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"Hello, Central!" Is It Normal To Be Dreaming So Much? What Do Dreams Mean?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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but on a much smaller scale. Your work is much appreciated by countless souls who are here on Earth Shan at this time.

I have a question regarding dreams. I was never one to dream - here and there every once in a while was the way it was for me. Now (and for the past year or so), I dream every night about bizarre experiences in different lifetimes (??), being in different places doing various things, observing and helping. Some of the dreams seem so real that, as hard as it is for me to comprehend, I feel like part of me is still in that dreaming world, where ever it may be, even after waking up. Can this be? How many places can I be at one time - or how many places can my soul be at any given time?

My most recent dream took place in what I assumed was the future (not sure how far out in the future), but I was out in space (in a ship?) amongst little kids (I think) and they were asking about Earth. I was telling them that Earth had to go through major changes because of how the beings that inhabited the Earth at that time destroyed her and she couldn't take it anymore. She needed to be reborn. They continued to ask about what happened to the inhabitants and I said - the Sun's twin came and the ones who were ready, left on that planet while the ones who remained on Earth experienced beyond harsh conditions and many left their bodies to continue their learning elsewhere. Then I woke up.

I know that Planet X is on its way to us. I've read various scenario's as to what's going to happen when it nears Earth Shan. Is Planet X the Sun's twin planet?

Is it normal for us to be dreaming every night about different things during the ascension process? Is it a way for us to prep us for what is to come and possibly clean out the closet of past lives (I'm just guessing here)? I try to evaluate my dreams and figure out what they are telling me and if I can apply lessons to my current life, it at all. It's very hard to do when I'm not even sure if I'm remembering my dreams correctly!

I hope I'm not sounding crazy here - sometimes I feel like I am going crazy with everything that's going on now! All we can do is hang on until the time comes when lift-off happens, NESARA gets announced or whatever else happens. I ask God Aton, Mother Earth and the Heavens above everyday if today is the day for miracles to happen. The time is almost near, I can feel and sense it. I know it. Truth is power and living with that power is sometimes hard because you feel all alone with that belief in this world. But I wouldn't have it any other way, no matter how hard it gets.

We shall be blessed with a very loud applaud from the Universe once this show/drama comes to an end and the curtain finally comes down. I can't wait to go into existence from non-existence and go back to the true way of living!

Thank you for your time as always Patrick and Anne. Be well and take care.

With Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: M.T.

DATE: April 19, 2007


Dear M.T.:

Thank you for your letter. As you know we all travel, that is, our soul travels during our sleep-state to may places and dimensions. Our Mighty I AM Presence resides in a higher dimension and is our full true souled-being self created by Creator Source. There are twelve facets of our True Self, each of which have twelve more facets. Thus, we are experiencing through 144 facets of our True Self on other 3D planets, and in many places in the Cosmos in many higher dimensions all at the same time.

Our Mighty I AM Presence is our "Grand Central Stations-" so to speak, our total collective self. During our sleep-state our facet here on Earth Shan in this 3D lifestream goes to our Higher Self to communicate and coordinate experiences with our other 143 facets of our True Self. Also, we may be doing work in other dimensions, during our state while we are present in this lifestream on this planet. These experiences we usually do not remember when we wake from .

The higher frequencies at this time are causing those with positive energy to move higher in their frequencies in preparation for their "Light Bodies". Thus, many are now in high fourth dimension, and are more closely attuning to the energy of 5D. This makes the veil between 4D and 5D much thinner, the barrier between forgetfulness and remembering to gradually disintegrate.

Therefore, we are remembering more of the happenings during our sleep-state travels. This occurs as dreams, and more frequent and more vivid dreams, that are often difficult to understand. All facets of your True Self are doing things that you may now be remembering in only bits and pieces from other dimensions.

Due to the clearing of past Karma at this time of transition of Earth Shan into 5D, many people are experiencing dreams of their past lifestreams. Dreams may be quite negative, as past experiences are brought to the conscious level and resolved. Dreams can reveal much about the past, the present, and even the future, for in the higher dimensions there is no time, so all is present in the Now! Thus, we may dream about any aspect of our Being in any time and in any place or any dimension, and we may be in 144 places at the same time!

You asked about Planet X, the twelfth planet in our solar system. Forget about Planet X. Our scientists have told us many lies about this planet, traveling in a retro-grade orbit to Earth Shan. Hatonn says that Plant X is 1600 years out in its orbit before returning to approach Earth Shan.

My friend, dreams serve many purposes. You are not alone and you are not going crazy because you have weird dreams. Lightworkers are reporting a miriad of dreams. When you awaken, immediately write down your dreams, so as not to forget them. Over time watch a pattern or even lessons emerge. With full consciousness we will have no more forgetfulness, and maybe no more dreams, for these "messages" from beyond the veil will no longer be needed.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer