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"Hello, Central!" Why Is NESARA Money Going To Criminals?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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in hiding for one year monies. The dark cabal is now corrupting the minds of channellers. Beware and discern for your own protection.


----- Original Message -----

From: C. S.


Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 12:10 AM

Subject: Re: NESARA ~

Hello Patrick,

After reading about the September 1 Nesara setback, I was jolted to read about the FBI arrest of Warren Jeffs and the fact he had cashed a $75,000. check and 39 Merkel letters for HIS people were found in his possession. This indeed, is most improper. Why would a WANTED FBI criminal receive a $75,000. check? How did he get it? He has been on the run for a year. How were the letters given to him?

I know that the media and our government duped us into believing that "terrorists" took down the World Trade Center, however, the majority of us don't believe their story. Barnum & Bailey once said; "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time". Really Patrick, the masses are not going to believe that Warren Jeffs was selected by NESARA to receive a whopping $75,000. He is a criminal and lives outside of all man made laws. His cult and mind techniques have put him on the same level as Jim Jones. (Guyana) If the distribution of the NESARA monies are suppose to be equal amounts for ALL......why was a pervert picked as the choice. This is definitely sending out the wrong signals to the Light groups the world over. CS


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: K & C.S.

DATE: September 2, 2006


Dear K and C.S.:

I am responding to you both at the same time, for your letters were similar. You speak of things you know little about.

The Prosperity Programs were opened to anyone, who wished to invest their money in the 1990's. No distinction was made between perverts, Christians, criminals, terrorists or channellers with "corrupted minds" like me. Thousands of people in America, Canada, Mexico and Europe became involved in these programs. All those aware of these programs, who had funds and who believed in them invested in them.

Now that these programs are finally funding, are we to stand in judgment of who is to receive their rightful return? What do we really know about Warren Jeffs? All we know is what the lying media has presented to us. You say he was a criminal, but was he not also arrested by criminals? Where lies the Truth?

We are told that this man is the leader of a polygamist cult and is a pervert, for he has broken many of the Laws of God and Creation. Therefore, he should be denied any funding of his investment. Do we then treat other cults equally? Should those people in the "Christian cult" and all religious cults also be denied their funding? Have not those members of the Christian cult", also broken the Laws of God and Creation? Are there not perverts and patriotic "terrorists" involved in these Prosperity Programs?

I do not stand in defense of Warren Jeffs' wrongdoing. That is a matter between him and Creator God. What I am saying is that personal prejudice and ignorance may influence one's perceptions and ability to properly discern Truth.

You speak of "NESARA monies". NESARA has no money. NESARA is a law that is waiting to be implemented, which changes our international banking system to a gold based system. The only connection NESARA has to the Farm Claims and Prosperity Programs is that it provides the banking system through which these funds can be properly accessed.

We understand that this money being provided to the people at this time is part of Creator God's Plan 2000 to restore abundance to the people. We also understand that this money is to be used not selfishly, but with good intent to help many people in need. Due to the rising frequencies we also know that those people of low frequencies, who have selfish intent will lose their money quickly, and probably their soul as well. With this understanding, who are we to judge, who should receive and who should not? The sorting is already built into the Plan.

K., you attack the messenger. You assume that I rely wholly on channelled information for my updates. I do not, and I am under Divine protection. Know it! Wisdom teaches us that the energy we send out is always returned to us in multiple amount. May our goal be to generate positive energy to assure us a happy life.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer