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"Hello, Central!" If Fourwinds Was Under Complete and Permanent Protection by the Lighted Realms, Why Was the Website Totally Destroyed?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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r Divine protection. Did we not petition often enough as Lightworkers for complete protection? Could not Hatonn and the Forces of Light intervene ? This also represents an attack or retaliation towards Hatonn/Aton, does it not? Everything happens for a reason. Is it not so that this "hacker bombing" situation may serve another purpose under Heaven? Nothing down here seems the same since this "slap in the face" was handed up to the Light. Share with us your read out if you would.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: A & CM

DATE: Sept. 4, 2007


Dear A & CM:

Thank you for your question concerning the recent attack on Fourwinds. I, also, thank you for the excerpt by Hatonn from Phoenix Journal #139.

There is no doubt in my mind that Anne and I have personally had both complete and permanent protection, as Lightworkers, by the Divine Order of Heaven. Had we not, we would have been removed from Earth Shan long ago, and our work of presenting Truth would have been eliminated by the Darkside.

Looking back over our many years of service to the Light, we see a pattern to the Divine Intervention in human affairs. So many times we have seen the resistance of the Darkside and their refusal to cooperate with the Lightworkers to bring goodness into our 3D world. Then strangely, we have seen situations change and the Darkside doing what it vowed never to do, helping the Light, inspite of their evil goals.

In the NESARA Mission this has happened repeatedly. Those, who said they would never cooperate, are being placed in circumstances where they have no other choice but to cooperate with the Mission. Controllers are signing documents they said they would never sign. Bankers are releasing the funds they have stolen, to be given back to the people, against their Masonic vow of the Banker's Brotherhood. U.S. military personnel are taking orders from a different Commander-in-Chief and are now assisting the cause of goodness.

This bears out that Creator God does work in strange ways, His wonders to perform. So, what does this have to do with your question? I believe that Creator God Aton uses both the Light and the Darkness to carry out His plans for our 3D world. I do not believe a starship hovered overhead with people in white uniforms waving magic wands to fend off incoming demons, as the means of protecting Fourwinds, and that the Fourwinds entire website was destroyed because the Star People laid down their magic wands. This would run counter to what I just said.

Very often Aton uses 3D humans of all types to get the job done in 3D. Simply put, our protection of Fourwinds was derived from Aton's orders to the Darkside to leave us alone. So, they have left us alone, but for a few bully challenges along the way, until now. Third dimension is all a matter of choices for the Darkside, as well as for the Light. Finally, the Darkside has become brave enough to seriously challenge Aton. They have become so desperate in win in the short time they have left, that they would "take on" Creator God. So, they did it! They destroyed Fourwinds!

The consequences are that now the one hundred plus U.S. paid internet hackers, their most brilliant and skilled hackers, are now gone from Earth Shan! Did the Darkside win? No! The Light won! Fourwinds is back in business, and shall soon be fully restored, sending Truth again to the world, and these highly skilled hackers can no longer cause harm to the other many websites they have attacked over the years.

Was it our fault that we did not pray enough, or your fault that you did not pray with sincerity for the Lighted Realms to protect Fourwinds? Of course, not! This was not a "slap in the face handed up to the Light!" This was a great opportunity for the Darkness to choose once again to assist the Light by continuing to obey Aton's order to protect Fourwinds by leaving us alone.

One last time they chose wrongly, and for their own lessons. These are times of sorting, of choices, and of soul growth for all involved. What did we learn through this attack on Fourwinds? What did our readers learn? What did Anne and I learn? What did our webmaster learn? What did the Darkside learn? There are reasons for all that happens. Our task is to sort through the happenings and find the lessons that apply to us.

The following example may be helpful in understanding this situation with Fourwinds. A teacher (Aton) has a classroom (Earth Shan) full of students of various kinds (Earth Shan's people). A new student (Fourwinds) arrives in the classroom with a new perspective (Truth), which is upsetting to the order of things. The classroom bully (the Darkside) is determined to challenge the new student. The teachers gives an order to the bully to leave the new student alone. Thus, the new student is protected, until one day the bully chooses to disobey the teacher's order, and beats up the new student very badly.

What does the enlightened teacher do? The bully is punished, and new student is helped, and all the students learn various valuable lessons. Such is life in third dimension. Please understand that we all have our personal Guides and Guardian Angels from the moment of life until the moment of physical death, who are there to help us, when we ask for their help from the Realms of Light.

The Darkside destroyed Fourwinds temporarily, but they did not harm Anne and me, for we have Divine Protection. Know that your sincere prayers never go unheeded, and that their positive energy is added to the prayer power that is elevating Earth Shan into fifth dimension.

Your quote from Phoenix Journal 139 is most fitting. Hatonn/Aton says, "You of Satan/Lucifer are nothing except teachers for our people," and "I expect my people protected from everything you dredge up, conjure up and blow up. Do we understand one another----sirs?"

How true and real this is in our present missions. We shall win everytime to the very end! Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer