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"Hello, Central!" I Am A Cradle Catholic, And I Feel That If I Let Go, I Will Be Dammed Forever. Who Is God? Who Created Me? How Do I Communicate With Him?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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raditional beliefs and grasp these new teachings?

I am a cradle Catholic, and I feel that if I let go I will be dammed forever. Do you understand what I am saying? But I do believe so many of these new things I have been reading, and it is as if a puzzle is finally being put together before my very eyes. I want to grasp at this so bad, and it keep pulling at me, but that which is in born within me pulls me back. This is my dilemma at this point in time.

I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge, and especially the time you grant me to answer my questions. I know of no one else to ask.

These are a few things I cannot understand. Just who is God now. I knew who God was being a Catholic, but now I do not know under these new teachings which one is God.

Sananda said that he was insulted to be called the Son of God in the Phoenix Journal #2. Why is that so insulting?

Who created Me or You? Where did we come from?

If you talked to One from the Lighted Realm and ask them to recite the Lords Prayer-The Our Father, would they do that? If not, why not?

How do we ask those from the Lighted Realm to identify themselves?

When one communicates with those of the Lighted Realm it is my understanding that they cannot understand us unless we use mental telepathy. Is this correct. How does one pray if they do not have mental telepathy. I read this in one of Candace's channellings. They cannot understand if we use our words out loud.

Thank you, PH


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 14, 2005


Dear PH:

No, it was not hard for me to let go of the Christian cult. I instantly knew that I had found the Truth, which my soul knew all along, and I now have peace and joy within. When you truly discover that what you believed were lies, why would it be hard to let go of them?

It seems humorous when I think back to one of my moments of awakening. My wife, Anne, and I were sitting along a lake shore in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and were reading the Phoenix Journals. I was reading Journal #2. Suddenly I said, "There goes the Old Testament!" A little while later, as I kept reading, I said, "There goes the New Testament!"

When you find Truth, you take a leap of faith, and when you do you will know such freedom and joy and peace within that others trapped in the lie can never know. You will discover "Heaven" within. You will be "dammed", if you do not let go of the lies!

God has never changed. Our Creator God is Creator of our Nebadon Universe. He goes by many names such as Hatonn, Christ Michael, Aton, Allah, God of Light, etc. There is a Creator God for every one of the 700,000 universes. There is only one Creator God Source, the Creator of all that IS. Creator Source is pure Light energy from which everything that exists has come.

Creator Source created us by thought and all the beings everywhere, including the 700,000 Creator Gods or Michaels.

You can talk to both Creator God Christ Michael and Creator God Source through your God Spirit within and they will hear you and will respond. Please understand that God Jehovah of the Bible is really God Jehovah Satan and has fooled many people.

We are all sons of God, that is, sons and daughters of Creator Source. The people called Sananda "The Son of God", meaning the only Son of God and "Christ", meaning he was Divine or equal to Creator Source. That was not true and insulted Sananda. You were created by Creator Source. I was created by Creator Source and so was Sananda, and none of us can forgive someone else's sins. Only Creator Source can do that after we have forgiven ourselves.

Any one of the Beings of Light could and would recite the Lord's Prayer--the Our Father, for Creator Source is the Father of us All. Any time you wish to know who a Being of Light is, ask them to tell you who they are. They understand our verbal language and our thoughts quite well. It is we who have difficulty communicating with them. We have lost our ability to use mental telepathy, which is how all of Creation communicates. Thinking or thought-power is the universal mode of communication.

We all have the ability to think, therefore, we all have the ability to do mental telepathy or communicate by thought with any being anywhere. Our problem is that we do not believe that is possible or that we have such ability. In 3D we have forgotten our spiritual connections to the Higher Realms or the World of Spirit. Thought is that connection. All we have to do to re-connect is to think! A good place to star is through meditation.

My friend, ask your Guardian Angels to help you. Let go and let God help you to soar with the Angels, and may the lies be dammed, forever!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
