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"Hello, Central!" I, For One, Am Really Tired Of Your "Zionist Crap!!!" (Updated 1-26-07)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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t, except keeping love in my heart and making it my guardian. What I "need" more than anything today is information on what's going on in DC and the rest of the world as it relates to the battle that's going on. Remember Patrick "You're Not God or Sanada", you're just a peon like the rest of us. It's your readers that allow you to exist and give you a this forum. Please get with the program.

P.S. I for one am really tired of your "Zionistic Crap !!!!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 25, 2007


Dear RL:

The Zionists have you by the gonads, and you don't even know it. What you need is Truth and not information. In case you have not figured it out yet, we are not a "news" site, and no, our readers do not allow us to exist.

We are quite independent of our readers. We are not in the numbers game, but exist by the authority of Creator God Aton of Light for the greatest good of all humanity. If you cannot handle the Truth, then go elsewhere for you "information", and leave Fourwinds to those, who seek Truth.

You would be amazed at the "Zionist Crap" that the Phoenix Journals contain, written for our benefit by none other than Creator God, Himself. You would be most wise to "get with God's program", my "peon" friend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: CLW


Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:15 PM

Subject: RE: R.L. & His Insulting "Zionistic Crap" Letter


Your site is the first one that I visit each morning, as it is the only one from which I am assured of getting the unbridled truth. May I inform R L that if he is so incensed by what he reads on "Fourwinds", and since he is not spiritually advanced enough to recognize "Truth" when he reads it, why doesn't he stop contributing to his high blood pressure and his ulcers and no longer visit "Fourwinds". I am sure there are many sites out there that will feed him the false truths that he so evidently desires. And, since he appears to be destined for another round of 3D incarnations in order to learn the lessons that, so far, in his present and previous incarnations he has failed to learn, we all need to include him in our prayers.



----- Original Message -----

From: CC


Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 9:45 PM

Subject: Subject: RE: R.L. & His Insulting "Zionistic Crap" Letter


The dark side has "dumbed down" many throughout the ages. Something R.L. will hopefully someday realize, is that the love, thoughts, energy, strength, guidance, wisdom and protection of God, every ascended master, every angelic being and every being of light are available to all of us at any time. The red road of truth involves neverending faith, hard work, perserverance and love of God. May this man one day walk off the black road and onto the red road.

As you stated, there are those who are focused on greed when it comes to NESARA. The laws of the creation are broken in such magnitude on a daily basis that lifetimes of karma couldn't balance it out. Even Hatonn himself has said that many cannot even fathom the depth of the evil operating on Earth Shan at this time. Thus, the earth changes are necessary. Those who read and listen but angrily dismiss the idea of the evacuation as the pious hope of misguided fools will be very shocked. Their surprise will be boundless when the evacuation comes, and the souls that had been considered misguided

(such as you) will no longer be around to give them guidance.

Peace and light,



----- Original Message -----

From: RS


Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 11:37 AM

Subject: Patrick H. Bellringer

Dear Patrick

Thanks you for posting this site. It has been helpful to me over the passage of time.

My heart goes out to RL. So many of us have been doing our best as helpers for the new dawn of man/co creator. I have come to a Peace about the whole process, whichever way The Creator decides.

Please be assured that miracles abound and the Divine protection

is there for all who ask. Last week my brother was driving on an expressway in Indiana, when a bullet was fired through his windshield. Thanks to Grace, it missed him. Two years ago a tornado suddenly went back up into the clouds when it came near my subdivision. [Your can still see its path through the forest preserve across the road.]

To all I would offer be of good cheer, do your personal best in everything that you do. Bring Light and Prayer to all situations. Sing to the Earth in her crystal heart. Keep on asking for Divine Intervention and your own and Earth's ascension. Forgive your brothers for their horror and mischief and regain your full power.

I too, hope for that "critical mass". Yet I abide in Peace with the outcome that the Creator has decided.
