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"Hello, Central!" Can You Please From Your Website Send Forth A Clarion Call To Stop Hurricane Wilma As We Did For Hurricane Rita?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Center upgraded Hurricane Wilma this morning to an "extremely dangerous" Category 5 and put the Florida Keys on notice that Wilma could be heading its way over the next five days." are attempting to stir the FEAR - another distraction being created to keep NESARA from being announced.

Can you please from your forum and website send forth the clarion calls as we did for Rita to reduce with LOVE every droplet of rain and each and every wind gust. Call for LOVE to disapate the fear and replace it in each and everyone heart with PEACE and CALM. Also it has been sugested that we the Lightworkers hold the vision and truth of Gaia’s perfect health in our minds and hearts.

By these actions we can "take the wind from the sails" of Wilma.

With Love for ALL in the Light of God that Never Fails, I thank you for all your service to others.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 19, 2005


Dear DGF:

Thank you for your letter and reminder that we have the creative thought-power to neutralize the negative energy of Hurricane Wilma, as we did recently for Hurricane Rita.

We honor your request by again calling for all Lightworkers and enlightened people in the United States and around the world to focus their energies on Love, and direct it to Hurricane Wilma. We order through our Mighty I AM Presence these negative energies of wind and rain to dissipate immediately. There shall be no harmful storm!

We send Love to Mother Earth and to her people everywhere. We send Love to those who are fearful of this storm. We send Love to those who are recovering from past storms and disasters worldwide, and we send Love especially to those who are recovering from the earthquake in Pakistan, Kashmir and India. May all their needs be met.

This is the time to end the Darkness! This is the time to bring peace forevermore on Earth Shan! This is the time for NESARA! We order it so! So be it!

May you be safe and greatly blessed for holding the Light in Florida.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
