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"Hello, Central!" I Am Confused Whether I Should Go For Lift-Off Or Try For Ascension

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ead the book, but it says at the last axis flip the pleadians saved who ever asked to be saved from the from the earth changes, and they say that this time the sirians have said they will do they same , and as if says on your site you can ask to be put on the automatic lift off list, which i have done. however in the pleadian agenda they said it was not the best idea because by helping the souls aboard they interfered with ascension, and if you choose to ask the sirians for help this time just know what your asking for, so i am at odds whether i should ask to be saved or not ask and try for ascension,

if you can help me with my confusion your words would be very appreciated

thanks always



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Feb. 11, 2007


Dear JM:

Thank you for your letter. I apologize for the lateness of my response. The Sirians are not involved in the evacuation of Earth Shan this time, because they came with the intent to make Earth humans their benevolent slaves, and they were asked to remove their starships from our sector of space by the Pleiadians, and they have had to do so.

Esu Immanuel Sananda is in charge of Earth Shan's evacuation and transition into fifth dimension. He is working closely with the Pleiadians, because they are a more tolerant race of people and will accept the mixed races on Earth Shan, when many Star Nations of a pure race of people will not do so. Also, the Pleiadians are the ancestors of many of the people, who presently live on Earth Shan, and they have come for a reunion with their people.

Many Star Nations are working with the Pleiadians in this mission while other Star Nations have ships here only to observe and to learn from this rare occurrence. It is of note that Creator God Aton chose to experience this Mission, as Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet Command Ship, The Phoenix, under the name, Hatonn (H-aton-n). The Pleiadians have done planet evacuations many times, as they did at the demise of the Atlantis civilization on Earth Shan, the destruction of Mars and of Venus.

I think you are confused about ascension and lift-off. Evacuation is a necessary part of the ascension process into fifth dimension, and in no way does it interfere with the ascension of your soul. Please understand that your graduation from 3D into 5D is possible only, if you have learned your lessons in soul growth of living the Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) and are helping others as you can.

There is much confusion and even nonsense about what is ascension. The meaning of ascension for our time is the raising of one's frequencies from the 3D level to the 5D level, that one can survive nicely on a 5D planet, namely Earth Shan, once she has attained her birthing. The end of this present civilization and the cleansing of our planet by earth changes is unique, because this is the first time our planet will graduate from 3D into 5D. This has never happened to her before.

Cosmic Law dictates that at the end of each 3D civilization on Earth Shan, she passes through the higher frequencies of the Photon Belt, which "cleans off" all low frequencies (evil), as the planet experiences dramatic earth changes of cleansing via ocean salt water, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. In a period of approximately 3000 years the planet returns to a pristine condition, and another 3D civilization is born.

Our planet will again go through this "birthing" process, but this time she has been granted permission by Creator God Aton to graduate to the fifth dimension (Heaven), where no evil is allowed. Those, who say that there will be no mass evacuation of Earth Shan this time around, are quite ignorant of Cosmic Law. It would be nearly impossible for any 3D person to survive the "birthing process" of our Mother Earth, and if one did survive but still had a 3D level of frequencies, one would still have to leave Earth Shan as she anchors in her 5D berth.

Those, who are living the Laws of God and Creation and are helping their fellowman, are raising their frequencies and causing their body to change to a Light Body, which can easily pass through a beam of Light to board the ships at evacuation time. As I have said before, anyone may board the rescue ships and be taken to safety by freewill choice at evacuation time. By faith in so doing, one gains much soul growth. Whether one will physically survive passing through a beam of Light is dependent upon one's frequency level. Whether we (our soul) remains in a physical body or not, we all will proceed to our next placement for our lessons in soul growth. Many will go to another 3D planet experience. Those, who graduate into 5D, may choose to return to a pristine 5D Earth Shan, or go to other 5D planets.

There is nothing to fear in our future. With joy we anticipate meeting our earth family and friends, and our Star Friends and relatives. With relief we leave the evil behind and move on to new experiences. Know that evacuation is a very definite part of our ascension experience.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer