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"Hello, Central!" Why Would The Masters Not Honor Our Freewill Request For NESARA?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Most Lightworkers have been praying for Nesara, and asking The Masters for their help in bringing Nesara about, for quite some time now. To our knowledge, few if any people have asked The Masters for evacuation.

Why, then, would The Masters not honor our freewill request for Nesara?

Why would they instead intervene so fully as to bring about evacuation, which we did not request?

Can you clarify this for us?





FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 31, 2007


Dear D:

You have it backwards, my friend. The Masters have no control over evacuation, only Mother Earth. The Masters want NESARA as much as we do, but on a 3D freewill planet they cannot make it happen. They can only help when asked by those, who are in positions of authority to make NESARA happen. They are as frustrated as are we about the slowness of the Mission. In the meantime Mother Earth is moving on with or without us.

Evacuation is ordered by Creator God, when earth changes make it unsafe for us to remain on the planet. These are two separate scenarios that you must understand and keep separate in your thinking.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer