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"Hello, Central!" I Urge Lightworkers To Start Focusing On The Lightside and Our "Oneness"


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nd sisters living in 5D [4D?], within our beautiful blue planet, Earth Shan/Gaia. I do not read of them, often enough on your site. I was lead to my interior 5D family, through prayer, meditation, and my continual desire for "Knowledge" and "Truth". I visit your site everyday, for NESARA updates, and News, a lot of what I find is great information, but sometimes overwhelming, to me...from people who follow current events, and Government updates, but as we are working towards becoming sovereign beings...we need add great focus to our "Inner Spiritual knowledge" as well...

I would urge, Lightworkers, to start focusing on the Light side and our "Oneness"...which includes the coming together of the light...and the dark, for ALL will eventually return to the Light, if we think in these terms, it will manifest! 3D is and illusion...let's all work together to change our reality. What we think, we become! Every individual effects the "Whole" for "We are the "Whole". If one person on this planet is hurting, or living in poverty, then so are the rest of us! We are making great strides towards the "Light" everyday! Duality exists only in our 3D violates the "Laws of Creation". (PJ - And they called his name Immanuel/Chapter 18/Oneness(Not Twoness or Threeness). have stated many times, "God Always Wins". So it is...Let it be so...

My New Slogan for Lightworkers: "WE ARE GOING 5D...ONE FOR ALL...ALL FOR ONE"...

If interested in learning more about the Hollow Earth inhabitants, Lightworkers may go to, also has some reference to Lemurians in her channellings. Great information is listed on both of these websites under "Channellings"

In Love and Light...