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"Hello, Central!" Are We Being Deceived By The Talmud Of Jmmanuel?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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and changed my life. I printed The Talmud from the site and even made copies for family and friends. The words ring True to me. However, a few weeks ago I read the posting which claimed the Talmud of Jmmanuel, or at least, portions of it is a product of the dark side and produced by the clone of Billy Meier.

I've not been able to confirm if there are deceptions or not. I would greatly appreciate your input. Thank again for all that you do for the cause.

Love & Light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 27, 2007


Dear TO:

Thank you for your letter and question about the Talmud of Jmmanuel. It is true that Billy Meier in his later years was cloned and his work stolen and altered by the Darkside. There is much information on the Internet from government and religious sources that discredit Billy Meier, The Talmud of Jmmanuel, his starship pictures and his contacts with the Pleiadians.

The Talmud of Jmmaneul that we posted on Fourwinds came from a friend of ours, who obtained this copy directly from Billy Meier long before Billy was cloned and his work discredited. If you recall, we posted an article recently, showing that Talmud of Jmmanuel along side the same information from Phoenix Journal #2, also from Esu Immanuel, and the same information found in Matthew of the Bible, to show the authenticity of this material.

Your God Spirit within should reveal to you that this material speaks Truth and not deception. Because the Talmud of Jmmanuel runs counter to some of the basic teachings of the Christian cult churches and various religions, it has been under heavy attack. Truth is, and cannot be discredited, regardless of what opinions we may have of it.

Know that the Talmud of Jmmanuel contains the "Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven". It contains the Truth of the power of your spirit, which unlocks your potential to know all Truth and to direct your future and that of your world. Truth removes your dependency upon religion, upon government and upon anyone to find your way.

Is it any wonder that churches, religions and governments have tried so hard to trash the original teachings of the Truthbringer, Esu Immanuel? For 2000 years these writings lay buried, but in these "end time" they have been broadcast via the Internet to the "four corners" of Earth Shan, just as Esu Immanuel said they would be. May you discern the Truth they teach.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer