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"Hello, Central!" A Message to all Lightworkers

Grant Bellows

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lding onto

our inner-light during these challenging times.

Like he stated, we have received a consistent stream of reports and

encouragements from the higher realms and off-Earth ET friends that

progress is being made. And yet, from our own stations, as souls

incarnated as human beings on the very front lines of this battle of

light vs. dark, it often appears and feels as though the darkness is

winning with no relief in sight.

Stand strong, Lightworkers, for the present cloud of dark energy that

has created a choking effect on the surface of our planet is a

deliberate illusion to disguise the tremendous weaknesses of the dark


The Illuminati's arrogance of "staying the course" with respect to the

wars-for-profit, the continued usurpations of our Constitutional

Rights, and their relentless efforts to erode our economy with intent

to impose a One World Order are all in vain.

In truth, the recent efforts and apparent confidence of the darkness

bear a very strong resemblance to the last 'big fight' put up by the

Hitler and the Nazis that began December 16, 1944.

Realizing that he was quickly losing his chokehold on Western Europe

and that the British and American forces could be on Germany's

doorstep within a few weeks, Hitler ordered a major assault to take

place in the hills and forests of the Ardennes. Hitler believed that

if he could capture Antwerp and kill and capture enough soldiers,

Britain and the United States would relent and give up.

To those Americans and British exposed to the ferocity of the sudden,

unexpected offensive attack, words and reports that the Nazi regime

was near its breaking point seemed false - to the contrary, it seemed

like the Nazis were stronger than ever.

And yet, with an 'all-knowing' view of all events, one could sense

that the Nazi regime was at its end. The Nazi tanks sent out in what

would become known as the "Battle of the Bulge" were critically low on

reserve fuel and spare parts, the half-starved German soldiers were

sent out with little ammunition and broken equipment, and the supply

lines and railways that would have been necessary to sustain and

maintain the ferocious offensive from the Nazi heartland were


Fellow Lightworkers, today we are engaged in a battle for humanity!

We are light-filled souls who decided to incarnate as human beings and

help bring peace to our planet with the power of our Love!

Armed with our Light on the front lines with a full experience of the

ferocity and intent of the darkly-inclined, we can feel very

vulnerable whenever the Illuminati make a dramatic push to try to stop

us and make us silent.

But when we stop 'seeing' and 'hearing' with just our eyes and ears,

and look towards the 'all knowing' source within our hearts, we can

sense that the Illuminati thrusts are borne out of desperation. They

are not acting that way because they are strong, but because they can

sense that their reserves, supply-lines and strongholds are crumbling

right before them!

Saddled and burdened by the thick density of their dark thoughts,

actions and fears, the Illuminati have no awareness beyond what they

can experience with their carnal five senses. Assuming that

Lightworkers bear the same limitations, they believe that with enough

"Shock and Awe," they can discourage us and make us fear for our

personal safety.

Let it be known that the only thing you must do to ensure your safety

and wellbeing is ASK FOR IT.

You don't need guns, armored cars, bulletproof vests, off-shore secret

bank accounts, slick lawyers, safe havens in remote regions, or

underground bunkers to protect yourself - those are the antiquated

tools of a fear-based existence.

Instead, ask the angels, the spirits, and our E.T. friends to use

their powers and advanced technologies to ensure that you, your

families, and your assets may stay safe as you work towards creating

peace. As they do this, all they ask of YOU is to have FAITH in their

protection, and maintain vigilance that your thoughts, words and

actions reflect a true desire to make our world a better place.

As long as you act out of HUMILITY, without egoic, smug feelings of

superiority or a desire to pompously "show them what you've got" or

"give them what they deserve," your path shall remain clear of danger.

Even if you cannot see or hear the angels, spirits and

extra-terrestrials that you asked to assist you, know that they are

right beside you to help you fulfill your roles as Lightworkers with

candor and confidence!

Stay strong, speak your truth, and may your Inner Light shine through!

All the best in Love and Light,

Grant Bellows