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"Hello, Central!" How Do You Receive Your Information From Creator God Aton?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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g about the tipping point of Earth Shan. In the last sentence you state that Creator God Aton has confirmed this information as correct. How do you receive your information from Creator God Aton?

Thanks and blessings,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 1, 2007


Dear MP:

Thank you for your question.

Both Anne, my wife, and I receive information from the Ascended Masters and from Creator God Aton of Light through our thoughts in meditation, through the use of the pendulum together, and individually through the computer for Anne as she types, and through my pen as I write. Truth comes to us in various ways, but all must ultimately flow through thought through our God Spirit within, for that is the connection to the "Internet of the Spirit", which originates with Source.

Every souled being has this connection and the ability to communicate with the world of spirit. Most have just forgotten how.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer