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"Hello, Central!" Would You Please Share Your Understanding of What Happened at Virginia Tech? (Updated April 23, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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does it mean in the big picture?





FROM: Patrick H. Bellrnger


DATE: April 18, 2007


Dear D:

Thank you for your letter. Yes, deliberate killing of anyone is most certainly of Darkside energy. For many years mind-control technology has been used by the U.S. Government and U.S. Military for their evil ends. Children are put under M-K Ultra mind-control and programmed to respond to their handlers. People can be programmed with trigger words or signals to do something at a given time, even many years later.

The person may live what appears to be normal lives, but when the signal is given, they act according to their programming. Many of the random killings, assassinations, and murders, such as happened at Virginia Tech, are actually caused by "programmed people. At one time the U.S. Government released thousands of programmed serial killers on the streets of Los Angeles. These were "time bombs" set to go off at a given signal.

Was Cho Seung Hui mind-controlled? I suspect so, if not by our evil FBI/CIA, then certainly by the Evil Spirits and demons of Darkness. To read more on this subject I refer you to Phoenix Journal number 101 entitled, "The Breathing Dead and Cement Children".

The timing of this mass murder certainly is advantageous to the Darkside. This serves as a distraction to remove the focus of public attention from Attorney General Gonzalas and his crimes against the Federal Judges. More importantly is the value this incident has for the One World Order's plans for control of the people.

G.W. Bush is under great pressure from his "handlers" to declare martial law, as the means to finally bring the U.S. under total control of the One World Order. Bush has been stopped from declaring martial law because of his fear of the people. Too many citizens still have guns. Gun control laws have been slow in coming, but gradually, when enough "controlled murder" has occurred, the people shall agree to give up their right to bear arms.

There is little doubt but that the Virginia Tech mass murder incident was staged for the purpose of creating fear for the specific purpose of increasing gun control laws. It is interesting that only last year the Virginia legislature killed a bill that would have allowed students to carry concealed weapons on campus. Had students had weapons with them at Virginia Tech, it is probable that no one would have been killed at all, because Cho Seung Hui would have known that his own life would have been at risk.

Things always happen for a reason. We grieve with these families for their loss, and we send them the Angels to give comfort and peace and wisdom. May this be a wake-up call to all Americans, that the evil One World Order is quite alive and proceeding with their plans of fear and control.

How much more will it take until we say, "Enough"?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: H and MS

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:39 PM

Subject: Fw: Mark & Cathy (Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien)

Dear Patrick; BINGO! After reading your "Hello Central" message for today, I just knew that what I'd learned from Alfred Bielek's report on the Montauk Boys and the training that they received, it had to be an inside job --- much like the way you responded to the happening at Virginia Tec. Well, here's some second or third hand information that further nails the lid on who's responsible for such an inhuman act. When the truth is known, will the cement people survive such a shock? I have my doubts. May you and Anne enjoy good health through lift off. We love you both dearly,

H and MS

----- Original Message-----

From: Smitty

To: H and MS

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:45 PM

Subject: Mark & Cathy

From Mark & Cathy - April 18, 2007

Hi ... sadly ... though predictably ... it is major D.C. diversion time again to focus folks away from what Congress and the Executive branch are infighting about today: More $ for the wars being waged against countries that have never done anything against the US.

Below this intro are some direct quotes from our book "ACCESS DENIED"...about a tiny little town in Virginia ... Blacksburg we felt strongly would eventually become "news"!

WHY.... because Blacksburg houses (underground in the side of a local Blacksburg mountain!) the best kept US government's ABOVE TOP SECRET laboratory for developing/applying (as in Cathy's case) such weapons such as human robotic mind control programming.

Ask yourself... "how ironic" that a tiny little town, as disclosed about in ACCESS DENIED in Virginia could HOST the worst school massacre in US history on a day of extreme importance that a so called "showdown between Congress and the Pentagon/Executive Branch" over the war funding and pulling our troops out ... to most likely divert the people's attention away from what is being perpetrated against all of u.s.

PLEASE consider why we entitled this chapter (22) (your) "NEED-TO-KNOW"!

Please, we beg of you ... consider today ... do it now .. strongly recommending our book "ACCESS DENIED For Reasons Of National Security" to everyone on your mailing list as a MUST READ NOW ... as they have a "need-to-know the facts that support why we include such "notable mention" of Blacksburg, Va., population 48,595 minus 31.

From "ACCESS DENIED For Reasons OF National Security" , chapter 22, page 160, 2nd edition

Cathy: What's DARPA?

Mark: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency[1]. It's the most Top Secret special weapons development lab in the world.

Cathy: I'm glad I don't know about that one.

From "ACCESS DENIED For Reasons OF National Security" , chapter 22, page 161, 2nd edition

Below is the exact recorded dialog between Mark & Cathy while driving to a Washington D.C. speaking engagement.

Mark: You've talked about, only not by name. It's in a sleepy little town in Virginia.

Cathy: Oh, that place, I shuddered. I guess I didn't Need-to-Know the name when I was there. Isn't it called Blackbeard or Blackbird or something like that?

Mark: Keep looking until you see a road sign in memory.

Cathy: Blacksburg!

Mark: Yes! I was aware of it when I was couriering file tapes for Ampex. My perception of DARPA is that it holds the key to what is eroding the soul of America- and the world. Everything I know may still be classified.

Cathy: Then I won't ask you what you saw. I said, aware that laws of Sedition could result in his imprisonment if anyone found out he was talking.

(footnote on page 161) [1] Wear anti-virus firewalls if/when seeking further information online regarding DARPA!

Thank you, for your time to read this and pass it along to everyone you know ... and for your help to reach ones who are not so well informed as you.

Peace, Mark & Cathy


----- Original Message -----

From: D


Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:59 AM

Subject: VA Tech

Dear Patrick, While everyone is praying for the 31 students and teachers who died, I think we need to pray for Mr. Cho. If he was programmed to shoot people, he needs our prayers, too. Di, Cerrillos, NM


----- Original Message -----

From: L from South Korea"


Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:14 AM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Let's look at this Virginia Tech massacre, at a different angle. We react to the incident with great disbelief and horror and we should. But quite often, if not with every serious incident in America. Most people rarely look at the cause, but remain focused on the effect. Maybe, the gunman was on some type of mind-controling drugs. It is possible that the government/cia were invovled in this incident to distract Americans from other matters, which would be no surprise. Why? Many people believe that 9-11 was a governmet-sponsored-terrorist event. But is it possible, if not probable, that this individual who gunned-down so many...had enough? I can see many who have written to fourwinds, who also seem to HAVE HAD ENOUGH! Okay, fair enough, maybe he was assisted/possessed by dark negative energies or by others with the same. But are you Americans really watching as this scenario unfolds in the media? Do you really, want to see the truth, even if it is presented to you...from the gunman himself?!

This event was quite traumatic and horrific. I would never condone this man's actions to kill, regardless under any conditions, accept for self-defense/preservation. He made a videotape of himself(supposedly), so let us look at what he had to say, before the massacre took place:

"Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats," says Cho, a South Korean immigrant whose parents work at a dry cleaners in suburban Washington. "Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs. Your trust funds wasn't enough. Your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."

Does this sound like someone who was insane or demon-possessed? According to a medical examination, mental or physical problems seem to have bee ruled-out:

"A medical examination conducted Dec. 14 reported that that Cho's "affect is flat. ... He denies suicidal ideations. He does not acknowledge symptoms of a thought disorder. His insight and judgment are normal."

This man may have been suffering for much longer, that only he and God could see:

"You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience," he says, apparently reading from his manifesto. "You thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people."

Indeed, this man speaks as if he was a tormented soul. Tormented by others, in the 'everyday life' of many who live in America. Can many of you, before the destruction of a good soul, say that your heart has never been vandalized? Perhaps by someone you loved and trusted with your heart and soul? Have you never felt betrayed at a soul level or your conscience(if you have one) bludgeoned out of your existence? Is it that surprising that someone can be pushed to the edge, given the circumstances today? My goodness, I know how this man feels. It is so terrible, to see the light snuffed-out in this man and the ones he killed.

He also felt for others, especially for the weak and defenseless people. He hoped to inspire these individuals. But I hope not in the way of violence, but inner strength. The former would be self-defeating and no better then those who perpetuate violence. I do not agree with using Christ as an anology or reference. Christ did not leave this world in the same manner. In fact, Christ avoided violence at all costs. A great spirit, who new all too well, the repercussions of ones' actions.

You want to take back your nation? It is high time that people in America(the rest of world as well) TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your actions, especially to others! A simple, yet perfect rule "YOU MUST DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU" Do you just look at your government as the one at fault, or maybe the gun laws? You have a government you deserve, because YOU allowed it to come into fruition. A government leads by example, what kind of example have each one of you have shown?Do you think inanimate objects are to blame too? Guns DO NOT KILL, PEOPLE KILL. Cars DO NOT KILL, PEOPLE BEHIND THE WHEEL KILL.

You indulge to the point where it comes pouring-out of every orifice of your bodies. You exploit one another to the point of death or sickness, within and without your nation. Look at your programs on T.V.! Can you honestly say that your nation behaves with integrity, honesty and respect for yourselves and others? America attracts many to its' way of life. I see this in many counries throughout the world, even where I live now, here in South Korea. But what kind of life is it? Sickly materialistic, self-indulgent, egotisitic and voyeuristic to the point of suffocating the soul. America's borders are wide open to legals and illegals alike. Oh! You call that multiculturalism, but I call it a recipe for socio-political-economic disaster. Where does the buck stop? How much is enough? Where will you draw the line? Do you turn to the dogma and ritual of religions? Oh who cares, because you just go to your church and you believe God will do the rest. What good has that done, thus far? Yes, you go to church to pray to God once a week and then the rest of the week, you prey on each other!

Isn't it time to wake-up America? Before it comes to the point, that you cannot?

Please! Be kind and thoughtful to your brothers and sisters. Our existence depends on it!

Thanks to the Bellringers, if they post this and for hosting a site that continues to expose the content of the Phoenix Journals. Books that light the way in these dark times.

L,South Korea.


----- Original Message -----

From: DH


Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 2:02 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Hi Patrick,

Nesara & Wanta seem to be parallel tracks, striking at the financial heart of the illuminists. The recent Wanta report parallels what you are publishing in terms of Nesara events.'s_warning_o

I think World Report got it right on V Tech in this latest report:


On 16th April, we had another diversion, timed to coincide with Wantagate, in the form of the 'Manchurian Candidate' operation, riddled with 'extraordinary' anomalies, in which a 'Monarch slave' student murdered the geomasonically precise number of 32 victims, including a renowned Jewish Professor of Romanian background - before turning his gun on himself, to 'complete' the esoteric numeral of 33 deaths. The gunman, subsequently identified as 23-year-old Virginia Tech senior Cho Seung-Hui, of Korean extraction, took care to shoot each of his victims THREE times, and here's why. Without going into any detail here about Luciferian mind-control programming practice (of Luciferian, Himmlerian, Tavistock Institute and Jesuit Illuminati origin in the modern context), it is a fact that Omega mind programming controlled inter alia by an Executive Control Board (Grand Druid Council) uses numeric codes for gaining forced access to traumatised and pre-programmed controlled 'slave' operatives within which the 'trigger' numeric code prompting the controlled operative-victim to commit murder is 3221456. Note that the first two numbers coincide with the number of Cho's victims. The universal programming code for access to the 'programmed internal computers' of these intelligence sector controlled Monarch 'slaves' is 33123113211. Note also that the first two numerals coincide with the 'completed' number of dead, including the mass murderer himself, as well as 'triggering' him to shoot each victim THREE times. George Bush Sr., former Director of Central Intelligence and head of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst in succession to Dr Henry Kissinger and Admiral Canaris (Samuel Randall Pittmann), 'was' a Monarch 'slave' handler.

This was a horrible and really obvious move by the dark side. It doesn't generate anything positive, but we should be able to see it for the desparate move that it was, which should encourage all who love the Lord and His coming.