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"Hello, Central!" Hot Off The "Press" From Another "Idiot" (Bellringer)???

Patrick H. Bellringer

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f INK, Carbon Paper or better yet, Paper to print it all the lies out!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Whatever the reason, he does have a good one or

even better yet, he could NOT COME UP with another LIE???

You see Anne, I bet YOU I am NOT the ONLY

person thinking this way, if there are still 100's

and thousand living or alive anymore????????

Hope you people live long enough to enjoy our Prosperity

too OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great week-end again, better one then many of us at least,

Sincerely yours,

KP, ......

NO NEW MESSAGE YET, it is already 03/24/2006

2 PM EST!!!


FROM: Anne Bellringer


DATE: March 24, 2006


Dear KP:

I received your e-mail. Why are you so full of bitterness and negative energy? I was asked by Patrick to graciously send you (before it was even on Fourwinds!) the latest information on NESARA. If we say nothing you whine that there is no news. We send you the Truthful news and you ridicule. What have you done to bring about NESARA? Have you kept your positive energy? You de-grade Patrick, my husband of 44 years to a liar, idiot and totally stupid. Just remember, sir, that the Cosmic Law of Returns is in effect at all times, and whatever you give to another, either negative or positive, comes back to you in multiple amount.

We give you the Truth we know, and you can either accept it or reject it. May you find the Truth you seek.


Anne Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: KP


Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 2:21 PM

Subject: ??? Hi Anne Bellringer: Who and where are those "IDIOTS" with our Prosper...

Hello again Anne Bellringer:

Thank U very kindly for the latest note.

May I tell U something now:

I went true HELL and Back again!!!

I escaped 14 times "DEATH" already!!!

I am still here, trying to help other people

as much as I can, where I am going,

I cannot take it with me anyhow. But who will deliver it to the people when I am gone?

I became a Vegetable due to a car crash in 1989! UNABLE TO WORK FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE PERIOD!!! ($100,000 Income per year has shrunken to $10,000 a year)!!!

On top of it: UNOPERATABLE, 8 Doctors specialist told me

that they will not operate on me ever!!! The Movie Actor George Gobel died on that Operation in 1989 or 1990. So I am still living and hanging in here! Have been married 3 times, but with that Income I have now, I can't even bye myself a cup of coffee!!!

People asking me constantly where are the Packages Do U know that Anne or Patrick????

I Kept quiet so far, I thought it will be here soon or

shortly myself, but without LUCK!!!



What DO U think of the other people Anne or Patrick???

DO U still have a conscious and

can U still sleep at night???

Have a great life and lots of Luck to U both,


----- Original Message -----

From: KP


Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 1:13 PM

Subject: Hi Patrick Bellringer: HOT of the PRESS from "IDIOTS"????????? with our Prosp...

Hello again Patrick Bellringer:

Well what will be your next lie sounding like????

HOT Of The "PRESS" from another "IDIOT"?????

March 23 / 2006, .........hahahahah hehehe nothing to see!!!!

Don't you shame yourself anymore Patrick????

Can you still look yourself into a mirrow and think what

kind of lie should you come up next with towards

the people???

Did your smiling G.W. Bushy kicked you in your rear???

Where are the Prosperity packages now?????

Hand them over to me, since I am out of a job and out of Money anyhow, I would like to deliver them myself to few people here in Ontario, Canada OK Patrick!!!

As long as I can get my package, so I get some traveling money for Gas at least???

Have a wonderful week-end again Patrick, so long 4 now,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 24, 2006


Dear KP:

I do not take lightly your negative comments. You have made it very clear to my wife and I your level of spiritual growth. Have you figured out yet why your life has been a trail of broken relationships and a broken body? What lessons were you to have learned, that you apparently have not yet learned?

You create whatever it is you wish to experience for your own lessons in soul growth. Life is not about money, wealth and possessions or even health and comfort, but about soul growth. You chose to come into this present lifestream, just like we all did, as returned Masters to assist with the transition of Earth Shan and her people into 5D. We all have the same potential, the same connections to the Lighted Realms, the same help available to us, so why are you floundering in the muck?

You have a job to do, brother, and you cannot love anyone else when you do not love yourself. How many times must you repeat your lessons until you learn them? Grow up!

I do not tell lies in my updates. I speak the Truth as it stands at each moment in time. You certainly should know by now that life is change, because the events that occur are shaped by freewill choices of many people. Tell me, what have you really done to create positive energy that would diffuse the negative energy holding back our coming Golden Age? You are being slammed with negativity because that is the energy you are putting out, and being returned to you by the Cosmic Law of Returns. You do reap what you sow!

Have you chosen your next 3D planet yet to continue with your repeating lesson? Just thought I would ask! You do not have much time left to forgive yourself and others and ask for Creator God's forgiveness, and then dump the baggage of the past and move on. Choose wisely, my friend, for we need your help, now!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
