabrication to hide the Truth. Supposedly surface tiles broke loose causing enough damage to crash the ship. Shuttle and body parts were found scattered across the Texas landscape. How is that possible?

Anyone with even an elemental knowledge of science knows that falling objects from such a high altitude, as that of the Columbia, would burn up from the heat of friction before reaching the earth's surface. Was there a debris field from the Columbia crash? Yes and No! What was found was not from the Columbia. What was found was the "junk" from airplanes and body parts from clones that the U.S. military dumped out in the Texas skies to fool the media and the people.

The Truth is that the Columbia was on a very evil mission, as nearly every U.S. space mission has been over the years. The Columbia was starting one last planetary orbit before landing, contrary to what you were told. On this last orbit the crew of the Columbia had orders to drop a hydrogen bomb on Iraq and wipe it off the face of Earth Shan!

This was not to be permitted, because Creator God Aton of our Nebadon Universe decreed in 1998, that no more nuclear was to be used for evil intent ever again on Earth Shan from that point forward. Thus, the Columbia mission had to be stopped.

Ashtar Command aboard the New Jerusalem Starship was given orders by Aton to "take out" the Columbia. This was done by particle beam technology which disintegrates any form of mass. This explains the "lightening-like discharges that were observed. The Columbia was instantly vaporized, and the seven crew members were "beamed" aboard the New Jerusalem. They are in safety, are attending space cadet classes to learn the Truth about space travel and space technology, and will be returned at some point to bear witness to the lies and the fraud of the U.S. Space Program.

Again the Darkside is trying to launch a new Columbia shuttle mission of evil intent. Are the delays being caused deliberately? What do you think? Will this mission be successful? I shall let you draw your own conclusions. The Darkside is still determined to win and to stop a return to Goodness.

Bits and pieces of Truth slip through the cracks in the lying media. Let us watch carefully to see how history unfolds.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
