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"Hello, Central!" Why All The Media Uproar Over O.J. Simpson's Latest Legal Troubles?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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set up. Would you happen to know anything about this? I had read from this site once how O.J. Simpson was framed for the murder of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, and that he was going to go public about the corruption of the US government, I wanted to know more information about this. If you could respond, or write an article to put on your website, it would be good, because there is alot of misinformation being spread out there, and people need to know the truth about this. Much love and light, thank you.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 23, 2007


Dear JJ:

Thank you for your letter. O.J. Simpson was recently set up again by the corrupt legal and law enforcement systems to use a well known person as a decoy to focus the public's attention away from what the evil U.S. Government is really doing, namely moving nuclear-armed missiles into position for deployment in another terrorist attack within the U.S. as a reason to attack Iran, and also within Anbar Providence in Iraq to finally secure the oil. The goal is to take full control of Iraq's oil and then move on and secure the Iranian oil as well.

Please understand that O.J. Simpson did not kill his wife, Nicole Simpson. That was an Israeli Mossad/U.S. CIA Operation to stop O.J. Simpson from teaming up with Dr. Louis Farrakhan in a plan to tell the Truth about the U.S. Secret Government and their evil work to destroy America. Under our U.S. Constitution and its justice system, no citizen can be tried twice for the same crime. Guess what? O.J. Simpson was tried in both criminal court and in civil court for the same crime. This man has been put through "hell" to deliberately stop him from revealing Truth to the people.

The darkside always uses public figures as examples to threaten and create fear in the masses, whether they be "whistleblowers" or protestors of war or of unlawful taxation. It has ever been that way. I do not know the Truth of this recent incident with O.J.. Simpson, but I suspect it to be a simple situation with a reasonable explanation, that the U.S. Government-controlled and lying media has used to create this huge "dust cloud" to hide from public view their evil antics.

Moral of this discussion: Expect to be eaten alive by Bush-foot, if you tell the Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer