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"Hello, Central!" Who Is In Control Of The Earth Mission? I Need Hope, And I Need Clarity On Who To Believe Or Not To Believe

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e been so grateful for the hope that it gives me. I search for what truths I can find on the internet and in books, and usually I am able to trust my own guidance to discern what is truth. If I am unsure, I can tuck the information away until it proves itself to me. I found Patrick's Fourwinds site and was delighted that there was a link there to Sheldan's articles. Then Patrick introduced us to Candace who feels like a kindred soul to me. I could feel her discomfort - even anguish - at being in the middle of channel wars. I sent Candace an email about an experience I occasionally have with orbs and lights coming toward me and scanning me, and asked her opinion about them. I told her that I believe I am a starseed, and I was thrilled that she took the time out of her busy schedule to answer me so quickly. I have never emailed Patrick or Sheldan before now. However, I believe I am experiencing some confusion that many others may also be dealing with, and I thought your responses might help others like me.

First of all, let me thank you all so very much for all the hard work you have done. It makes such a difference to my life to have the hope that your articles and messages offer.

Recently Patrick published a response to a man called RT about karma (see attached file). RT mentioned the book "The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East" and said that karma was an illusion. I have also read those books and found so much truth in them. Of course, I understand that this reality is not real - it is an illusion. I have always been taught that GOD does not punish us - our own souls punish us for our misdeeds. Anyway, since I had read somewhere that the Pleidians are no longer in control of the Earth mission and that the Sirians have now taken the reigns, I decided to try and find that information online again and ask for some understanding on the subject.

Instead, I found some very disturbing information. See this website: The site had quoted some Excerpts from the Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow. The book was apparently published in 1995 and somehow I never read it. Two excerpts follow: 1) By the way, there exists in your field a book called You Are Becoming a Galactic Human, which promulgates the idea that Sirians will show up and rescue earthlings with their spaceships. Forget it, people! Quit watching your skies and jump in the sack! ( pages 12, 13)

2) The book, You Are Becoming a Galactic Human, suggests that the Sirians will rescue you when you are in the Photon Band during the coming Age of Aquarius. They can do that, just as the Pleiadians once did, but the Pleiadians discovered that interference in your realm aborts ascension. As for the Sirians, if they block your process in any way, they will be living the next 13,000 years with you on Earth. The Pleidians have learned that nobody lifts beings out of 3D; 3D simply sucks in those who intervene so they can work out karma. As for you humans, if such a choice is offered to you and you decide to play with the Sirians, then you will learn a lot from them during the Galactic Night from 4000 A.D. to 15,000 A.D. ( page 24 )

I know that Barbara Hand Clow is well thought of in many circles, but I have never read much of her materials. As Sananda and Hatonn have said in Candace's information on channeling wars, there is some truth in many places.

I look for signs everywhere of the Second Coming and NESARA. I read Whitley Streiber's "Unknown Country" site and have found confirmation of some material there because he publishes news that is not available to the general American public. George Noory's Coast to Coast also occasionally has evidence of what goes on unseen.

I recently unsubscribed to UFO FACTS with Dr. Boylan because he made comments about Sheldan's channeled information be stolen from other channelers. He also said that Zachariah Sitchin's work is incorrect because Star Visitors have never done anything but good for humanity.

I apologize for the length of this email, but I feel it is important to explain how much confusion there can be from all the information and/or disinformation out there. I know that my intuition is not at its best lately. My mother made the transition in July and my older brother committed suicide in November. I just started a new career in the mental health field and it has been a difficult adjustment for me dealing everyday with patients who have a mental disorder and are alcohol/drug addicted.

I guess I am asking for help for all of us who are trying to keep the faith. I have had so many incredible experiences in my life: I once walked across hot coals at a firewalk and didn't burn my feet; I have asked for healing and actually laid in my bed one night and felt a presence that I could not see giving healing energies to me. I felt the warmth all over my body and I have never again had that type of pain in my life. I know that our space brothers and sisters are out there and I know that major changes are coming at least by December 21, 2012. I just need a boost of hope today and some clarity on who and what to believe and not to believe.

Thank you all for your kindness!

Love and Light, MS


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 16, 2005


Dear MS:

Thank you for your letter. I understand your perplexity over the abundance of information being presented to Truthseekers today. Your closest friend and Truthbringer is your God Spirit within who knows all Truth.

One of our greatest lessons to learn is the lesson of Discernment. We must literally create a quiet time in our busy life to meditate and listen to our thoughts. Our thoughts connect us to the great thought-energy highway of the universe, to the Cosmos, to Creator God Aton/Christ Michael/Hatonn and to the Source of All. Every soul is connected through their God Spirit within to this energy highway of Truth via telepathy.

Therefore, we can ask any question through our thoughts and receive an answer again through our thoughts from these Realms of Light and Truth. Our body will also react to the frequencies of positive energy (Truth) or of negative energy (Lie) through our feelings such as our heart center and our gut feelings. We can know by our feelings if something "rings" true.

The Phoenix Journals are also known as the Holy Books of the Lighted Realms and are Truth presented to us one last time by Creator God Aton/Hatonn, Sananda Immanuel and the Ascended Masters. It is true that we can find may sources of Truth, but there is also disinformation intentionally being presented by the Darkside to cause confusion. Even the Holy Bible has become so distorted over time that Hatonn has called it "Satan's War Book". Therefore, discernment is vitally important to find Truth.

You raised a question concerning the Sirians and Pleiadians. When Sananda Immanuel returned to Earth Shan in 1954, he came aboard The Phoenix Starship with Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn. Hatonn is the Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet. He is also Aton/Christ Michael, Creator of the Nebadon Universe. It is quite likely that he spoke Truth in the Phoenix Journals that were written and published in the 1990's for our use.

The Phoenix is the Command ship for the Pleiadian Star Fleet. In 1954 they came with ten million starships, as the "Host of Heaven" sent to Earth Shan to assist with her Ascension. By contrast the Sirians have offered their help but with a second agenda. The Sirian plan was to secretly move into a position of control over Earth Shan's people, so they could use them as benevolent slaves. That plan has been stopped, but there are Sirian minions who still remain with that as their goal.

Needless to say, all Dark energies and those persons of Dark intent will not be allowed to remain on Earth Shan in the Coming Golden Age. Many are already leaving. Our great hope lies in the Truth of NESARA as the first step to bringing balance and harmony again to our planet. Then our friends aboard the starships will land in a matter of days, and the Second Coming of Sannada Immanuel will follow soon afterwards. There is joy in knowing that NESARA is here and planned for this week. May you find hope in this, and may you always find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
