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"Hello, Central!" Who Would Have Thought That We Would Go From April To November Without NESARA? Is Not Letters To The Clergy A Post NESARA Positive Event?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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he continuing lack of a result. The statement "Hours not Days" (in the waiting) made a number of weeks ago continues to confound me. There is no shadow of a doubt that we will get a result "soon" but the interpretation of soon is a flexible one. Who would have thought after the challenges on April 15th that we would be in November, still chasing the catalyst that is NESARA ?? The time for letter writing and street marching is surely past and yet Sheldan Nidle, of all people, suggests more letters in his latest report ! I am amazed... As for letters to the clergy, that is a post NESARA request and I would have thought a positive one do you not agree ? As always I applaud and honour all that you and Anne are doing.

Love and light NESARA NOW !



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 3, 2005


Dear BG.:

Thank you for your wise comments. Yes, we wonder about the time span of April to November to get the job done. The Realms of Light did not anticipate such evil resistance from this last Cabal. They must still honor certain freewill choices, even of the Darkside, before counter measures can be taken.

No amount of letter writing and street marching will defeat them. They are using 4D energy thought-power and technology, for example mind-control and particle beam weapons to defeat us. This must be countered by 4D and higher energy and tactics. That is why the power of thought is so necessary, and that is why the Star People of 5D and higher are needed to help us turn back the Darkness.

Sheldan Nidle presents the information he is given but occasionally lets his own thoughts come through, which shows that his focus is still on 3D thinking. Even letters to the clergy post-NESARA may convince few, if any, of changing their long held mind-set. I have been there, and I know how they think and how controlling the religious system is and has always been.

What in NESARA would make them change their views? It is possible that First Contact would shake a few up, but given their thirst for power and money, such changes may serve to cement them even stronger to their belief-system. The appearance of Esu Immanuel Sananda in a physical body may not be very convincing to the Christian Cult leaders, let alone to their followers. With little or no God-connection, faith becomes dead.

Thought-power is where it is at, my friend. The Darkside has worked very hard to make us believe otherwise. Had we known our true power to create by thought, we would have upset the plans of the Darkside eons ago.

We have great power that we have never utilized. The positive energy of a fully-energized Lightworker can neutralize the negative energy equal to a million negative-thinking people. Just one person can change a whole city, that is our positive energy goes into the mass consciousness and neutralizes the negative energy equal to that of a whole city of negative people. Think what we could have done, had we been taught this concept of Truth in our childhood.

Many Lightworkers now understand their thought-power and are using it for great good. The Darkside is finished on Earth Shan, and they know it. Washington, D.C., today, is in panic, as these evil leaders are pulling down their own house built upon the sand. Know that God's delays are not God's denials, and that these delays are also dependent upon the freewill choices and actions of all involved.

Yes, using the power of positive thinking is also an action and, used properly, can change our world. It is finished! Thank you for your kind words, my brother.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
