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"Hello, Central!" What Is The Difference Between Being On A Mothership vs. Being In Inner Earth?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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providing us Lightworkers with the Truth and guidance (and all the answers you give us, which are many!). You give us hope in these trying times and for that, we appreciate all the work you and Anne provide. Thank you sincerely.

The time is drawing near for us to depart Mother Gaia and we're all getting very excited indeed! Couple questions for you.

What is the difference between being on the Mother Ships vs being in Inner Earth? Do we have a choice in the matter? Can we pick where we want to go? Either place is fine with me, but I'm just curious as to the difference with these two places.

Light beams from ships - how will we truly know they are "good light beams" besides asking them if they are of the Light? We will all have mixed emotions when the time comes and our judgments may be impaired from excitement, anxiety and pure happiness. Besides TRYING to remain calm, what can we do to help with the whole beaming process?

Will we be told in our dreams where to go and how/when?

May either the First Contact or "Lift-off" happen very, very soon, we pray for it every day!

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

With Love and Patience,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: M.T.

DATE: May 12, 2006


Dear M.T.:

Thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds. We honor you for being a Lightworker in these end times. Our mission has not been easy.

Actually, there will be little difference being in Inner Earth or being aboard a Mothership. They have the same features, mountains, rivers, forests, fields, uniform climate, crystal cities, and all in balance and harmony with peace and abundance and freedom and happiness.

Some people have soul contracts about where they are to go for their next lessons in soul growth. Others do not. You will know when the changes come what you are to do. You may be asked to choose.

If there is a sudden evacuation, you will be guided telepathically about stepping into a beam of Light. Should you have any doubt, just ask out loud or in your thoughts and those aboard the starship must respond. They must identify themselves, immediately. Should they fail to do that, they will be vaporized--poof! Hopefully, evacuation will not be sudden, but we will know in advance, and all can be done in an orderly fashion with the people prepared for the experience. With advance notice there would be less trauma because everyone would know what to do and what to expect.

I encourage you to prepare yourself emotionally for the experience of being "beamed" aboard a starship. Those with higher frequencies will more closely match the frequencies of the transporter beam of Light, and will suffer no physical damage. Those with low frequencies will probably experience physical damage to their physical body, which can be corrected by the medical teams aboard ships. In some cases of too low frequency, some people will leave their physical body behind. They will experience death. Then they---soul (which is the real you) will be given an etherical body, which matches the dimension to which they are going.

This is all new and very exciting. We have done this many times before, but we do not remember those experiences in past lifestreams. There is no need to feel anxiety or fret about lift-off. You are in the best of hands of caring friends, who know well their duties. Be calm and follow your instructions, and all will go well. Be in peace!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer