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"Hello, Central!" What is Your Understanding of What Happened to the Minnesota Bridge? (Updated August 5, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Dear MD:

Thank you for your question.

According to Russian scientists, a massive Ultra-low frequency (ULF) blast occurred at the exact time and place as the Minnesota bridge incident. I believe the Bush Cabal tried to create their August planned terrorist attack in the U.S. Midwest, blame the Iranians and get the Bible Belt Americans to believe it and support their new nuclear World War III against Iran, Syria and Pakistan. This would create the Armageddon the Zionist Christians so badly want.

The Mississippi River I-35W crossing is located very near the Minneapolis Dome Stadium and the University of Minnesota. Either one of these could have been targets, as well as the I-35W bridge, but the ULF/laser/scalar blast may have been deflected by the Forces of Light to reduce the horrendous attack to a minor incident. Benjamin Fulford had predicted such an August, 2007 attack based on his information from the Rockefeller Family.

Interesting things are being reported about this bridge collapse. I saw the very first live reporting of this incident on CNN, and the first five still pictures from an eye-witness, who saw the last of the bridge collapse. The joints were clear breaks with no twisted ends of reinforcing rod (rebar) showing, as would be expected. We were told that constructing crews had been working on the bridge for several weeks re-surfacing the bridge deck.

Could it be that their blue prints called for the cutting of the joint rebar, as a part of their work? This would certainly weaken the bridge and cause it to fall more easily. News reporters said the Mississippi River was from 4 to 14 feet deep, most about 7 to 8 feet deep, and that some cars and the bridge deck were not even submerged. Yet, divers claimed the water was so murky and swift that they could not search to find anyone under the water. Why?

I believe this to be a cover-up of the Truth, that they found no one in the submerged cars or in the water, and had no explanation for this. I also, believe the Forces of Light picked up may of these innocent victims, as they did in the World Trade Center Disaster, and that they are aboard the starships at this time. They, too, shall be witnesses of the evil of the Bush Cabal.

Only time and the good people on the scene will real the Truth of what actually happened to support or debunk what I am saying. Very often, Truth is stranger than fiction, making it difficult for many people to believe it. I encourage you to use your discernment and determine Truth for yourself.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DS


Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 9:01 PM

Subject: Minneapolis bridge

Hi Patrick,

You wrote:

I believe this to be a cover-up of the Truth, that they found no one in the submerged cars or in the water, and had no explanation for this. I also, believe the Forces of Light picked up may of these innocent victims, as they did in the World Trade Center Disaster

end of quote

Until 2 years ago, I lived in Minnesota, attended the U of M for 2 years long ago, and have a good friend who has lived in Mpls. since 1971. I have a daughter who lives a few blocks from that bridge, but she was far away at the time of the collapse.

You are absolutely correct that murky water is not the reason they have not found any bodies in the vehicles. It is all lies, including the shifting debris. My friend who has lived there since 1971 is an engineer, and he says he could see one end failing, but not both ends at the same instant, which security video shows happened.

My guess is that many of the people in submerged vehicles suddenly found themselves on dry land, shocked that they had survived, and simply called a friend or relative to pick them up. One witness said that MOST of the vehicles on that bridge went into the river.

These people may not want to talk about their experience because to most, they would be considered a nut case.

In fact, the terrorists may have picked the worst possible target, because people in Minnesota don't just accept at face value everything their government tells them. We elected Jesse Ventura governor in 1998, for example.

I have been on bridges that would shake under the weight of vehicles or as trains rolled by. I have been over the bridge in Minneapolis that collapsed dozens to hundreds of times over the years, most recently on Jan. 2 of this year, and never felt so much as a quiver.

The news channels keep pouring BS on top of BS; the whole event, if it results in money spent here instead of on countless military misadventures, will be a positive, and in my opinion already is.

With the Bush Administration it can be assumed that anything said is the opposite of truth. "We could not have known the levees would fail" means "of course we knew the levees would fail." The 9/11 attack being a terrorist attack means it was not. The MN bridge collapse not being terrorism means it was.

New information from Minneapolis says the sky was filled with military aircraft and civilian flight was shut down 4 hours after the event.