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"Hello, Central!" Nancy Tate Is Still Being Used By The Dark Agenda Folks. Am I Right Or Wrong?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ed by the Dark agenda folks to spread confusion and discontent. That wake-up call message is blatantly false. Only a few days ago, Candace channeled a good message from Germain on the subject of money that is to be distributed to persons over the age of 21 after NESARA. Now in Nancy's wake-up message, Germain is supposedly telling us (if I understood it correctly) that we are in the process of advancing our state of ascenscion from 4D to 5D and that the Announcement cannot be made until after we reach 5D. That is in disagreement with last week's message through Candace because folks in the 5D state do not need money. Furthermore, if the Announcement cannot be made until after we reach 5D, why has he not told us about that before, considering that many announcement dates have been set over the past several years? Also, I would expect that Hatonn/Christ Michael and Sananda would know about this 5D business and their recent messages via Candace have not mentioned it. Also, in Germain's message via Candace on the subject of money, he speaks in good old man-in-the-street type North American English (or Australian English if you prefer) whereas in Nancy's wake-up message, he reverts to that mushy medieval type of English which is incomprehensible and meaningless to most folks. I welcome your comments about this, Patrick. Am I right or wrong?




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 31, 2005


Dear JPM:

Thank you for your letter and your thoughtful comments. You are quite right in your assessment of the Nancy Tate Sunday, May 29, 2005 "Wake Up Call, St. Germain" and its sequel of Monday, May 30, 2005, "Message for All of You" from Tate.

Please understand that Nancy Tate is under CIA mind-control programming and is currently being used to give disinformation about NESARA to create confusion and fear among the enlightened people. This negative energy is needed to continue to delay NESARA. Knowing that NESARA is about to happen, the Darkside is desperate and is using every means possible to win.

These are days of great testing of the Lightworkers. NESARA is our first step into the Golden Age. All the positive changes that NESARA brings prepares the way for us to gradually "ascend" as a society into fifth dimension. It is ludicrous for one to think that NESARA happens after our society has finally achieved fifth dimension.

Money is not used in fifth dimension. Why would we need a banking change and new currency or funding from Farm Claims or prosperity programs? Tate is brain-dead to think that we would believe such drivel. Why would we be needing a 3D government change in 5D or a new tax structure or forgiveness of debt? This is pure nonsense!

Yet, many continue to fall for the tricks and lies of the Darkside because they have not learned their lessons in discernment. The Germain/Candace message of May 27, 2005 is from Ascended Master Violinio Germain, and he speaks truth concerning the funding needed now in 3D to prepare the way for our planet and her people to bring balance and harmony once again. Until that is done through the aid of NESARA we will be unable to advance as a society to 5D. NESARA is the doorway to our Golden Age.

People need to learn to think when they read. Notice the subliminal programming in the Tate writings. In the Wake Up Call of May 29 the world "truth" is repeated twenty-two times. Whether the message has any Truth in it or not, the mind is subtly being influenced to believe that the message does contain truth.

Tate is obviously irritated that she has been chastised "in the past few months" for writing nonsense, and in fact, creating much harm. She relates her woodshed whipping experience as a child and how she was forced to comply with the restrains of her family.

Now Tate is "throwing this into our face" for publicly "whipping" her for her fake Sananda/Hatonn messages, where she was a victim again, called a liar again and mistrusted again. There are subtle clues such as,"as the words of St. Germain (CIA?) came through my fingertips yesterday" and "then that soft, still voice (CIA?) will be there, and it will be given attention, for there is nothing that can be done." It is obvious that Tate feels no remorse for the confusion her past messages have created and has no intention of doing anything differently in the future. That is quite evident in this present Wake Up Call. She says "I am not afraid of the woodshed anymore. I can walk in my truth."

There are other clues of negative energy such as the New Age reference of "the solar disk" and "the mighty wizard". It is interesting to note that Tate/Tower provided a website for A&A/Jennifer Lee called

Well, my friend, that is Nancy's choice, but she may be building a woodshed on another 3D planet in which to experience all over again. We can only send her Love and Light and continue to learn our own lessons in soul growth. There is no middle ground. You either work for the Darkside or the Light.

The word I give to all Lightworkers and Truthseekers everywhere is to get a firm grip on Truth through your God Spirit within and hang on tight as we pass through these last few days of the Darkside's holocaust. Victory is here! Believe it! Know it, as together We Walk The King's Highway!
