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"Hello, Central!" I Am A Visitor From Greece. Everything On Your Site Concerns Only The USA. Is There Something Special To Be Said For Greece?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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hat Four Winds and everything written in web site concern only the people of the USA, the political system and the everyday reality of that country. I would like to know if there is something special to be said for Hellas (Greece). Something for the past, the present and the future of this country, something for its language, its people, its mythology, anything.

Truely yours



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 21, 2005


Dear NT:

Thank you for your letter and for being a Fourwinds reader. We present Truth freely to the whole world and truth is for everyone. The Phoenix Journals were published in the United States, but they are for everyone. Creator God meant for the basic Truth in them to be given to the whole world. That is why Fourwinds website was established in the first place. That is why we have the name "Fourwinds".

The Second Coming, First Contact and NESARA are definitely or everyone. The Starships will land in Greece and in every country. Our entire world is ascending into 5D, even Greece. You will not be left behind. NESARA will change evil governments everywhere, even in Greece. You will have a new money system based upon gold and silver. Your debts to the Federal Reserve System, to the IMF and to the World Bank will be removed.

There will be world peace and no more war. There will be freedom and justice everywhere. There will be an end to poverty everywhere. That includes your country, Greece.

Fourwinds is located in the U.S., therefore we present the people here with U.S. news, but we also do it because the United States has the most evil government there ever has been on this planet. The whole world, including Greece, needs to know how the U.S. is trying to control the world, take all the wealth and destroy the freedoms of everyone in their New World Order. Would you rather not know of this?

When I write I do not name each country of the world, but I say I am writing to everyone. Yes, I am writing Truth to you and to your people in the great country of Greece. You have a great history and many great people who have helped to improve our world. Be proud of who you are, and know that you and your people will play a great part, as will every country, in shaping the future of our world in goodness. NESARA is the means to start that happening.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
