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"Hello, Central!" Today I Threw My American Flag Into The Garbage Can!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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urricane Headline Newspapers.........I told my spouse that if he is looking for the American Flag it is in the GARBAGE CAN ...I went on to tell him that I am so ASHAMED to be an American dis-approval of our Government has been 'waxing' far-to-long to be quiet any more(At long last I have become a Flag burner/destroyer) Spouse did not reply but keep 'clearing' his throat, like he was choked up and it was like he knew it was better not to say anything )

I will NOT 'hang-out' another American Flag till we have our Country back into Consitutional Law with all its REFORMS......

(destroying a American Flag is small step but the IMAGE is worth its weight in Gold and Silver don't you just bet!!!!

Perhaps we will have a NEW Symbol (Flag) when all is SAID AND DONE...A Planetary Universal Flag~ showing all-races, colors, creeds, holding hands in Unity and Purpose!!!!

Peace, Love, Unity, Prosperity...for all




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 9, 2005


Dear N:

Hopefully, our new American Flag will be our civil flag with vertical stripes of The Republic rather than our present military flag with the gold fringe of Admiralty Law of the "high seas".

Maybe you can design a new flag for a free and peaceful world!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
