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"Hello, Central!" Are Not The Earlier Phoenix Journals Horrendously Outdated And Incorrect?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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on the topics discussed in the early 'Phonix Journals'.

[1] Why does the "Urantia Book" state the Lucifer and Satan have long since been locked up awaiting probable destruction in a prision colony, when the channelings of the Masters on your site [including in the 'Phoenix Journals'] says otherwise? Can I have some clarity on this issue please. Which 'account' is correct please?

[2] Why do you still promote the early 'Phonenix Journals', which say "there will be a nuclear war", when the more recent channelings on your 'front' page says that there will not be such a war? If the early 'Phoenix Journals' are outdated and incorrect, can you please either remove them or update them please. Myself and my friends are considering a nuclear shelter, but now we don't know if this is even necessary.

[3]Why do all of the 'Phoenix Journals' seem to stop at about 1995, when we are now in 2005? Are there some more recent Journals that are available? If so, where are they?

[4]Why do you still promote the early 'Phoenix Journals', which say that their will be an economic [including stock market] collapse, when the whole aim of NESARA seems to be to produce 'abundance', which seems to me to be an entirey different thing. Do we still ned to take all our money out of the banks and hide it?

[5]This one makes me nervous to ask, but I will anyway. Why does Sananda, in the early 'Phonenix Journals', state that "we can't well-wish the advent of a nuclear war away", when this is just what we may have done if there is not going to be one? Once again, are these 'Journals' horrendously outdated?

Answers on a post-card please! And thanks for reading this e-mail...



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 27, 2005


Dear JM:

Thank you for your letter. The Urantia Book is a compilation from various sources and many authors based upon telepathy or channeling, whereas the Phoenix Journals are a direct transcription via radio transmission from the Phoenix Starship to the receiver/typist. Thus, the Phoenix Journals are far more accurate and authentic than is the Urantia Book. The Phoenix Journals were not done by telepathy or channeled messages.

Q1. It is my understanding at this time that Lucifer was so depressed at his defeat by the Forces of Light that he has requested to be uncreated. Satan was so soundly defeated that he has returned to the path of Light. Only his 3D minions continue as the Darkside on Earth Shan at this time.

Q2. One must read the Phoenix Journals with understanding. As journals, they are a record of history and of spiritual truths intertwined. Times change, thus some messages true in the past may not apply today. Other messages of Truth are timeless. One must read with discernment. If you had done so, you would know that we have passed the "era" of nuclear war possibility, and that Creator God has decreed that such shall not be allowed ever again on this planet.

If I were to follow your directive than it would be logical to rip out parts of the Bible and history books and throw them away as well. What would that prove? Would that not be foolish?

Q3. The Phoenix Journals stop in February 1998 but those from 1995 to 1998 were never published due to lack of funds. The last one published in 1995 is number 107, "Ring Around the Rose". No more journals were written after March, 1998 because Doris Ekker quit her work and went with her husband E. J. Ekker to live in the Philippines (Manila). The unpublished Phoenix Journals are to be made public when time and money permit. Hopefully, that will be soon.

Q4. Again, understand that times have changed, and the Darkside has been defeated. We do not need to be in a survival mode as in the early 1990's. Your money is safe and is being protected at this time by the Star People.

Q5. Are history books that state the facts of history ever outdated? You are asking the wrong question. Nuclear war was not "well-wished" away! It took the work and sacrifice and prayers of thousands of Lightworkers to change the shape of history and prevent nuclear war on our planet.

The Phoenix Journals are "The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms", and I have no authority to alter or discard any of them. They have been given to us by Creator God Aton/Hatonn/Christ Michael, Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters. They are a record of our recent history and of spiritual Truth. It is our task to read them and discern Truth and knowledge and wisdom for our own soul growth to prepare us for our coming Golden Age of Peace, Prosperity and Freedom.

In their ignorance most people do not know the Dark History through which they have come. We survived an under-ocean nuclear war in the 1980's, and barely avoided a nuclear holocaust of our entire planet in the 1990's. My friend, you would be most wise to not criticize the Phoenix Journals from you limited perspective. Just read them and learn. Hatonn has stated in the Phoenix Journals to not criticize the Phoenix Journals until you have read every single one of them thoroughly! That is a big order!

In Love and Light, Patrick H. Bellringer
