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"Hello, Central!" Whatever Happened to Freewill? (Updated April 18, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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What ever happened to freewill? By the looks of things the freewill for control of this planet by a handful of evil individuals overrides the freewill wishes of the remaining 6 billion plus . That just does not make sense in anyone's book. There must be other factors at play here - like the fact that 99% of humanity hasn't the faintest notion about NESARA and their salvation out of this present mess, or that the majority are stuck in 3D and prefer to remain there, whilst only a few are sufficiently enlightened to Ascend to 5D with Mother Earth. I was under the impression that most of the population would Ascend, and only the deepest darkest core of the Illuminati and their minions go to another 3D planet, or worse, a time-warped parrallel existence with no cycle of death and rebirth. It seems like now only the favoured few may escape the massive changes that Mother Earth is about to unleash on us.

Any comments, please Patrick.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 17, 2007


Dear DC:

Nothing has happened to freewill. It is all about energy that we create. Very few will graduate to 5D. Some will board the ships to move on to another 3D lifestream.

There are no "favored few", my friend. Everyone takes the same tests in soul growth, and obviously very few are enlightened today. All, who choose to go to safety, will be allowed aboard the rescue ships. That is freewill!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DC

To: Bellringer

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 8:17 PM

Subject: RE: Message from Violiio Germain

Hi Patrick,

But that seems to go against what we have been lead to believe - that this is our last lifetime in 3D after hundreds of incarnations and lessons in Soul growth. So it appears the vast majority of this planet's inhabitants have not had enough 3D lifetimes yet, and still need more lessons before they graduate or can ascend to 5D.

Even those who board the rescue ships, you are indicating, may be condemned to more 3D incarnations - that's a bit rough, and a rather depressing thought on behalf of most of us! I understood we would have the collapse of the last dark cabal/announcement of NESARA, Sananda's Second Coming, and then a few years to 2012 to "graduate" to 5D and Ascension with Mother Earth in our physical bodies - which most of us would do. The picture appears to change yet again.

No wonder we are all so confused!




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 16, 2007


Dear DC:

Things are not confusing at all, if you simply read the messages from the Ascended Masters, Esu Immanuel Sananda and Creator God Aton to us that are recorded in the Phoenix Journals. For too long, too many people have put their own spin on things, and that has caused all the confusion.

Please understand that all souled beings here at this time are Returned Masters and have a job that we agreed to do to assist with our Earth's transition into 5D. Those, who refuse to wake up, have agreed to spend a handicap of 350,000 years more in 3D before they will again have the opportunity to graduate into 5D.

You sound discouraged. Dump the baggage of the past, as I have explained in several "Hello, Centrals", forgive yourself and move on to living the Laws of God and Creation totally, and you will be fine. The picture has never changed, only the nonsense spread by human gurus. Stay the course, my friend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DK


Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 1:10 PM

Subject: Re:"Hello, Central!" Whatever Happened to Freewill?

Hello dear Patrick,

I have also been searching as deep as possible within My Self for answers to questions like DC asked. My crystal ball is nothing other than My communion with God, for anything less is susceptible to being affected by limitation. Of course, no mortal being has all the answers, and the most any mortal being can hope to achieve is access to most of the answers since there is always a higher level of understanding to reach. I offer only what I feel and know in My heart to be of relevance to this message.

"What ever happened to freewill? By the looks of things the freewill for control of this planet by a handful of evil individuals overrides the freewill wishes of the remaining 6 billion plus ." I suggest reading Power Vs Force by David R. Hawkins; it explains how the energies of a few enlightened beings have the same creative effect of the energies of MILLIONS of beings existing at lower levels of consciousness. The dark side can only achieve an energetic level of 499 (scale = 1-1000), the upper echelon of Reason. They cannot go higher because the next level is Love. Most People on Earth at this time resonate around 200-220 (200 = the first level of self-supportive consciousness) and not too long ago this number was lower (self-destructive consciousness). The elite darkside rulers continue to work towards their own self-destruction by killing each other off (motives of greed as they arrogantly perceive their goals to be close to manifesting) while We of the Light continue to spread Truth and Love, furthering the widening gap between these two grand forces.

I also remember reading on Fourwinds10 that only 0.5% of People needed to become aware of and supportive of (?) NESARA for it to happen; this is world-wide, since NESARA is a world-wide occurrence. How many People do You know? Is 1 out of 200 aware of and supportive of NESARA? My group of family and friends is easily twice that number if not more, and I am by no means regarded as a quack or anything of that nature; pick and choose Your spots and People to talk to, and be patient. Many are still not quite ready for this and won't be until the public announcements have played across their TV screens for days. Even still, a tidbit here and there can go a long way as long as it is given in Love :)

It is not the many People of the world that are bringing about this miracle; it is the few who have chosen to serve God above all else and have integrated the higher realms of Love, Joy, Peace, and enlightened Wisdom and Understanding that have sealed the deal in Our favour. Remember, We have already won! Live this Truth; the signs are everywhere. Positive advertising, subtle headlines in the common media, the fact that Mother Earth is still allowing Us to be here all speak of this. We must be doing something right by virtue of the fact that so many prophecies about natural disasters destroying Us have not happened; as Patrick said, stay the course, and remember, even once NESARA is announced, the road to the final ascension day will continue to become bumpier in many ways.

So what about everyone else who hasn't broken through the darkside-engineered smoke and mirrors of the 4D collective mind? Well, We're still here and even though evacuation is a possibility at this time, God, the forces of Heaven, Mother Gaia and We of the Light are all very focused on staying here on Earth until the end of the Mayan calendar when the center of the photon belt will trigger the ascension. I have yet to read or intuit anything that concretely disputes this timetable; Patrick, is there anything in The Phoenix Journals to dispute this?

Let Us also remember that ascension from 3D to 5D in a physical body is something that has not happened all that much here on Earth on an individual basis, never mind about a collective one. Even though We set out to have everyone make this transition, the fact is that some will not due to freewill. At the same time, how much benefit do You think these souls will create for whatever evolving 3D planet/system they choose to incarnate within next? The silver lining in every dark cloud is God's Plan, and when We rise above the darkness, there is only a dark lining in every silver cloud, as there must be for purposes of balance and wholeness within this apparently separated reality.

What is most important for all of Us to keep doing is channeling and grounding the ever-increasing higher energies and wisdom that are being revealed to Us. Mother Gaia especially can use Our conscious, will-directed Love/Light/Reiki/energetic healing. The second most important thing for Us is to take advantage of opportunities to live God's Laws and create more Love and enlightenment within Our fellow Humanity. Logic and reasoning can support any viewpoint, which is why it is so important to use Love above all else as Our guide in knowing how to apply God's Law to certain situations. What would Love do? What is Love doing through Me in this situation? Know it; Live it. There is still time left, and We still have work to do. Carpe Diem.

In Service to and as Our Highest Interest in accordance with God's Highest Will, Thank You God for Your Highest Light, Love and Power, Love and Blessings to You all.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 18, 2007


Dear DK:

Thank you for your response to "'Hello, Central!' Whatever Happened to Freewill?" Hatonn said in the Phoenix Journals that Earth Shan entered the fringe of the Photon Belt in 1962. The Photon Belt is 2000 years wide, meaning the time it takes our planet to pass through it. Mid-point would be approximately 2962 or a thousand years from now, if all else remains equal. If this is so, then Mother Earth would ascend to 5D during her 3000 years of cleansing.

It is my understanding that the Mayan Calendar ends December 21, 2012. What needs to be considered is that since our entry into the Photon Belt, the higher frequencies have caused time to be speeded up, the second shortened, the day, week, month and year shortened, so that we have already reached and passed the end point of December 21, 2012. Therefore, the "End of the Age" is here, and we are on "borrowed time".

Your second question concerned the benefit evolving 3D souls would carry with them to another 3D planet after leaving Earth Shan. The answer to this question depends upon the lessons in soul growth that people have learned prior to entering their next 3D lifestream. Much soul growth will be gained by those, who in faith, board the evacuation ships here on Earth Shan. Those, who choose not to do so, and are swept away physically by the earth changes and sea water, will have lost much in soul growth.

Hatonn says that all souled beings on Earth Shan during this transition period are Returned Masters, who have returned under a soul contract with Creator God Aton/Hatonn to assist with Mother Earth's transition into 5D. Those, who fail to awaken to their mission, shall return to another 3D lifestream, under an agreement they made with Creator God in which they would have a minimum of 350,000 years of 3D living before they would have another opportunity, as they have now of moving with Earth Shan into the fifth dimension. This sounds harsh but we all agreed to that handicap.

That is why it is so important for people to awaken to Truth and to live carefully the Laws of God and Creation. The freewill of the Darkside appears to "rule the day", because we have not by our own freewill chosen to use our powerful creative thought-power within to overcome the Darkness. Individually and collectively we do create our destiny!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer