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"Hello, Central!" I Have A Question About the Mayan 2012 Calculations!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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d it into their 2012 calculations?. If so, we would not be ahead of this date would we?. I would much appreciate your take on this.

Thank you for your time

In Love and Light W.M.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 8, 2007


Dear WM:

Thank you for your letter. It is true that the Mayans had great spiritual awareness and access to Cosmic knowledge, but they could not know the exact outcome of the ending of this civilization, because this is a freewill planet, and the final choices of those in authority could never be determined. Had the Darkside kept their agreement with Creator God Aton of Light and returned to the Light at the Harmonic Convergence of August 17, 1987, we would have been able to bring the balance and harmony needed for a smooth transition into 5D in twenty-five years or by 2012.

Instead we have gone 20 years into "over-time", still fighting the Darkside's attempts to control or destroy our planet. We have not lost the "war", though many Lightworkers have fallen in the various battles. We know the outcome. Light wins over Darkness, always, but our transition into 5D will be much more violent for Mother Earth than was originally planned.

I might also mention that the freewill of Mother Earth is also a part of this "end time" play, as are decisions made by Creator God, based upon our choices. The fact that the decision was made to move our solar system closer to our Great Central Sun, Alcyone of Pleiades, may not have been known to the Mayans, or when Earth Shan would enter the Photon Belt (1962), or the problems Earth Shan's people would encounter with the Darkside in the "end Times".

In Heaven's Plans sequence of events is the priority, which then determines the timing. Know that both sequence and timing are finally coming together to end the Darkside's reign of terror on our planet. Expect marvelous things to happen at every moment in these few remaining "daze" of this civilization!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer