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"Hello, Central!" Are There Many Starships Over Iraq As Reported?

Patrick H. BellringER

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oned that there were many starships are seen in masses above Iraq and the US government is covering it all up on the media and as well there reasons to pull out since they cannot beat the starships. Can you please help me and the other readers that if these incidents are true?

Thankyou for your time,.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 26, 2006


Dear DMG:

Thank you for your letter. The part in these reports about starships being seen above Iraq is true. You do not see live footage of fire fights in the war in Iraq in the U.S. media, because the starships are everywhere and are picked up on camera. The U.S. Government has denied the existence of good aliens and their starships since they first began appearing in our skies in the late 1940's. The National Security Agency (NSA) was created at that time for the sole purpose of de-bunking any and all reports by the public of UFO sightings.

The starships in Iraq are neutralizing much of the intended harm and destruction and offering the soldiers the choice to lay down their arms and come aboard ship. Thousands of soldiers have done so, and the U.S. Military Commanders are greatly stressed for lack of enough troops. Those soldiers, who volunteer to quit fighting and go aboard ship, are treated with kindness and given the truth by attending Star Fleet Academy classes. When NESARA is announced and peace declared, all U.S. Military worldwide will be ordered home. Those aboard the starships will also be returned to their homes in safety.

Any radar pictures you may see on the news media or weather reports are carefully "doctored" to remove the starships that are constantly being picked up on radar. The government has sworn everyone to secrecy upon the threat of death. The people would go ballistic, if they found out the Truth of our "friendly skies" and the lies of the media and the government.

Hatonn tells me that First Contact is planned to happen within a week after the NESARA announcement is made, and that the NESARA announcement is planned for tomorrow night, Friday, October 27, 2006. We order it so!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer