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"Hello, Central!" Could It Be That There Are Twenty-Seven More Indictments To Be Released By A Federal Judge? What Is Your Opinion?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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grand Jury stated that the indictments were to be released by a judge, I suppose because the Atty. General (Gonzales) was himself being indicted. The Libby indictment was released by Fitzgerald and really had little to do with the more serious indictments of the other twenty seven discussed by Flocco.

2. The other indictments may come down at any time, released by a Federal Judge.

What is your opinion of such a scenario?

I thought I had learned my lesson not to write any letter when I am upset. Please pardon me.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 28, 2005


Dear CB:

You are most wise to pay attention to detail, in this case, that any further indictments must be released by a Federal Judge. Why is this so? You asked for my opinion, so here it is. I do not pretend to know all, but I shall lay out a scenario which I believe has possibilities.

1. Sherman Skolnick has said that there are a total of twenty-eight indictments to be released at this time by the Fitzgerald Grand Jury. I have no reason to believe that he is wrong. We have also been told that another one hundred indictments are "waiting in the wings' of the stage.

2. One indictment was made public today (Oct. 28, 2005) by the media and Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. Why, and who released it? Did you not think it strange that when Fitzgerald presented the indictments to U.S. Attorney Gonzales, Gonzales immediately removed himself from the case. Why? I believe he did that because one of the indictments was against him. Thus, it follows that a Federal Judge had to release the one indictment that was made public today, but why only one?

I believe this was done to appease the public. Today was the last day for the Fitzgerald Grand Jury to officially function, and the public has waited for twenty-two months for some results to be made known. The media frenzy had raised the tension and anticipation to a high level. Fitzgerald had to give an account of his work on this last day to justify the time and money spent.

Behind the scenes the Bush Crime Family and their cohorts have been very busy trying to fire Fitzgerald and seal up the indictments as a means of damage control. They tried legal action in two levels of the Washington, D.C. courts this past week to bury the indictments but were thrown out of court each time. Had they reached the U.S. Supreme Court level, their hope was to "win" as they did in 2000 with their Presidential election fraud.

3. Only one indictment was released today, I believe, because time was needed to set things in order for the "big event". I am expecting to see the remaining twenty-seven indictments released by a Federal Judged possibly on Saturday October 29, 2005. These, I believe, will be against G.W. Bush;, Dick Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and Rove to name only a few. This will send shock waves through our nation and around the world.

4. Should these indictments be released and made public, that opens the door for the official public announcement of NESARA. That could follow, lets say, Saturday evening, but it is more probable to happen in my opinion on Sunday, October 30, 2005, because most people would be out cold with shock and probably would not even hear the NESARA announcement on Saturday.

We must give people a little time to recover before we blow them over with more Truth! The public will not be ready for the "thief in the night". Any way, you asked for my opinion. This is what I am creating to happen. My timing may be off but, I believe, the events are not.

5. Another scenario may follow if this one I propose does not. China holds great power over our economy, and we are kept afloat economically by borrowing money daily from China, Japan, Britain, Arabia, and South Korea. China hold the "trump card, and China has given notice that unless G.W. Bush allows NESARA to be accomplished immediately, China will dump the billions of U.S. dollars (FRN's) she holds onto the international market. This would crash our fake economy, close our banks and bring down the U.S. "bankrupt" Government in a heart beat. Then NESARA could proceed as planned.

So, my friend, either way we win, though the second scenario may take a week or two longer to accomplish. These are my thoughts and my opinions. Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Christ Michael told us today that "Now is the day your cabal falls, and soon after that the NESRA announcement comes aboard. Today is a great day! Tomorrow will be greater for the prosperity programs are being delivered, and relief for all of you shall come quickly."

Let us hold that hope and that joy.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
