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"Hello, Central!" Why The NESARA Delay" Are We Waiting For Perfect Conditions?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ven how long things have been in the works.

The silence of the last several days has been both revealing and troubling to many, many people, I am sure. Expectations can be quite a problem, that's true. Expectations with a mythical deadline are the things that make up religion. Expectations created with finite deadlines, as was given last week seems to exacerbate everbody's frustrations, considering that "no man knoweth the hour of my coming..." Hopes are so alive that NESARA is now, rather than some undefined time in the future.

World events are stirred, terror still reigns, threats still abound, and the whole human family suffers with fear and uncertainty that the good news might not come in a timely fashion. What seems certain is the chaos and evil that runs rampant throughout the world. Negatives, by their very nature seem more tangible than positives.

My question is this: Do you sense that the delay in getting NESARA announced is more due to trying to get conditions "perfect" or due to genuine positioning and work behind the scenes for the greatest impact? The reason I ask this, is that it has been asked of me by several people, and it brings to the front of my mind a truth spoken to me by my Father years ago...."Son, if you are waiting around for conditions to be perfect...that's all you will ever do...wait."

It seems that sooner is always better than later. "No time like the present..." With the advent of all the knowledge about to pour forth, and the technology about to be revealed, and the freedom from fear about to be delivered, and the knowledge that we are all a part of a great cosmic family, why the delay?

On the other hand, it has been said, that if there is only one reason to do a thing, then without multiplicity of benefit, maybe it is better to wait. However, I do not feel that there is only one reason to wait, especially if that reason circulates around the perfect timing. In fact, reasons abound.

We have all come so far....and the .001% are ready to lead the charge into the future with all that is about to be revealed. Patience IS a virtue, and I am sure that is what is being asked of us. I also understand that it is not wise to show your hold card too soon. It is true that the bigger picture belongs to the "Generals"....and that the foot soldiers await the orders. It would be nice however, to drop the metaphors of war in favor of metaphors of cooperation and love.

Forgive my frustrations.... I just so desire to help NESARA bring peace to my world and to the world of the whole human family.

Hopefully, the wait will soon be over. Love to replace fear. Peace to replace war. Knowledge to overcome ignorance. Blessings abounding to the human family.

I for one, AM ready. I AM a way show-er and truth bringer.

Peace to you...



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 23, 2005


Dear DV:

No, the delay with NESARA is not due to our need for 3D perfection, though all is happening in Heaven's perfection. The hostage taking situation on April 15 caused the initial delay.

Due to the recovery time needed this past week, some of these announcement people returned to their homes. They did not wish to go through another "Beam me up, Scotty" to return to CNN at Atlanta, GA, so were to return by airplane. Some flights were delayed, which prompted the comment by Sannada Immanuel.

A full week was not needed for recovery of our troops, but another legal matter became a problem. Due to the hostage taking incident the delivery of the bank documents was stopped. This caused the dates on these documents to expire and they had to be redone. There is a threshold number of documents that must be delivered to their recipients to reach the required amount of collateral needed for the new gold standard banking system.

The deliveries commenced and the threshold should have been reached by Thursday or Friday. Then came the airline delays. All should be in order for the NESARA announcement to proceed yet this weekend.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DV

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 9:11 PM

Subject: NESARA has been announced in Russia?



NESARA in Russia? And 4 other countries?

More information....please...

If you can....




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 23, 2005


Dear DV:

There is a blackout in our country of any international news that is unacceptable to our evil government. We get some news through the Internet, but even that can be screened by other countries who are being blackmailed by the U.S. to do so.

I have confirmation through the Internet and from Sannada Immanuel of what I said.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DV

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 10:01 PM

Subject: Re: NESARA has been announced in Russia?

FANTASTIC! Soon to be here!!!

Any idea as to why Russia before the US?



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 23, 2005


Dear DV:

Why Russia? We have been under the delusion that Russia is evil. The White Russian people are Christians, of which 20 million were killed by the Communists in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Finally, in 1979 the White Russians threw out the Bolsheviks but kept a Communist political front to fool the world. Their military has always been under White Russian control. They control space on our planet and have total control over the U.S. space program. We have no space program and never have. It is fake, complete with a Hollywood studio to produce space films for our media. The Russians have a space station on the moon and on Mars, and for many years have cooperated with Hatonn and the Pleiadian starfleet to stop nuclear for evil intent on our planet.

They have helped with NESARA and are way ahead of the U.S. in preparing their people for the Golden Age. Comprende? Why not Russia?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DV

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 11:52 PM

Subject: CHAGRINED....and EXCITED!


May I give you an uncharacteristic reaction for a "way show-er" to the words you wrote in your reply to me? First, may I say that I experienced a very strong quickening....and an excitement welled up in me. My out loud expression was, "No Shit!" (sorry....) ;-)

Philosphically there are two key signs that govern intelligence. The first being able to critically examine the possibility that you are wrong, that what you have been taught and accepted as truth, is in fact not truth....and then remain objective. The second sign is to be able to hold in your mind two, diametrically opposed thoughts and remain calm in the center.

I believe this....and practice this....and you have reminded me very eloquently that sometimes it's good to re-visit those lessons. I had no arrogance to my question, I had just understood from my readings that NESARA would be announced here first, then extend to the world. But honestly, it doesn't suprize me at all that our "arrogance" as a nation, because of all the lies at our foundation, would so cloud the true issue of the readiness of the world for NESARA.

Knowing both sides of a question is pretty important, isn't it? I am truly excited and blessed. Thank you for taking the time to shed new light on this for me. I have long wondered about our space program...and what you have said made quite a bit of sense to me.

I am excited for the announcement...and look forward to spreading the good news, and the peace and the hope and the love!

Blessings of love and light...

Thank you...



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 24, 2005


Dear DV:

Why not read Phoenix Journal #3, Space Gate, while you are waiting for the NESARA announcement, if you haven't already done so? There are more surprises!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
