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"Hello, Central!" A Tribue To Fourwinds (Updated October 27, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ometimes. I "accidently" stumbled upon your site, and I have been drawn to it daily ever since. At first, I was I am with all the information I receive. But over time, I came to believe whole-heartedly in "Ascension" and in being a good person, and being "of light" as I like to say....which up until my awakening, was about as dim as can be. You, and your site, has been among the foundations for my own personal growth. At times, I questioned what was on this site. At times, I even doubted the entire "cause", but in the end, I realized there is no other way forward. There have been times when I have been completely lost, and confused....this site particularly always gave me hope, and I always get good vibes from this site. I want to thank you, for telling the truth, and spreading the light. You have spread the light to me, and I work daily to improve it. I have chosen very difficult circumstances to experience in this life, but I am living proof that no matter how "low" you may view yourself to be, no matter how "low" you may appear to others, and no matter how hopeless things seem to be in your life....the Light is there to lift you up, to give you hope, courage, and strength to carry on. Not just carry on, but turn yourself into something marvelous! I have been through the darkness, now I am fully into the light, and only getting "lighter" haha

Once again, this site has been among the foundations of my growth, and for that, I am truly thankful to you for the work you do. Please forgive my badgerings in the past! I was still trying to find my self. You don't have to respond to this message, although if you desire so, that is more than fine by me. I just wanted to let you know what you have done for me, in helping in my awakening, and in turn, the awakening of others around me. The Lord smiles down upon you and your family, Patrick. Thank you.

One Love. J J


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 25, 2006


Dear J J:

Thank you for your gracious letter. It is most helpful to have feed-back and confirmation from our readers, that our work is worthy and helpful to your enlightenment. May you truly find the Truth you seek.

We are glad to be of service to the Light.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


From: LP

To: 'Bellringer'

Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 2:23 PM

Subject: Thanks/An Exclusive

Dear Mr Bellringer, Anne and Team

I just want to join in with all the other readers to share my gratitude for this great gift of Truth, Love and Light you render to us!

Indeed, the courage and determination with which you continue to bring us hope/truth/light, humbled me. My contribution towards Fourwinds is in my thoughts and prayers. Great will your 'reward' be!! I especially thank Ann, for I know, behind every great man, is an even greater woman.

Thank you to all who 'who holds your (Mr Bellringer's) arms up – who stand by him, and encourage him.

Great is my gratitude and those of my family in South Africa. I regularly send parcels with print-outs of information/Phoenix Journals from Fourwinds to them.

After many years of stagnation, (after we left the church, then a cult group) it all began for us with Fourwinds.

Wishing you much love, courage, and light