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"Hello, Central!" I Am Confused About A Few Things. I Have So Many Questions

Patrick H. Bellringer

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C. We have always been taught about the second comming of Jesus the son of GOD. We celecrate his birthday on 12/25. This can not be the same one. Please explain. Also when you talk about people acending into the 5th dimension along with planet earth or staying to be a part of the Golden Age. What is going to happen? Do people on earth as we know it, have to die to get into the 5th dimension. What happens to planet earth? Do we actually stay on planet earth as we know it until we are ready for the 5th dimension? When you say with - where does the planet earth go. What about families who want to stay together. Example - I have a christan family who loves each other. I have a son & daughter and two grandchildren with the hope of another one next year. I want to see my grandchildren grow up. My children, grandchildren & I want to spend as many years as possible with each other. I know everyone has to make their own choice. What about babies? My son wants to have a baby, but it will be next year. Does his baby stay with him. What about children in school. Will we go to work and school every day as we do today. So many questions. I think you get the picture. Please do not use my name or e-mail address on line.


GOD Bless



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 22, 2005


Dear C:

Many years ago the religious leaders agreed to settle their dispute over when to celebrate the birth of Esu Immanuel by selecting a very important occult festival day, the 25th of December. This became known worldwide as Christmas but with no connection to Esu's actual birth day of 8-8-8 BC. The Second Coming of this very same Esu Immanuel (Jesus) is exactly what I am talking about. You have been taught many lies in the Christian cult.

Ascending into fifth dimension is a raising of frequencies. To ascend with Earth Shan you are not going anywhere. You are staying right here on our planet as the Golden Age is established here. Those who choose to stay here and be a part of the Golden Age on Earth Shan do not die a physical death. Only those who choose to go somewhere else to continue learning their lessons in soul growth may die. Many will be taken directly to the 3D pristine planet and to the Hell planet with no physical death.

Our planet Earth will be restored to its original beauty as Heaven on Earth or the Golden Age is established here. Yes, we stay here while the frequencies rise to the 5D level and our Golden Age begins here. We do not go anywhere to be in 5D.

Each person must decide their future and choose to either stay here for the Golden age or to go elsewhere. That choice is between themselves and Creator God and is made at their soul level and depends upon their soul growth, whether they have learned their lessons and are ready to graduate into 5D. Families may stay together or they may not depending upon their level of soul growth. It is my understanding that children below the age of accountability, meaning they do no yet know the difference between right and wrong, (5-7 years of age) will go into 5D automatically.

Life in 5D will be much different. We will still have work and school, but it will be fun with no evil allowed. We shall have peace and happiness.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
