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"Hello, Central!" Why Should I Believe "Space Gate", When I Have No Proof?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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f information. PROOF. There are 100's of theories, beliefs, and "facts", yet no one can offer real proof. A good example would be the Phoenix journals (Space--Gate). Hatonn makes a compelling case with tons of references to validate the story. But is this document any different than what a bright human researcher and theorist could have come up with. Hatonn even references an article from fate magazine. This space alien must spend a lot of time reading earth material while in space. Wouldn't it be much easier to just send the fourwinds readers PROOF in the form of pictures, and or videos? Even better how about Hatonn stops by any small town in the midwest (in his ship), and introduces himself and provides the local TV station with an exclusive interview. Would'nt that wake up America?

With the lack of any real PROOF why would we believe that these writings are anymore true than the 100's of other theories. Patrick I would love to read your response or even Hatonns. But I would be elated to see proof of their existence.

Please respond on



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 28, 2007


Dear M:

Thank you for your letter. Like so many people today, you are stuck in your 3D world of head knowledge, and therefore, demand proof of everything that lies beyond your brain's capacity to comprehend.

What you lack is heart knowledge, that leads to wisdom and knowing, which requires no 3D proof. You have the power within through your God Spirit to know all Truth. A true scientist knows the realm of the spiritual and understands how it "meshes" with his 3D work.

Tell me how do you explain the UFO sightings or the colored stars moving and flashing their colors in the night sky? Are you one of those of whom Esu Immanuel spoke, who hears but do not hear and sees but do not see? You wouldn't believe Hatonn, if he showed up on your doorstep! You are too spiritually blind to even see him other than a salesman.

May you awaken to the proof all around you!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer