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"Hello, Central!" In Appreciation

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Showers be rewarded for their courage, determination and relentless effort to present The Truth.

Thank you for showing the way!!

Warmest wishes, much light and love and blessings



----- Original Message -----

From: RM


Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:39 PM

Subject: surfing oklahoma


First of all...thank you. I have never written you before, but I've thought about it hundreds otimes over the many years that I have enjoyed your website. To be truthful with you, those thoughts were so fulfilling in their own way, that I never really thought it was necessary to write....I still feel that way.

However, I just can't resist it tonight. I'm 62 years old, and have been a social worker for 31 years (retired now). I left my body for the first time when I was eleven...and have never been quite the same since (a smile). Well, maybe there are others, who have not written you. Maybe that's why I am writing. I'm not sure.....what am I sure of.... is the astounding work that you perform. I know that working with people can be challenging at times (ha), but it is spine tingling to watch the way you navigate the challenges. Yes, a lot of this goes on......and sometimes I think...why should he even respond to that....but you do..and you take it to another level despite those really 'self-importance' type questioners. Thank you for doing that, so people can perhaps.... blossom..... by seeing the truth about beauty, and this lovely lady that we are all sharing time with.

take care ole' friend



Thank you L., from the United Arab Emirates, and R. M. from Oklahoma, our new and ole’ friends for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds. We, also, thank you for your great service to mankind, L. for hosting a Fourwinds mirror site, and R.M. for 31 years of helping your fellowman. We are deeply honored and humbled to have you as friends.

Know that we love you, as together we Light the way to Truth and to Divine Love. May your rewards be great in the Lighted Realms.

In Love and Light

Anne and Patrick Bellringer