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"Hello, Central!" My Response To Your E-mail From Candace Frieze

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----



Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 9:48 PM

Subject: personal note, not for publishing

Hi everyone! I finally got a postal box for mail. Here is the address:


1006 W. 104th Ave. #185

Northglenn, CO 80234

Those of you participating in writing letters to clerics can use that if you prefer to do so for a return address. And yes, I live in Colorado.

I have a new problem with the cleric letter. Patrick Bellringer has chosen not to have his website, 4Winds featured in it at this time. If you have already spent money on printing the letter, either ink or otherwise, you need not start over on it. Just modify any additional copies you create.

However, if you have not printed out the letter, then I am asking you to remove just the one sentence which refers to his website. He is not in support of this letter campaign to announce the Second Coming event.

I have been in correspondence with him over some tough issues for more than a week, and it is time for a separation. I have shed a lot of tears over this, and it is not my desire to see our long months of work together reach this conclusion. I will no longer send him any new messages, since he is not interested in them. You can find any new messages, at: I must break away from his and mine issues, which are at a stalemate at this time, and get back to work on my website. I have lost a good deal of time to our difficulties.

I will correct my letter, and the webmaster at the above website will post the correction for those of you who would like to read the correction, rather than making the correction yourselves. I am so truly sorry about these affairs.

I continue to wish Patrick and Anne well in future works. I thank them generously and graciously for their support in helping bring knowledge of the Second Coming to all of you. I hope to be friends with them once again.

Now, a person named Sue Mount has written me that she has created a petition to sign to encourage NESARA. Here is the link to the petition:

Also, for just a little fun, do you remember the Merry Fitzmas poem I sent out recently? Well another decided to add a few more verses to the poem, so here they are:

Then as the rays of the bright morning sun

Put the darkness to flight...

Starships land one by one.

There were hoards of officials leaving DC

The NESARA announcement DID end poverty.

The banks all went broke and it was so funny

when they finally admitted they have rainbow money!

And as tears filled our eyes, our debt was all gone

And our Dear Constitutional Law now lives on.

To ascension we’ll fly with our Dear Mother Earth

While Bushie and Cheney squirm in the dirt!

And as for Sananda, this picture surveyed

He knew for His trouble He had amply been paid

“WOW! I’ve enjoyed more true pleasure than I’ve ever seen

Now that the color of money is not just drab green!

Hereafter I’ll make it a regular plan,

to stay here on the earth and walk here with man.

Peace has prevailed and poverty is gone

Religion discovered where they have gone wrong.

The Mormons, the Protestants, Baptists and Jews

Along with the Muslims, and the Catholics too,

Like the Lamb and the Lion together will dine

While the Mormons delight in their first glass of wine.

The Priests will all marry and so will the nuns.

Telepathy will become our new native tongue.

The planet will regain her paradisiacal glory

No more plagued with wars that are wicked and gory.

With green forests, blue oceans and pure air to breathe

Those who once doubted are sure to believe

So with warm thoughts of love we will now all join hands,

to create total ONENESS in every land.

With the hardships behind us we’ll soar out of sight

And with two moons and two suns, we’ll remain in the Light

Then we’ll laugh and we’ll cry in our innocent glee

As we proclaim with joy “WE ARE FINALLY FREE!

I do have a new message from Christ Michael, written to answer questions of some people in Urantia discussion forums. I will get this worked up shortly, as you will enjoy a bit of new information about our Creator Son, and Sananda in it. We continue on with the spiritual pressure being placed upon those in the media, and government, to get them to do the right thing. I am saddened by the events in Paris and Jordan. I think the US is behind these for various political reasons. But I continue to sense the pressure from above, and the discomfort of those below, and know that shortly all will break wide open.

I wrote my Senators, one has not answered back yet. The other did, Senator Allard. I asked him to do the right thing, and I got back a return that said he is in support of Bush's version of the war against the terrorists. I think I will continue to repeat my emails to him, keep on a little spiritual pressure, and send some more to the other one, until I hear back.

If I sound a bit down tonight I am, please forgive me. This is not easy for me to do, and I am saddened. But it is time to dry the tears and move on. Be in Peace, Take care, Candace


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Brother R.

DATE: Nov. 10, 2005


Dear Brother R:

Thank you for your prayers for us and for the letter to you from Candace Frieze concerning her "Cleric Letter". Because this letter from Candace contains both lies and disinformation about her involvement with Fourwinds, I shall clarify this matter for you.

First, Candace states, "Patrick Bellringer has chosen not to have his website featured in it (cleric letter) at this time" This is a lie. At no time has there ever been any communication between Candace and myself about her "cleric letter" contents or the inclusion of Fourwinds as a reference website in her letter to the clergy. Candace chose to include Fourwinds in her letter, and now has chosen to remove Fourwinds from her letter with absolutely no communication with me about the matter. It would seem wise, that for her cleric letter to have credibility, Fourwinds would be included as a reference website.

Secondly, "He (Patrick Bellringer) is not in support of this letter campaign to announce the Second Coming event". This statement by Candace is disinformation. Because I was not asked to participate in planning this project, in constructing the "cleric letter" or in its dissemination to the clergy, does not mean that I do not support it. It was weeks after Candace

had sent out her "cleric letter" to the readers of Fourwinds and had gathered some four hundred supporters, that she sent a copy of her "cleric letter" to me and asked me to participate in her project.

I am not participating in Candace's letter campaign at this time for several reasons. I am quite busy with my work at Fourwinds, and I consider that a priority. When Candace's first messages from Christ Michael and Sananda came to our attention in February, 2005, we posted them on Fourwinds because they rang true to the energies of Hatonn and Sananda of the Phoenix Journals. As time moved on and she gained notoriety, Candace's messages

began to show "spiritual slippage". She began collecting names, building an e-mail base with her readers and garnering support for her Abundant Hope Project.

Therefore, I question both the intent and the approach of this letter campaign to the clergy. Is it to present Truth or to build an organization? As a former United Methodist clergyman, I feel the approach of this letter campaign is quite unprofessional and will probably be ineffective in reaching the clergy. The timing is also important. If NESARA, First Contact and the Second Coming do not wake people up, I am uncertain what a letter would do, even if it should arrive before the Second Coming actually happens.

The comments by Candace of "tough issues" and "separation" and "stalemate" and "working together" is all her nonsense. I have not worked with Candace in any way other than to post her articles on Fourwinds at her request. I have had no input into any of her work whatsoever. Whatever she has done has been her own choices. There is no stalemate and there are no difficulties other than what Candace has chosen to create.

This whole scenario began when Candace told the world in her "Patrick Fitzgerald Is Not Santa Claus" article that she was an "Ascended Master", and I suggested in my article, "People of the Truth: It Is Finished" that she was not. Now she is pouting and taking defensive action. Candace has repeatedly inferred that she was a very important person because she was on the "Second Coming Committee". She has also stated that only true communications from Christ Michael and Esu Sananda were coming through her. Surely, there are others on this "Second Coming Committee" and surely, there are others who bring Truth to us from the Realms of Light.

Truth is always Truth, my brother, and stands on its own merit. Truth needs no defense. To find it, all we need to do is look within, for our God Spirit knows all Truth. Stand strong in the Light, my friend. At any moment positive changes will sweep our world.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
