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"Hello, Central!" The Ringing Windless Wind Chimes!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: YJ

To: Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 3:38 PM

Subject: Perplexing "Situation"

Hi Patrick,

Once again, I have something 'strange' occuring around me. I am not complaining; just letting you know what is happening in our 'world.'

In September I purchased a wind chime. I have always admired them and wanted to enjoy the tinkling sounds they make. It has been hanging outside on my porch post since the day I brought it home.

For a few weeks I longed to hear it 'play' but nothing happened. Let me explain that the wind is always rustling around my house, which is another reason I thought the chimes would be a wonderful addition....

I began to get frustrated at not hearing anything from the chimes, and while outdoors, would move the oblong tubes manually just to hear 'something.'

Well............. for the past 3 weeks or so, the chimes tinkle every now and then on their own, but one early morning before the sun came up, John (my husband) and I were awakened by another sound.... it sounded like a loud tuning fork vibration. Then we heard the usual tinkling.

We went back to sleep and was awakened later with the same tuning fork sound. It only lasts about 15 or 20 seconds. We both wondered where that sound was coming from. It couldn't have been the chimes. Since then, we have been awakened by the tuning fork sound about 5 times.. and another sound is also occuring.

This past week I have been awakened by the tinkling and what I can only describe as music sounding as if it is being played on Pan's flute...

There is a soundwave on this page giving an example of the tones I am hearing (scroll down the page). The website plays the musical scale, but I hear tones in the key of C ( I am estimating ), and it actually played a "catchy" tune this morning at 11:14am. I also have to add: sometimes, the tinkling and the tuning fork sounds are playing at the same time.

If I knew when it was going to happen, I would be ready with my tape recorder; but it "comes when it comes" and is over before I can 'do anything' to capture the sounds.

All I know is that it is weird; beautiful, but weird and I am beginning to think the wind chime is picking up sounds from another dimension. I have no other explanation for what is happening, and if you can 'tune in' to what is, I would be happy to hear about it.

I already know above my property is a "dimensional portal." The alien crafts used to use it nightly for a few years, then accessed it sporactically. Lately; in the past year or so, no activity at all....

Enclosing some photos of the chime so you can see 'what it looks like.' Just a plain chime... Have you ever heard of a situation like mine before?? I would think in this day and age of internet communication, if anyone's chimes started producing abnormal sounds, we would have heard something by now..

Love & Harmony,


Photo of  Wind Chimes


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 2, 2007


Dear YJ:

Thank you for sharing the magic of your wind chimes. The Angels, Divas and Fairies love playing tricks on people to get their attention and possibly wake them up to the Spiritual Realms. I have known of many simple things used by the Lighted Realms for this purpose.

For Anne and me years ago it was ringing of a travel alarm clock that would ring at midnight, when it was not set to ring and was packed in a suitcase in the hotel room in which we were staying, during our Farm Claim meeting travels. Sometimes the ringing came from the wall behind the telephone and not the telephone. When traveling with our luggage in the trunk of our car, my wrist watch, which had no alarm set, would ring at midnight, and always the same loud ring of the clock. We had many fun experiences such as becoming invisible, staying at a motel that seemed "normal", but had been closed for 25 years, eating at a MacDonald's Restaurant that did not exist, and having a truck drive right through our car leaving no damage to our car and no harm to us.

Needless to say, these experiences woke us up to the world of possibilities we had never known, and which now seem common place. Many people miss these little signs to nudge them awake. There is a reason and a purpose in everything we experience in life. They are all for our lessons in soul growth. Believe it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer