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"Hello, Central!" Have You Heard Any Updates From the Higher Realms? What Plan Are We Currently In?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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do to help and donated

to Fourwinds. If only more people would help. I know money is tight with the dark forces making it almost impossible to enjoy life, more

like barely surviving is the correct word, but if all pitched in just a little bit, it would make a big difference right? I will do what I can to pitch in to Fourwinds when I can because you have to stay online to spread the Truth to the people of Mother Gaia! I wish I could help out more. My friends will help out too, whenever they can, because they too know how important your work is.

My question is simple this time around. Have you heard of any updates from the Higher Realms? What Plan are we currently in? Another week, another day and still, we keep hoping that perhaps tomorrow will be that day we so desperately long for to come! I am certainly doing what I can to try to stay positive in the hectic times and send Light out to the Dark Forces. I hope it's doing little bit of good. I just hate to see poor Mother suffer much longer. My friend/co-worker/Lightworker and I talk everyday about the hows, what ifs and most importantly, WHEN topics to keep each other motivated, to keep hoping. It's all we can do to help each other through these difficult times right now. Some days are harder to get through than others, but we keep praying to God Aton, Ascended Masters, Heaven and its Angels and Mother Gaia for Divine Intervention any day now! When will we get to see our Star Friends/Brothers/Sisters?

I'm sorry, its an emotional time for me right now. I get sad thinking about the condition of this world and its people. Anger for all the violence, hate, greed and the disrespect for our precious Mother and all her loving Creatures. Its like people in 3-D level don't even know who they are, don't even care, don't even know perhaps that they are all asleep and don't even know it! I just want to scream at the world and say, WAKE UP everyone and see the Truth! This seems like an impossible mission to complete, Patrick. I sure hope the Higher Realms and our Star Friends know how much we need their help and now!

I thank you for hanging in there as well, Patrick (and Anne). I know it's not easy for you either. I hope I get the opportunity to meet you both one day so I can give you a big hug and thank you for all the wonderful work you and your family are doing! Together, let's keep

HOPE alive....

In Light and Love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: M.T.

DATE: May 26, 2006


Dear M. T.:

Thank you so much for your help to Fourwinds. May you be greatly blessed by the Light for your support for our work.

We are in Plan C and holding! There is yet 3D effort being put forth today and Saturday to try and complete the funding packet deliveries. Should that occur then the NESARA announcement could follow. If the Mission continues to fail, then I expect First Contact would be in order. We petition it so! Creator God Aton has said to us, that all is now ready for First Contact.

Hold the Fort, my friend, a bit longer! Relief is on the way. We are never given greater lessons than we can handle, and the help of Heaven is at our disposal, is we but ask. As Lightworkers we must rise above the chaos and suffering in our 3D world and focus upon the positive energy of Peace and Happiness and Love that will change all. We create what we think about. We must find that inner calm amidst the storm, that will calm the storm.

Do not worry about us. Anne and I are survivors going back many lifestreams. Expect good things to happen!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer