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"Hello, Central!" My 11 Year Old Niece Is Very Ill. Would You Ask Your Fourwinds Readers To Send Love And Positive Energy To Heal Her?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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nts, the more my appetite increases and screams more! more!. Thank you for the great work you're doing. I've been trying to share the little I know about Nesara, the Galactic Federation, Second Coming, earth changes etc, but I always get laughed at and people think I'm mental. My 11 year old niece is very ill, weak and is unable to be a child. She cannot play as her heart is very weak and she is in constant pain. Please post this on fourwinds as I humbly ask all your readers to send positive, loving thoughts and energy to my neice Herone, to reverse the negative energy that has surround her. Similar to what you said about Hurricane Rita.

Thank you so much.

In love and light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 22, 2005


Dear DB:

Thank you for your kind words of appreciation for our work at Fourwinds. I honor you for being a Truthseeker and for your concern for the welfare of your niece, Herone. I shall honor your request and hereby ask the readers of Fourwinds to send healing energies and the Healing Angels immediately to Herone and give her perfect health.

"We petition the Lighted Realms through our Might I AM Presence to remove all Dark energies and entities from Herone and her family completely and permanently. We request that her space be filled with the Love and Healing energies of Creator Source, and that she be restored to perfect health immediately, assisted by Hilarion the Healer and all the Angels of Healing. We give the Lighted Realms permission to do this now. It is done! So be it!"

Know in your heart that we are all workers of miracles, if we but use our thought-power for good intent. It takes only one person, or two or three to release the creative power of Creator God to accomplish great things. Remember what Esu Immanuel Sananda told his disciples long ago, that "where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst"---meaning that when two or three agree to focus their creative energies on goodness, miracles happen.

Think of the incident on the Sea of Galilee with Esu Immanuel sleeping in the boat. His disciples were fearful of the great storm approaching and in panic they awoke him. Why? They had no faith! They said to Esu, "Do you not care if we perish?" What did Esu do"? He stood up in the boat, raised his hand against the raging storm and said, "Peace, be still!" The storm ceased immediately, and even the waves stopped! It took only one person to stop the storm!

Think what we as a people could do, if we truly desired to create goodness and acted upon it. In little places and in little groups the Light is shinning. It is happening. Our world is slowly awakening. So long we have waited for the "sunrise"! Walk in joy knowing that miracles are happening, and we are creating them.

In Love and Light, Patrick H. Bellringer
