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"Hello, Central!" I Need Your Help To Sort Things Out!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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fo out there, as well as channeled books on multitudinous topics. Also, many people are aware of Project Blue Beam, which is described at the link below. Also, there are chemtrails everywhere, and my cats and birds, in particular, seem to be telling me that something noisy in the air is bothering them, and me too! After looking at Alice Bailey's works, as well as Blavatsky and Roerich, it seems that a preponderance of "Now Age" and channeled work is based on their principles - right down to the "Spiritual Hierarchy"(Nidle), the "Great Invocation", etc. etc.........................How can "We the People" be certain that our still small voice within isn't something beamed to us on TPTB's chemtrail-filled airwaves. I have read A LOT lately about hope-filled Lightworkers saying the Earth changes will be revealing hidden objects that will alter our religious perceptions - is this intended by TPTB?? However, We can't depend on the Bible for accurate information. Are thousands of hopeful Lightworkers really following the work of Satan? Even A & A quote Dwaj Khul (Satan??) very regularly and people email me his quotes like they are really a BIG DEAL!! Are many Lightworkers who are trying to work for the highest good really working for the highest evil without knowing it, and thus hindering progress rather than helping it?? Has the dark side "cooked up" this plan for many many years for this very purpose??!! Could Nidle's work be a set-up for Project Blue Beam? If one reads the reviews of "The Secret Doctrine" and other works by the authors below, they think that these works are "the bee's knees" of spiritual writing and doctrine! If the planet is to be evacuated soon, should I just forget all this and focus on other things on FW10, or is this something that needs to be pursued and the word gotten out there ASAP?? For that matter, am I on the right track here or on another dark path set-up?? Sorry to be SO disjointed, but SO MUCH of the written material "out there" contains Bailey/Blavatsky/Roerich doctrine disguised as divine doctrine-is this another "People of the LIE" example that needs to be spread to the four winds ASAP, or am I just being paranoid today(or overly affected by all our latest chemtrails)????!!!! I know you have SO MUCH to do and probably haven't even recovered from helping your daughter move yet, but could you help me make sense of this mess?? Have you published, in the past, a "People of the Lie" piece on Bailey/Blavatsky/Roerich etc.?? THANKS for listening to my perplexing mind-boggling scenario! If you could point me/Us in the right direction in this regard, it would be a great service and MUCH appreciated. Meanwhile, I'll get back to the Talmud, where it's safe!!

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Feb. 23, 2007


Dear PD:

Thank you for your letter. Discernment is most important in the face of the barrage of spiritual stuff being presented on the Internet. The New Agers appear to be working overtime to present their nonsense. Then there are those "channelers", who communicate with various 4D entities, who also spread disinformation.

As you know, the basis of Truth at Fourwinds are the Phoenix Journals. We measure all else by them. Why? They were given to us by Creator God Aton and the Ascended Masters and Esu Immanuel Sananda for this very reason of finding our way through the "wilderness" in these "last days".

Their message is very simple. Live the Laws of God and Creation (Journal 27) and help others where you can. This age ends, as always, with Mother Earth cleaning off the evil in preparation for starting over in purity. Evacuation is made of those, who choose to board the Starship to be taken to safety.

Many today are being deceived and moving into the broad way that leads to destruction. Esu said "Narrow is the way that leads to Life, and few will find it." Project Blue Beam was perfected and attempted in the early 1990's using thirty satellites, but failed when the Star People simply turned the satellites to wrong positions. Blue Beam is history! Chemtrails are not a problem, if we ask for protection. Again, the Star People are cleaning up much of the chemtrail toxins.

We are responsible for ourselves, our lessons and spiritual growth, and we help others, as we can, but everyone is held accountable for his own deeds and karma. Our job at Fourwinds is to proclaim Truth to the world, the Truth of the Phoenix Journals. This we have done! What more is there to say? Either people will listen and respond accordingly, or they will not.

Only when you have asked for Divine Protection and believe it, do you have it. Then no Darkside energy, entity or technology can enter your space. Then it is that you know that the "still, small voice within" is not some mind-control technology beamed at you. That "voice" within is your connection, your life-line to Creator God, and your means of knowing all Truth.

Yes, the Talmud of Jmmanuel is a "safe" place. You will recall that I did a comparison of The Talmud of Jmmanuel, a portion of Phoenix Journal two, and Matthew Chapter 24 recently. The Talmud of Jmmanuel and Journal two were identical, as both were a direct quote from Esu, whereas Matthew was similar, due to distortion in translations over time.

My sister, life need not be complex and confusing. The Truth is simple, making the way of Love and Goodness quite simple. Much confusion is put into our pathway for our lessons, but when we follow our heart and the Light within, we will find the narrow way that leads to Truth and Life and Joy and Peace. May you always find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer