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"Hello, Central!" The Whole Dam Is Breaking! I'm A Little Nobody, I Feel So Helpless! What Can I Do?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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f his new movie "War of the Worlds" which starts in New York City. A few movie clips were shown which featured people fleeing, tanks rolling down the streets, and earth under attack from what I gathered to be aliens. The creator of the movie was hailed as a great visionary and the commentator referenced this to the Orson Wells dialog several years back that panicked the listening audience as they believed we were actually being invaded by hostile space brothers.

I'm under the assumption this movie will be released within the next few weeks....I also had the feeling that this movie has purposely been prepared by the BB&Gs to allienate the public to our space brothers, and to subliminally brainwash those going to see the movie to prepare them for the rejection of our Galactic Brothers and Sisters. I also feel there was some connection to the Army Tanks rolling down the streets of NYC as has been previously reported.

I feel it is IMPERATIVE that NESARA be implemented BEFORE this movie is released! If not, major hurdles will have to be overcome to repair the damage this movie will create.

Tom Cruise is travelling the world promoting this movie. Are our Space Brothers tuned in to this?... and are they going to make their debut BEFORE this movie is released?....or are we going to experience more delays while the masses have to be deprogrammed and deterrorized?

Patrick, forgive me for my lack of understanding...but can you please explain to me how you can win a game of basketball while using the rules that apply to football? In other words, if the BB& Gs don't play fair and follow the rules that apply to elections, etc., then why do we have to have rules to "correctly" correct the situation?

It seems to me that while everyone is in Conference deciding how to evacuate the City without panicking the people and how best to repair the hole in the dam, the whole dam is breaking and soon we won't have to worry about the dam hole!!!

I'm soo frustrated, Patrick....and being a little nobody, I feel so helpless. My prayers start out being thankful for the many blessings, protection, and abundance....but soon my inner being is screaming out for justice, freedom, peace, joy, prosperity and love for the whole world!....I can't enjoy my peaceful little existance, knowing that my brothers and sisters are killing in Iraq...etc., etc....what can I do? I pray that those who have the ability to "make things right" will do so expediently....forget manmade rules and protocol and go by GOD's rules...just do what's RIGHT and DO IT NOW !!!

Thanks for letting me vent. Hopefully, this Game will be over soon.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 17, 2005


Dear GH:

Thank you for your letter. I understand your frustration, for I feel the same way. Do not apologize for your anger. That is called righteous anger and carries powerful positive energies that go into the ethers and enters the great energy stream of Creation. You are most certainly not "a little nobody" and helpless. That is only how you feel at the moment.

You must understand that you have the same potential and are as powerful as anyone else on this planet. Your prayers and energy combined with that of many others creates a very powerful force in the Heavens. Creator God hears every sincere prayer and petition, and each one is carefully recorded by the Angels in the Great Hall of Prayers of the Akashic Records.

Though you do not see the changes for goodness that are so needed, know that they are happening, and that Heaven's reign of goodness is about to break upon our world. The Darkside cannot stand against the Forces of Light. Our combined thought-power is providing the "fuel" for Heaven to prevail against the "principalities and powers of Darkness". Your thoughts and prayers have helped to make the difference.

Much of our righteous anger stems from the fact that we have already learned the lessons that many of our government people, our military and White Knights are now learning. We have been there and done that either in our present or past lifestreams. We become angry at their indecisions and unwillingness to act. We are so frustrated over their ego or their stupidity, and we long for the opportunity to do the job ourselves, because we would act without hesitation or concern over any risk to ourselves.

We know how to do their job, but if we were to do it, how would they learn their lessons? Think of the many times your teachers, whether they were your parents or others, became frustrated over your own slow learning. Sometimes they may even have felt righteous anger at you and your antics.

The big question we must answer is, "What is our 'niche', our role, our place in this ending game of these 'last days' of the Darkside?" Have we learned our lessons in soul growth so we are ready for Ascension into our coming Golden Age? Have we learned the four great virtues of wisdom, bravery, fortitude and generosity? Have we learned patience and endurance? Have we learned to stand for what is right? Should we be standing with Congressman John Conyers at the White House gates and demanding of G.W. Bush a truthful explanation of the "Downing Street Minutes?"

I believe we enlightened ones must be the powerhouse to supply the Light for our world, and I believe we are doing just that! Our prayers and good deeds do not go unnoticed. Our positive energy and our righteous anger energy flow into the pool of Creative Energy that is swiftly pushing our planet toward the sunrise of peace on Earth! The lying media hides the Truth, but there are clues that tell us we are at the end of war, the end of evil government, the end of injustice and hatred and poverty and disease.

Please know that our world's plea for goodness to prevail on Earth Shan has been heard by Creator God and is being answered. We are under Divine Intervention and moving swiftly forward under Heaven's Plan that we have helped to design. The dam of evil is not breaking. All is under the control of the Forces of Light.

You say that you cannot enjoy your peaceful little existence because of the killing going on in Iraq, and you ask, "What can I do?" I tell you that you are doing what you can and must do. You are the generator humming away inside the power plant deep beneath the waters rushing over the dam. You are creating the power that is lighting up the world! That is your task and the task of every other Lightworker in our world today.

Shortly, the Lights will go on across our entire planet. Then you will know that you did it, that we all did it! Sananda Immanuel has told us to remain faithful, to "hang on until I come!" That, my friend, is what we are doing. We are "hanging on" and praying, believing! In so doing we are creating the power that is re-shaping our world. Victory is here! Know it in your heart!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: RN


Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:46 PM

Subject: War of the Worlds

Dear Patrick,

I can hold my silence no longer, not through anger but joy. I worked in London on a lot of the preproduction of the film War of the Worlds. This was the British version. It was never made, and massively delayed any other version, because we could not get any financial backers that did not wish to change the film from the original book.

The other reason why the British film was not made was because the spirit of Richard Burton was not happy with the production team who made jokes about him and did not respect the idea behind the film. To them it was a boys-toy. The name of this company; Darkside Animation. Nothing is by chance!

I have done a lot of soul searching and talking to my guides about this film and what I got was that if a completely over the top version was made, red eyed aliends eating buildings and laying waste to everything they had come to get (!) then that would only reinforce the paralax between Hollywood and reality.

This film is of little consequence except that it will draw out those dark souls and show absurdity to lighted ones.

A good counterpoint!

Love and light,


P.S. You may pass this on to the fellow that wrote "The Whole Dam is Breaking!" as it might help.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 22, 2005


Dear RN:

Thank you for your comments about the film, "War of the Worlds". This greatly helps me to understand why this film is being allowed to "run" at this time.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
