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"Hello, Central!" So Why Can't They (5D Entities) Be More Definite In Their Messages?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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kes one say to oneself "Great, but I've heard all this before, what's going to be different this time?".

In particular, this message restates the same old cliche "Of course we do not know the date, but it is very near". The entities giving us these communications are from the 5th dimension, or higher, where linear time does not exist - everything is in the "Now" - so how can they gauge what is "very near"? A century to us in this 3D illusion that is our present reality is but a blink of an eye to them, and if they know it is very near, as they say, then they must have a timetable or specific date in mind when they make such statements. So why can't they be more definite, instead of raising our hopes yet again with vague prognostications?

I can remember reading about NESARA being "imminent"and "very soon" back in 2002, yet 5 years of our linear time later we still await the announcement. Indeed it appears that the NESARA announcement is now shelved in favour of evacuation for those who so chose, yet other messages from Sheldan Nidle and Mike Quinsey (Sirians) still seem to suggest First Contact is "imminent" after the demise of the Bush regime. Evacuation of the planet isn't even mentioned by them. But you state that the Pleidians are the ones to come to our aid at this time with Creator God's blessing - well, why aren't we getting any messages from them instead of the Sirians? (Apart from a few obtuse channelings from Lauren posted on White Knights911).

Of course, I wait, I stay positive, and I keep praying just as I have done for ages and ages it seems, despite scepticism and ignorance all around me, but if I think "Beam me up Scotty" is going to happen tomorrow I know I will be disappointed. "Everything is prepared for you" the message says - so what's the delay/hold up for? We Lightworkers/Starseeds have already learnt our lessons in soul growth patience over the last few years, any longer is futile. We've done our bit pushing the proverbial uphill spreading the good news, even if most of it has fallen on deaf ears!. If we are waiting for the majority of unenlightened souls presently incarnated on earth to wake up to give them a chance of Evacuation/Ascension then we are going to be waiting an eternity it would appear, so stuck in 3D are most of them. Stand in a Shopping Mall and pass out flyers giving the Truth about our existence to passers-by, and you'd be a candidate for the lock-up or straight-jacket in 5 minutes or less!

Why can't we just get on with it, and if some, or even many wake up at the last minute, then they deserve to have the chance to move on into higher dimensions. The rest can go on to 3D lifetimes elsewhere because they clearly haven't evolved sufficiently or learned enough from this lifetime on planet earth to earn the opportunity to Ascend.

Love and Peace



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 16, 2007


Dear DC:

Thank you for your letter. Like many other Lightworkers, you are frustrated by the delays in the needed changes on Earth Shan. "So why can't they be more definite"? The reason for not giving us definite dates for evacuation and NESARA, delivery of the bank packets, etc. is all about freewill.

We live on a freewill planet, and Mother Earth is no exception. Evacuation is tied to when Mother Earth chooses to tip on her axis and begin serious self-cleansing. We will be evacuated when it becomes unsafe for our physical life to remain here. So the Ascended Masters and the Forces of Light really have no way of knowing a definite date for lift-of. Like us, they must read the signs of earth changes.

The same goes for NESARA. The Darkside has broken their agreement with Creator God Aton to return to the Light, and continue to do battle with the Light. So, the Chessgame of funding and NESARA continues. Automatic Divine Intervention is not allowed except in special planet-threatening situations, and the NESARA Mission is not such a situation. Thus, freewill reigns, and the Darkside is determined to win their One World Order or destroy everything in their attempts to win.

Many are awakening from their spiritual sleep and have become Truthseekers, but it often takes a long time for them to realize their potential and their thought-power within. The Lightworkers are working hard and have done a great job of bringing Light to Earth Shan and her people, but there are simply not enough of them to tip the balance of energy to positive. The mass consciousness still remains on the negative energy side of the balance.

As Kryon of Magnetic Service said recently, if one-half of one percent of the people presently on Earth Shan were Lightworkers, we would have peace on Earth. We do not have enough Light to overcome the Darkness that prevails on our planet at this time. The Darkside is unwilling to give at any quarter, so the Chessgame continues.

Those Lighted Beings of Higher Dimensions cannot give us any definite dates in their spiritual messages to us, because all rests on the freewill choices of Earth humans and on Mother Earth. Hatonn said recently that He doubts the NESARA Mission will ever be completed because of the slowness of its progress to completion, and the impatience of Mother Earth to wait longer to seriously begin her self-cleansing.

We are to use great discernment and read the "signs of the times" that are everywhere. What is the meaning of the many fires, the drought, the floods, the violent storms and erratic weather patterns across our planet? Earthquakes are increasing exponentially in number and size on the continents and under the oceans. The same is true for volcanic activity. Just recently scientists have reported 1100 active undersea volcanoes off the coast of Easter Island, and that they have mapped only five percent of the ocean floor for active volcanoes.

As the tectonic plates move, earthquakes are happening and volcanoes are erupting all along these plate junctures. The oceans are being warmed by volcanism and by the increased intensity of our sun, causing global warming. This is causing the melting of the polar icecaps and high mountain glaciers across the planet. The oceans are rising, the land in many places is sinking, and plants and animals and humans are being threatened, as their environments change. Yet, the U.S. government and that of other countries are working hard to keep such Truth out of the media. The people are not to know the "signs of the times".

My friend, it is not the task of the Ascended Masters to tell us what is happening to us and to our planet, though they are doing so, and have warned us for a very long time of these "end times". They have no better answers then we do about "definite dates". It is our task to read the "signs" and figure things out. Know that the "End of the Age" is here, and we are to be ready to "graduate!"

You also asked, "Why aren't we getting any messages from them (the Pleiadians) instead of the Sirians" at this time? The Pleiadians have already spoken and have given to us all the Truth we need to know at this time. They have given to us the greatest gift of all time, The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms, known to us as the Phoenix Journals. Therefore, Hatonn/Aton said that there are no new prophets or prophecies, for we do not need any more.

May you be discerning of the times.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer