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"Hello, Central!" How Does One Qualify To Become a Lightworker?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: October 24, 2006


Dear EC:

Thank you for your question. To become a Lightworker depends upon your desire, your enlightenment and discernment and your willingness to serve. Many people are Lightworkers and do not really know it! They have kindness and love for others and show it by their actions. They have compassion and carry the Light of Truth.

Some people are helpers. Some are prayer warriors. Some are teachers. Some are leaders, and many just toil in the everyday world and brighten their way with a smile or a simple act of kindness to someone.

There are no 3D classes by Guru's to attend to become a Lightworker. You are a Lightworker by choice, when you love yourself enough to be able to share that Love with others. There is no qualifying to be a Lightworker, except by the sincerity of your heart, which you and Creator God alone can judge.

Let your Light so shine before the people that they may see your good works and give thanks to Creator God for your Light and Love to them.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer