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"Hello, Central!" Responses (Updated September 1, 2006)

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understand that! Sure, there are many days I get discouraged and wish I was ignorant to all this Enlightment and NESARA information, because they say ignorance is bliss. It's hard to deal with information that you're not sure what to do with and we think maybe life wouldn't be so hard if I didn't know all that was going on behind closed doors. I've realized, as hard as it is to hang on with each word, each bit of updated news, that I have to believe in it, there has to be something better coming. Sure, life is hard anyways, but I'm glad to be in the KNOW of all the good that's coming and all the bad that is happening. When the Second Coming and Contact happens, I know which side I'll be on, no question about it, because of the research I've been doing and what I believe to be right.

I know what people are frustrated about when it comes to the updates and everything because whenever I see a NESARA update on your website, I think - here we go again, another delay and WHY? But, way I see it, we've waited this long, we just have to keep doing what we have to do to make it through each and every day, grumbling, complaining, laughing, crying, hurting, loving and wishing upon that one star that will take us to a better place someday. We don't get the guidance like you, Anne and few other people do through channelings and whatnot (no matter how hard I try, I don't seem to get anything) that's why we rely on you to give us what you know. Like you said, if people don't like it, they can turn the blind eye, don't go to your website and just go about their daily lives as usual. For me, as weary as I'm becoming, I need to look at what's happening - I look at your website everyday for postings of encouragement, information and updates. I don't even watch the news anymore, it's become to predictable and useless! You don't find Truth there, you have to dig to find Truth and when you do, it's certainly shocking!

Please continue doing what you both are doing - which is providing us with the Truth and teaching us a valuable lessen, PATIENCE! We all are running low on that, but we must hang on, it's all we can do. I pray for NESARA, Contact and Second Coming everyday. When that day comes, what a blessing it certainly will be for all of us who waited this battle out. I pray too that you and Anne will be patient with us, for we do not know any better and we're all running low on fuel w/no memories to rely on (I know our subconscious knows all, but we don't!). That alone is frustrating, but one day, we'll all know all when the time comes.

Thank you for the valuable work you both do. May you both be blessed with wonderful things to come (and the rest of us too)!

In Light and Love,



----- Original Message -----

From: DF


Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:29 PM

Subject: Thank you

Dear Anne and Patrick:

Your writings are both educational and enjoyable. I also have followed NESARA for several years and am still so excited that we will one day soon get the new money for our nation and the Nations of other countries.

Please don't let these deadbeats writing to you destroy the information that you write or put a damper on it.

Your information on NESARA and what was happening was wonderful to my ears and I hope to hear more soon. I loved hearing about Queen Elizabeth and her actions in NESARA.

What a God-Send you are to us.




----- Original Message -----

From: DH


Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:08 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Dear Patrick,

Thank you for all your hard work and diligence.

As a spiritual teach of mine once said, "if you can be broken, you will." We are in the time of the great reckoning, the resolution of so much ignorance and suffering. Amidst the swirl of everyday events there is the Tone behind each and every voice, each and every action. Your tone is spot on and one united with Spirit.

As another of my teachers said, "if you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen." Sometimes the truth hurts but it hurts good to the Angel.

With you brother.


----- Original Message -----

From: N


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 9:57 AM

Subject: Contact Request From


over the years i too have written to patrick complaining about "GOD'S" inability to perform. i am still confused about that, BUT, regarding his ongoing attempt to keep us informed and our ongoing complaints about false reporting, i write to assure you his reporting has been especially accurate the last few weeks. some of have 15 or more years invested in this search for truth and those of us who are priviledged to have highly placed sources can verify patricks accuracy. when Q took over our deal some time back info came from her own mouth daily which turned out to be totally false. when the head cheese turns out to be a "lying backstabbing two bit con-artist" is that on her or on the messenger who is quoting her? now that a.m. has replaced her we (patrick) are now at the mercy of her veracity. at this moment we believe her to be shooting straight with us resulting in delv. this week. if she is lying we will know very quickly. its true the 1200 bankers have been arrested and charged with three fellonies each. when these things happen corrective action seems to be immediate nevertheless a delay is unavoidable.

notice the size, greed and power of "the enemy". the clinton's, the bush's, john roberts, paulson, the banks, the new wld. order, the Q, caryle, etc., etc., the existing power structure of the entire world. this group makes t-rex look like a puppy. as bush sr. promised, " over my dead body". be angry and frustrated with the enemy not the ones trying to help at great sacrifice to themselves. we are but pawns in a war we scarcely understand. are the "bad guys" doing what they do to protect thier new world order? or to stay in power at all cost? or is it to protect the living standards of the american public which will fall 30/40 % when and if the u.s. (federal reserve) lose's financial control of the world vis-a-vis "petro-dollars". what happens to the mid east monarchy's when the treaties providing u.s. protection in return for " dollars only" for oil are no longer valid? the complexities of this changeover boggle the mind. the loss of fractional banking, the loss of fiat currencies, politicians loss of votes for spending, loss of u.s. (frb) financial preiminence in the world, therefore "control" of the world. or is it all the above-and more?? we kick and scream "we want our money". think now, while we have time, the responsibilities that will come with that money when your neighbors and loved ones are desparate. think about the dozens, nay, hundreds who have died over such as this including kennedy, lincoln, and mckinley. a lesson from long ago; "in the world of sprit you are always at the beginning". i suspect this situation is very much like that. no matter how much some of us think we know its likely we see only the tip of the iceberg, which is another way of saying DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER. messengers have the weight of the world on thier shoulders. those who try the hardest carry the heaviest weight. can we trust todays news because its coming "from the horses mouth"? absolutely not. if hatton, christ michael, germain et al cant call it accurately, what chance do we have? the "powers that be" have been lying continously at the highest levels and frankly i think they are all in it together blaming it on each other. this morning i hear we are back to a two teir financial system, the frb survives which would likely mean no return to the constitution and the "bad guys" (illuminatti) continue to rule the world and most "enlightened" info turns out to be dead wrong. true or false? dont know. if you get your info from insiders as the bellringers do, and they are lying-what to do??? fortunately none of this has to do with will we or wont we recieve. just timing. trustees are lined up like dominoes all over the world waiting for the start. some impt. sources say m. is lying, no delv. till 5th or 6th. its close. the funding will happen. a return to honesty and integrity in govt. another matter entirely. the messenger is not the enemy. dont shoot the messenger.


----- Original Message -----

From: D


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:38 AM

Subject: BE the change

Greetings Brother Patrick---

I am feeling inspired to respond to the fervor of whining and complaining that appears pandemic within the Fourwinds10 mail box.

I truly understand your viewpoint---it is clear to me why you are taking the no-nonsense, practically minded, butt kicking approach with these ones of doubt. I applaud your resonant advice. I appreciate your model of power and truth. I even admire the way in which you do it, perhaps offending some but perhaps, also, (hopefully) jarring others awake.

It is true---the Masters don't sit around and whine about "when" or ponder the details of the task-at-hand. They (read WE) get the job done. They embody the strength, courage, wisdom, authentic power and energy of visioning. They (We) demonstrate commitment to the principles and spiritual Laws. They don't wait for someone else to do it for them. They (I repeat We) take the initiative to cleanse the doubt, fear, and discord; to model the truth, to live the truth and speak the truth at any and all costs. They (We) are not victims. They do not squander their precious, precious energy blaming, arguing and niggling over dates or otherwise. They take full responsibility and embody it in their field of energy. They SEE the Shift occur, they feel it in all senses, they Know it has occurred, and they give thanks for this incredible time we are NOW living in upon Earth Shan.

Present tense intentional here---it is US who are pulling this off---and the changes come from within our very being. To birth these changes we must go within or go without. This is a simple fact. We must take full responsibility as the Masters that we are, and then Live the new reality.

I fully agree that this is not an easy task. At this time of fully stretched duality, the challenges, in fact, are growing---at times we can feel like a rubber band yanked beyond our possible scope! This will absolutely test our resolve and persistence toward the Light. Yet, its been said that "that which does not kill us makes us stronger!" So its time to take up the challenge and embody these truths as we shine our Light as brightly as we have ever done, embacing the planet with the qualities of Love, Truth, Peace and Harmony. As Ghandi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." In every, cell, tissue, and organ of our body, let's BE IT NOW!

As the powerful Creators that we are this is why we came here at this time. The hundredth monkey is making her way to the front of the line. There is NO DOUBT in my knowing--- I am standing right beside her. How about You?

Thank you, dear Brother, for embodying this for us all. Keep holding the torch up high.

Gratitude In the Violet Light,



Original Message -----

From: C & A


Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 8:39 PM


Dear Patrick,

It seems to me, recently, that some of your readers may have not gotten, or have not hearkened to the "call within". It seems some do not "get it", that evil and evil's behavior is very real. Enlightenment of one's soul takes commitment to Truth with Faith. For most of my life I have kept away from wanting to know about evil. True facts about evil were kept from me by the "Liars", also. I started studying God Aton's Journals, the Protocols, and many other Truth writings on Fourwinds nearly a year ago. As a result I have gone through an alchemy within/without and I am not the same person I was to my family or acquaintances. Truth switches places with the lies and a spiritual discernment begins to take place in everything when "consciousness" rises. It seems some folks who whine, criticize, and blame others fall short of knowing that in order to understand the game, you best understand the enemy. The call compels the answer. It is the Law of Attraction. I wonder if those who do the blaming have done so for many life cycles? Have they rejected their own "call" and compelled their own negative answers and responses to the Nesara/Golden Age mission?

Have these ones ever walked an "age or two" in the shoes of the Ascended Ones so faithful to this mission?

Do these ones have a clue in their soul growth about the multitudes of players involved?

Nesara is Here! The Golden Age is Here! Attract it! Know it!

In Love and Light,

C & A


----- Original Message -----

From: BR


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:47 AM

Subject: Testing Faith

Tried to send you this email through hotmail but I some sort of email from postmaster that the email had been delayed. Seems like someone is reading the emails.

August 28, 2006

"The Test of Faith"

I have read all of the emails to you of late and I am amazed, but yet there is a great understanding and empathy of how people are feeling right now regarding the messages of various channellers.

A test of faith began many years ago. I awakened in 1979 and during the 1980s came in contact with Tuella and the Ashtar Command regarding Earth Changes that never happened (was one of the ones chosen to help with the evacuation of souls from the Earth Plane).

After getting a computer around 1998 – then the searching began -- and I searched and searched on the internet daily to find what I was looking for regarding the Ashtar Command and any other channellings and also to learn about who was controlling everything around me. My mind exploded and I couldn’t get enough of the information that came before me.

So, after all these years, yearning and hoping that there would be changes and not until the year 2000 did I see a change start to happen and a new movement occurring but instead of evacuation it turned out to be an ascension plan and a Great Shift occurring, which was even better than what was planned before (really walking on air).

And knew that this would take a great magnitude of channellings of hope and encouragement to lightworkers and looked for them every day (I’m sure this is the reason behind such an abundance of messages over the past few years), reading with discernment (instead of taking everything literally) because of changes in the timelines which disrupt some events from ever happening) – all of these messages have helped to keep the steamroller of light pushing ahead.

The dark ones hate all this and really want to maintain their control over everything, but they know that their time has ended here on earth and it is time for the earth to move into the 5th Dimension.

Everyday, there seemed to be a test of how far one would go. All I can to people is never give up the faith or what you believe in. It is your thoughts every day that will make a change in the world happen. The Lions Gate portal has been opened and wonderful things are about to occur. Believe it!!! God the Creator does not make mistakes and in his own time the magnificent abundance of the Earth of our dreams will materialize.

Love and Light



----- Original Message -----

From: CW


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:31 AM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Hi Patrick

THANK YOU for your service to


Your website offered and maintained in a

most beautiful way in the spirit of giving for the benefit of others.

I can understand your frustration with those

who only take a brief moment out of their day to complain, while you spend hours each day in service.

Having said that, I send all love.

Whether it is before or after the announcement of NESARA we have

much work to do on ourselves. To take

complete responsibility for our own lives and to learn to be authentic sources of light and love is no small undertaking and will only

work to our benefit.

Stay in the light



----- Original Message -----

From: B


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:06 PM

Dear Patrick

For years I have followed your sharing with those who would listen. You have not demanded any money or reward and yet you put up with ridicule from misunderstanding humans. I too have been ridiculed for giving ‘false hope’. My question compared to what? ‘no hope’. If adversity is the seed of opportunity then let’s not miss the harvest of what we have been cultivating. We can empathize with those who want NESARA to hurry up so their life can be as if they had won the lottery. We can understand the thought line that “we have so much stress”, the earth is going to hell in a hand basket, the leaders of countries are acting like 4 year olds and using weapons built buy adults to destroy our young men and women and their young, old, women, children, land, resources, spirit, future. There’s nothing new under the sun. ‘ Stress’ being the heart beat of life should be recognized that if all stress is removed that would be lights out for this trip. The whining of an adult about “they have so much stress” like they are the only one, is more a statement that they would prefer returning to the womb than to get out of their comfort zone. If you know of anyone that is sad and poor and they win the lottery, it just makes them more of what they all ready are. “The poor will always be with us” even after the NESARA landfall unless there’s spiritual growth this side of the announcement. By the amount of complaining we’ve been seeing lately there’s room for growth in all of us. If NESARA were announced today would it destroy you?

In the 80’s I met Roy Swasinger,Patrick and others involved with NESARA. Some of these brave individuals have spent much of their life behind cross bar hotel locked away from family and freedom. To bring a message to you of hope of freedom for future kids and grandkids,{ yours and mine} was their crime. The alternative to NESARA is what? Let’s mature past being a 3 year old. Even if it were to never happen quick enough for you, spending a little time on the creative side of ‘what if?’ mixed with hope would help your mind and especially your body to heal a whole lot quicker than the bad spirit of doom and gloom from the fear pumped thru the electronic cesspool daily into your home.

If lazy is your comfort zone, then poverty is your captor. A good idea/opportunity given to the poor is met with “won’t work, A good idea/opportunity to the apathetic middle class is met with “I hope it works. A good idea to the wealthy will be met with “Let’s make it work”. Wealth to the poor is measured by what they lack, while wealth to the rich is measured by what they enjoy. It has little to do with how many units of this or that that you acquire to hoard, but much to do with how many units of what you hold to give away.

If you hang out on the creative side joy is the side effect, If you hang out in the destructive zone, joy is but a name on a dishwashing soap.

Bellringers, keep up the good work and be encouraged, there are many out here growing to a better life because of your ringing the bell of truth. Thank you, Thank you.



----- Original Message -----

From: LT


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:45 PM

Subject: Thanks!

Dear Patrick and Anne Bellringer:

I have to say thanks a lot for all of your postings. I have benifitted from your website GREATLY (emphasis added)!

I espescially enjoy your postings like,

"Hello, Central!" Why Won't The Forces of Light Just Intervene And Get The Job Done Once And For All?

I'm just as whiney as the next guy about NESARA but it seems that everytime I get that way you post someone else whining about what I am thinking about and WHAM your responses are just what I needed to hear.

I also want to thank all the whiners (I was thinking the same I just did not whine to Patrick about it).

Let it be said that Patrick Bellringer has the best backhand in the NESARA game! Thanks!

In Love and Light



----- Original Message -----

From: KEL


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:36 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Hello patrick.

I was writing today becasue I wanted you to know that there was a time when this 3rd deminsional experience became overewelming to the point I was considering suicide one day. The biggest thing that kept me from doing it was my beleif that n.e.s.a.ra. would happen soon. I knew inside that all the pain all the hurt everything I was feeling was worth the paradise that has yet to come. I want to say that your website and everyone who contributes to it does a very very important service and I wish you the best.

peace love unity respect-KEL


----- Original Message -----

From: CD

To: Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:12 PM

Subject: Peace and Balance Within

Dear Anne & Patrick,

I too am dismayed by those who vent their frustrations and then somehow target you "the messengers" for the cause of their sore lot in life.

I have taken a few days to search within to understand this and would like to share with you what I have found. Please feel free to share this on your website should you so desire.

Those souls who are complaining that they cannot wait any longer, they are tired, worn out, frustrated are those who should know and understand that the ascension process and the rising of vibrations entails nearly 6 billion souls living on this planet, untold numbers not on this planet at this time, and the planet itself. We are not waiting for the ascended masters ( they are all ready to go!), we are waiting on some 6 billion contracts to be fulfilled, positive and negative karmic energies to be expressed and the earth itself to change.

Those who have verbally expressed that their hopes are gone and blaming everyone else for the promises being unfulfilled, are the very ones we are waiting on. The entire universe is here for the event, are we waiting on them? No...we are the ones who await graduation day. Imagine if it were possible, the frustrations of all the beings on the other side of the veil waiting for graduation ceremonies for Earth Shan only to be informed, we have a minor delay because of some souls in duality are not yet ready!

I address now those who are angry about the constant delays. My dear friends, Graduation Day is not about you and you alone. It entails billions of souls and so we have to wait until all are ready according to the spirit within. We all need to quit thinking of our own frustrations and start being the masters that we are. We should be in the service of our fellow man. Have you been out today to care for the needy, the sick, the hungered? Have you lost yourself in the service of others? If you did, you would not complain about your wait for the "show" to begin. You wouldn't even recognize that there is a delay. All you would see are the millions of souls who aren't yet ready for the "show" to begin. You would be pleading with Aton, Sananda, Germain and all of the host of heaven to say "wait" we aren't ready yet.

Do you realize that as this cycle concludes, we are at the end of duality. If we have so chosen, we will never participate in duality again. Before rushing on to the "golden age", I plead with you to try not going there alone. Take the time now to help someone else go along with you. Please understand that patience is a virtue that must be learned now. When this cycle is ended, many will go far and wide to become guides for other souls in 3D. Don't you think you will not need patience then when a new soul will require 26 million years to experience and evolve?

I plead with all of you who are angered by the lack of results and our graduation day ceremonies proceeding along at glacial speed. Please turn within for your answers. Be in the service of those who are in the fog looking for the lighthouse. Please show kindness and love to all, not thinking of yourself and your frustrations, but of others need to find the light.

May we all share on graduation day, the unbounded love given by all of our spiritual guides who have shown for countless ages, patience with us.

In Love and Light



----- Original Message -----

From: SC


Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:12 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: (I hope this gets through. I tried to send this twice through hotmail.)

"Light Workers, Light Bearers, Children of Light Unite, Unite, Unite!"

Dear Patrick, Anne and Friends of Light,

It is with great love and joy that I humbly share my thoughts and feelings tonight. I know without any doubt that our God Victory is here, that the National, Economic, Security and Reformation Act known as N.E.S.A.R.A. is real and happening, that peace and freedom and the abundant life is ours to claim and have.

I have been following this journey for many years now and like many I allowed myself to get on that famous emotional roller coaster. With each delay and with the increased pain and suffering of God's children, I would often allowed myself to fall into the pits of despair. What I have learned along the way is that I truly create my own world based on how I allow myself to think and feel.

There is a great little story I would like to share. A Native American Indian was talking to his grandson and sharing some of his wisdom. He explained that every human has two wolves fighting within themselves. One wolf is anger and fear and the other wolf is love and peace. The grandson then ask, "Grandfather, who will win the fight?" The grandfather answered, "The one you feed the most." We each have a choice to make, do we feed the fear and anger or do we feed the love and peace. It is up to us. It isn't easy but look at the rewards, the life we all will be living as the Golden Age manifest. We can expect that the darkside is not going to give up without a fight and without using every trick in the book to draw us into their creation of fear and anger. But because we are waking up, we are realizing the power, love and light of God within each of us - we have the tools not to feed that wolf of anger and fear, we don't have to accept that energy, their lies anymore.

Each day when I wake up I call to Archangel Michael, the Ascended Masters and the legions of Light to seal and surround me, my family and every child of Light with all of God's protection, to enfold us with Love, Light and the Violet flame and to help get us through the challenges the day will bring, to learn from all our experiences and to use me as a vessel of Love and Light and service to the fullest extent God's holy law and will allows. I claim that I Am a child of Light, do my prayers and give thanks that they are already answered. When doubt or fear enters my being I will not accept it, instead I proclaimed my God Victory, call for help, give thanks that my prayers are answered and keep my focus on God & the Light within. It is truly the battle of 2 wolves but I choose to feed love and peace, all that is of the Light.

Now is the time to Unite, dear ones. Our God Victory is ours to claim. We can not only win, we already have. We have reached the peak of the mountain and the Golden Age of Light is in the valley below. Don't allow yourself to get on that emotional roller coaster, the darkside is counting on us not having the determination, the true grit to see this to the finish line. They want to divide and conquer but quess what - THEY ARE WRONG. WE ARE UNITED. WE ARE LOVE AND LIGHT. WE ARE GOD VICTORY. WE ARE LIVING THE ABUNDANCT LIFE. WE DO HAVE N.E.S.A.R.A. AND OUR FREEDOMS RESTORED. THEY JUST DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE ALREADY LOST BUT WE KNOW IT. We are children of Light living in a 3-D world and body and it isn't easy but it's worth the journey. We are all loved beyond measure, more than anyone can imagine.

I am so grateful to Patrick and Anne for their unconditional love because dear ones, thats what it takes to do what they do daily. My prayers and blessings are sent their way and to each and every brother and sister of Light on this path, this journey with me.

SO LET'S UNITE TOGETHER, ONE AND ALL. HAND AND HAND WE ARE JOINED TOGETHER WITH ONE MIND, ONE HEART, ONE LIGHT AND VICTORY IS OURS NOW! WE HAVE ALREADY WON! We have made the call and have said, Enough is enough and our prayers have been answered.

Love and Light,



NOTE: From Anne and Patrick

We honor our readers of Fourwinds, and we honor those, who have made these responses to "Hello, Central!" They show the four virtues of Wisdom, Courage, Fortitude and Generosity in their statements and have spoken Truth in many ways better than we could have said it. We are humbled to have increasing contact with our sisters and brothers of the Light all around Earth Shan. Together, we are a mighty force for goodness to re-shape our civilization, as we march into our Golden Age of Peace.

We love you all,

Anne and Patrick Bellringer


Additions to this article, Sept. 1, 2006

----- Original Message -----

From: CM


Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:44 AM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: The Power on ONE

We are ALL powerful beings with the ability to create our new reality of Heaven on earth. See it in your minds eye as already here. We are beloved, Divine, Holy, children of God with the power to move mountains. Visually see God's Light pouring into the hearts of all of humanity and mother earth. See it and believe it. Our intent is what creates our reality.The power to create is propelled with desire and passion. See a world of love, peace and compassion NOW! Together, we are powerful! Let us visually hold this intention in our hearts and minds of Paradise on mother earth. See us celebrating in the streets with joy and happiness. Put on the music and dance the dance of celebration. See yourself embracing all of your brother and sisters. Let the celebration begin! We are ONE manifesting MIRACLES NOW!


----- Original Message -----

From: MC


Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 11:10 AM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Dear Patrick and Anne

Just one short message that I didn't see mentioned in the beautiful responses and I hope it doesn't get lost in the middle.

The Children of Light must know, according to natural law, that any thought coupled with feeling whether it be fear, hate, love, abandonment, abundance, shame etc. etc. goes out like a ripple on the water and when it reaches the intended it returns like an undercurrent to the one who sent it out. However with so many negatives floating about, the world is sinking lower. The stronger the feeling is that goes out with the thought, the energy becomes more potent, in fact it becomes a living energy and is extremely powerful.

This concept, the enemies of the world understand so very well and they use it to their advantage. All they have to do is to increase the feelings of hatred in the people with any media at hand, and they ar in control of all, and the world is up in arms and ready to go off to another country and kill their brothers and sisters as though in a hypnotic trance.

Evil feeds off of hatred and the enemy stirs up hatred so they can have a feeding frenzy.

Why not send them an overabundance of light and love so they will be uncomfortable in what they do. Plus the fact that it will come right back at you.

Thank you for what you do.

Love and light


PS I am already living NESARA


----- Original Message -----

From: WO


Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 11:09 AM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Dear Patrick,

Every day I awake and wonder, "Will this be the day the Lord God will again rule the Earth"? At night I watch to see what mainstream media are feeding us, hoping that the NESARA announcement will take over the airwaves and announce the TRUTH to all of those "asleep at their wheels" and begin the Spiritual Wave of Higher Consciousness on Mother Earth. Not today, I say to myself as I go to bed. Then I am awakened about 3:30 a.m. every night and sign on to the Four Winds to see what has transpired.

So, I have been reading the whiners, the defeatest souls who are falling by the wayside of Illuminati pressure. I, too, who have had direct and powerful proof of the existence of Spirit of Light in my life so many time, falter in hopefulness. Then I go into meditation and I scan the countless times I have been lifted from the jaws of darkness by the simple act of calling to Sananda, or Michael or Germain or Mother Mary. I have heard the voice of Father God, ATON, on the mountain top speaking plainly in the form of suggestion, a path I could follow to "heal my body, clear my mind and advance my spiritual path". I followed and ALL CAME TO PASS. When it was time to leave and come home, Maitreya came in the night and spoke to me for three hours. I was told to meet him on Mount Shasta, CA on my birthday. It was in 10 days and I was in Mexico without a plane ticket and after selling all my belongings I was only half way there. A friend appeared as I prayed and simply gave me the balance. I arrived the day before my birthday and on the day appointed there was a heavy Spring snowstorm. I got a ride and directives from other "helpers" and when I made my way by inner guidance to a clearing where the summit was visible among the clouds, the sun burst forth and the snow subsided. I had my audience for maybe only 20 minutes. Suddenly, the clouds gathered and the snow resumed in earnest. I thanked Spirit for this gift and made my way out of the woods to the road where I walked until a skier picked me up and dropped me in town.

My point in sharing my story is this: BLESSINGS ABOUND! GOD IS REAL. SPIRIT IS RIGHT BEHIND THE VEIL AWAITING OUR COMMANDS. WE MUST BE THE GODS WE ARE AND COMMAND ALL ENERGIES TO ALIGN FOR NESARA'S ANNOUNCEMENT. Then we must believe that WE ARE THE POWER OF GOD ON EARTH. We can't weakly hope that maybe, someday, the God that we hope exists will take pity on us poor mortals and save us from the dark powers now seeking total annihilation of our way of life. NO! WE MUST ALIGN WITH THE POWER WITHIN OURSELVES, FOR THAT IS WHERE GOD RESIDES, not out there separate and elusive, but within, a part of us.

I just sat down to write a letter of support to our brother, Patrick. I opened my mind and heart and allowed the Power of God to flow through me and my truth came forth. I hope it inspires all readers of Four Winds, my brothers and sisters of Light to claim your power and together we shall defeat the dark ones. In Love and Light,

